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The Important Of Cultural Diversity in Education

16 Desember 2021   09:00 Diperbarui: 16 Desember 2021   09:15 231
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Essay  "The Important of Cultural Diversity in Education"

A. Introduction  

In this article, we will explain about cultural diversity in education. Starting from the understanding of what cultural diversity is. How is it related to education? And why is it important? We will explain them one by one…  

This essay was written in order to complete the Emotional Intelligence course's goal of discussing "The Importance of Cultural Diversity in Education." Furthermore, to understand and learn more about the value of cultural diversity in education. The essay "The Importance of Cultural Diversity in Education," which we wrote, is valuable for boosting community and global knowledge of cultural diversity in education. We can know and grasp the numerous types of cultural diversity disparities that occur in the field of education because of the existence of cultural diversity. We may learn from each other and appreciate each other's differences as a result of this. Furthermore, kids who learn about diverse cultures as part of their education feel more at ease and secure dealing with these disparities later in life. This allows people to interact with others from a broader range of social groups and to feel more secure in themselves and in their relationships with others. This essay's topic is closely related to the material covered in the emotional intelligence class, especially social sensitivity and diversity. Being emotionally literate implies that we are also socially competent and can comprehend the cultural reasons for every behavior.  

One of the reasons for Indonesia's high cultural diversity is that it is one of Southeast Asia's largest archipelagic countries. Cultural diversity in Indonesian education occurs as a result of the country's many diverse cultures. So, what exactly is cultural diversity? Cultural diversity (also referred to as multiculturalism) refers to a various group of individuals from various cultures or societies. Factors in cultural diversity, such as language, religion, race, gender, age, and ethnicity. (Lombardo, 2021)  

Cultural diversity is valuable in many aspects of life, but it is particularly valuable when it is represented in education. Students all around the world have the right to an equitable education, thus schools that believe in the power of diversity have a lot of advantages. In education, cultural diversity is important. Cultural diversity is important because our country, workplaces, and schools are increasingly made up of people from different cultural, racial, and ethnic backgrounds. We can learn from one another, but first we must have a basic understanding of one another in order to collaborate and cooperate. Learning about other cultures helps us understand different points of view in the world we live in, as well as dispels negative stereotypes and personal biases about various groups. Furthermore, cultural diversity enables us to recognize and respect "ways of being" that are not necessarily our own, allowing us to build bridges of trust, respect, and understanding across cultures as we interact with others. (Belfield, 2012)

B. Main Body  

Why is cultural variety essential, particularly in education? Because, in theory, education and culture are inextricably linked. Culture is the product of human acquisition as a consequence of life's interactions with the physical and non-physical environment. In this case, culture might be defined as the consequence of human interaction with nature. Furthermore, cultural factors vary during the course of a person's life.  

The symbol system in this situation reacts automatically to the incorporation of changing cultural aspects. Education and culture have a tight link in the sense that they are both concerned with the same thing, namely values. Education serves as a mediator in the teaching of cultural values in the cultural environment. The role of education in the formation of the human personality may be observed in the context of culture.  

People tend to be ignorant as a result of cultural diversity, especially when there are more cultures that come from cultural diversity in Indonesia. People are no longer fascinated by their culture's richness. The coverage acquired in this manner makes the management structure difficult to manage. The administration of Indonesia's unique cultural wealth is one of them. Because they force their will, which must always be correct, radical groups fit the requirements for harmful social groupings. When cultural identities are intertwined, problems that previously simply concerned two people from separate tribes and civilizations might become problematic. This is one of the detrimental effects of cultural variety, and the beneficial effects that have been discussed are still being battled by us today. 

The beneficial influence of cultural variety is that it is a State Wealth, with varied cultures from all across the country, including the coast, mountains, villages, towns, and tribes, all of whom have the right to claim Indonesian citizenship. Creating a Tolerance-Based Society Each region's cultural diversity manifests itself in a variety of ways. Each location has its own distinct personality. When this natural riches is mixed with a rich cultural heritage, it is no surprise that international visitors flock to the area. Boosting State Revenue The government already has the
capital to increase state income through Indonesia's current cultural treasure if the positive effect system for cultural diversity is properly managed.  

