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Melissa Indria Pertiwi
Melissa Indria Pertiwi Mohon Tunggu... -

Graduated from Institut Teknologi Bandung, she took Visual Communication Design (here is famous as DKV) and currently work as a copywriter in one of multinational advertising agencies in Jakarta.




Kingdom: Animalia

22 April 2014   17:14 Diperbarui: 23 Juni 2015   23:21 58
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Sosbud. Sumber ilustrasi: Indonesia

I wonder why humans act all high.

Could it be because God ever said that we’re humans, happen to be the most perfect creatures He has ever made?

That we’re blessed with intelligences.

And just like that,  humans soon think; “Great, I’m the most intelligence creature in this Earth. You, plants, you stupid. You can’t even make a sound! You, animals, the fuck are you doing here oh yes you’re here to entertain us, humans.”

But God forgot to bold it out that other creatures are also blessed with souls.

I’m personally disturbed that today I read someone tweeted about “Why we bother caring about animals, let’s just care about each other (humans) first!”

Well, ladies and gentlemen.

I want to think positively toward our mighty God, yes I do. So this is what I think;

Yes, maybe God made us the most perfect creature He has ever made. But with a purpose,  and that costs greater responsibility.

It is so us, humans, can take care of other ‘less-perfect’ creatures, such as vertebrate animals, plants, insects (eww), even mollusks, and starfishes, planktons, you name the rest.

And yes, because God forgot to remind you about this, let me remind you, that yes, animals and plants also have souls.

Why do you think wolves cry in the middle of the night?

And why cats act like they are goddess and slave us (who stupidly think that they are cute)?

And why elephants never forget?

And why Mimosa pudica is always shy when you touch it?

Because they have souls (and natural reflects, which I can’t explain because I’ve been studying art for the last 4 years and I forgot everything about sciences)

And I will add another reason why we should care about animals:

If you ever realize, we’re classified under the same Kingdom. You remember that Kingdom-Phyllum-Class-Ordo thingy?

Yes, the fact is (based on sciences, I do not make this thing up) humans and dogs, cats, avis (etc) are classified under one kingdom; Animalia.

(Ha! Eat that! We’re all animals after all!)

So anyone who says we should care about each other first before we care about animals, YES, YES, WE SHOULD CARE ABOUT ANIMALS BECAUSE WE ARE ‘EACH OTHER’ BECAUSE WE BELONG UNDER THE SAME KINGDOM!

So yeah, now we have no more reason not to care about animals. Because God wants us to take care of them (okay this is my own summary but please, please consider about it) and we’re belong under the same kingdom; Animalia.

Have a good rest now, my Animalia fellows!

U。・ェ・。U “woff!”

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