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Meliana Putri Maharani
Meliana Putri Maharani Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Mahasiswa

Undergraduate International Relations student at University of Singaperbangsa Karawang.



Ilmu Sosbud

Indonesia's New Law: Banning Sex Outside of Marriage

28 Desember 2022   01:19 Diperbarui: 28 Desember 2022   01:22 503
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(Source: Youtube, uploaded by tvOneNews)

This Criminal Code Law is considered to cause a lot of criminalization. He also said that the ratification of the RKUHP would greatly affect freedom of expression and human rights.

Many people disagree with this, because the government is considered to be interfering in the personal affairs of its citizens, thinking too much about moral matters rather than more dangerous things, should take care of more important issues, can trap others or be misused, and also too restrictive on things that are not important. Finally, because the previous Criminal Code was a Dutch legacy, and the current one is considered more appropriate.

Opponents of the new penal code also argue that it threatens the global reputation of Indonesia, which has long been considered the most populous Muslim country in the world and has built itself as a tolerant and secular country.

However, there are also people who agree with this law, because it is considered to have moral value, marriage relationships will not be disrupted, avoid disease, and there are also those who agree because they are considered in accordance with religious values.

The new law is seen as a response to rising religious conservatism in Muslim-majority Indonesia in recent years, with strict Islamic rules being enforced in some parts of the country. In Bali, Hindus are the majority and tend to have a more liberal social environment that attracts Western tourists.

This Criminal Code Law was also responded to by the famous lawyer, Hotman Paris. He strongly rejected the contents of the Criminal Code on adultery and the prohibition of sex outside marriage. Because this law only applies if the immoral act is reported and known by the community. If no one reports and knows about it, the perpetrator will not get the sanctions listed in the law.

(Source: Youtube, uploaded by tvOneNews)
(Source: Youtube, uploaded by tvOneNews)

The essence of this article mentioned by Hotman Paris is that it applies if someone reports. If this regulation is made to regulate morals, then the contents of the Criminal Code are damaging the morals of Indonesian society. Because the perpetrator can freely have sex if it is not reported. This response was delivered by Hotman Paris when he was a guest star on a television program.

The Impacts

The passing of this criminal law is considered to have an impact on tourism and hospitality in Indonesia.

It can be said that way, because hotels never question the personal affairs or marriage affairs of visitors who will stay overnight, but this criminal law is considered to take care of people's personal affairs too much. So because of this, it will affect hospitality throughout Indonesia.

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