A culturally responsive curriculum is best suited to a multicultural society. Schools that recognize the range of their school community understand the worth of promoting cultural awareness. Teachers who want to foster cultural awareness in their classroom should actively show their students that they care about their cultural, emotional, and intellectual needs.  

Here are some ideas for raising cultural and diversity awareness in schools : 

1. Maintain An "Inclusive" Curriculum That Is Aware Of The Differences  

A culturally responsive curriculum is both inclusive within the sense that it ensures that each student is included in all aspects of the varsity and recognizes the unique differences that students may have. A culturally responsive curriculum also encourages teachers to understand and recognize each student's non-school cultural life and background, and it provides a way for them to incorporate this information into the curriculum, promoting inclusion.  

To help students achieve personal and professional success in a diverse world, schools must teach all students how to integrate cultural differences into their knowledge domain. A culturally responsive curriculum assists students from minority ethnic or racial backgrounds in developing a sense of self as individuals while also proudly identifying with their cultural group. Teachers can play a big role in assisting these students in succeeding by establishing culturally responsive classrooms.  

2. Show An Interest In Your Students' Ethnic Backgrounds 

Encourage your students to conduct research and share information about their ethnic background in order to build trust with their classmates.  

3. Maintain High Standards For Student Achievement 

Given that culturally responsive instruction may be a student-centered philosophy, it should come as no surprise that achievement expectations are determined and assigned to every student individually. Students are not lavishly praised for simple tasks, but they are praised in proportion to their achievements. If a student is not completing her work, one should engage the student positively and help guide the student toward explaining how to complete the initial steps required to complete a given task.

4. Organize Students Into Groups For Learning Activities 

Group learning can help students develop skills in collaboration, teamwork, and leadership. To take it a step further, group your students into diverse groups that reflect the range of the classroom. Students can learn just as much from each other as they can from the lessons you teach them, and it may open up opportunities for interaction that they would not have had otherwise.  

5. Being More Compassionate 

Acceptance extends beyond the self to include the community in which we live. Students who learn to be accepting and inclusive of others can grow to have empathy for others.

C. Conclusion  

The conclusion of this discussion is that cultural diversity is very important, especially in education because these two things are related to each other, Culture is a product of human acquisition as a consequence of the interaction of life with the physical and non-physical environment while Education functions as a mediator in teaching cultural values in the environment. . But right now the problem is that people are less aware of cultural diversity, therefore to make it aware there must be Education about it in schools in a way Maintain an "inclusive" curriculum that is aware of differences Show interest in the ethnic background of your students Maintain high standards for student achievement, Organizing students into groups for learning activities, Becoming more compassionate. That way in the future the community will be aware of the differences, because it has been taught in their education system.  

From this essay we learn that, differences are not always associated with bad things, but actually diversity makes us realize that we live in this world with differences, and that is what makes us unique, and also we must remember our motto “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika”. We are all different but we are still one. Even though we are different from each other, don't make it a thing to be divided, but make it our strength.

D. References 

Amaliyah, K. (2011, May 21). Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Retrieved from

Belfield, L. D. (2012, December 18). What is Cultural Diversity? Retrieved from Purdue Univeristy Global:

Drexel University School of Education. (2014). The Importance of Diversity & Cultural Awareness in the Classroom. Retrieved from

Erilia, E. (2021, April 14). Apa Saja Dampak Keberagaman Budaya di Indonesia? Retrieved from

EU Business School. (2019, October 18). The Importance of Diversity In Education. Retrieved from

Lombardo, J. (2021, September 17). Cultural Diversity in the Workplace : Definition, Trends & Example. Retrieved from

Lynch, M. (2014, November 30). 6 Ways Teachers Can Foster Cultural Awareness in the Classroom . Retrieved from

Team, G. (2019, November 27). Diversity in K-12 Classrooms. Retrieved from

University of The People. (2021). What Is Cultural Diversity And Why Is It Important? Retrieved from

Author :

1. Meilita Wahyu Tri Utami        (015202100060)  

2. Melisa Dewi Saputri                 (015202100031) 

3. Muhammad Syafiq Ibrahim  (015202100032) 

4. Ni Kadek Putri Mahandari     (015202100064)  

5. Muhammad Ikhwan                 (015202100086) 

6. Muhammad Nabil Hasani      (015202100062)

Subject                 : Emotional Intelligence 

Name Lecturer : Mr. ABM Witono

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