By. Mbah Dharmo Purwalodra
In this millennial era, where the industrial revolution 4.0 has become an unavoidable reality, as a result of the acceleration of information technology, like it or not, organizational management has changed radically (fundamentally) to the bones of the organization. Therefore, nowadays, both social and profit organizations, whether consciously or unconsciously, do not prefer a data-driven organizational structure to a hierarchical structure (pyramid). Alternatively, in other words, organizations have moved away from hierarchical structures towards flatter ones. This can be seen from the organizational processes, from planning to controlling. It can even be seen physically from the shape of the office, which looks more open, and has a more communal (communal) climate.
Although I have not found more severe research with a horizontal organizational structure, the more influential the adoption of the organizational structure style can be considered to represent the acceleration of change that is happening all the time, namely: by increasing while making transparency more effective (openness), improve communication, and empower employees.
Some experiences show that a flatter organization can build efficiency and success in productivity, which creates a structure in organizational performance. However, the effectiveness of this flat structure depends on the organizational culture created earlier. Meanwhile, implementing the Organization's Vision-Mission will significantly affect the growth and development of organizational culture, which is intentionally directed to achieve common goals. Frankly, the data structure does look more chaotic (chaotic). However, those who manage with this system understand it as 'organized chaos.
This chaotic organizational climate can still be united through the arrangements that have it, such as understanding mutual agreements, codes of ethics, work ethics, and organizational culture that can release all personal interests, except for organizational goals. The principle that governs people in this horizontal structure is the freedom to find their path to success. Will they form a Team to complete their tasks or make decisions quickly without a formal leader. No matter how much they experiment, they must keep the end goal in mind and remain responsible for supporting decisions together with accurate data. This loose and flat structure has grown and developed (skills, knowledge, and attitudes) of employees and a dynamic work atmosphere and climate.
This fact is due to a very significant change in the management (management) of the organization, supported by the development of an understanding of Human Resources (HR), which is not only a factor of production (man, money, material, market, method, and machine) but as an Organizational Asset that continues to grow by itself, without being engineered. This is a multiplier effect of the digital culture that penetrates the heart of the organization. Thus, the organizational structure will not leave the hierarchical structure. Currently, employees are at the same level as their leaders.
Furthermore, organizational boundaries or definitions evolve evolutionarily. When I was in undergraduate college, the definition of an organization was a collection of individuals who work together to achieve a common goal. So today, the organization turns into a setting (Settings) where individuals from various backgrounds, educational qualifications, and diverse interests unite to work towards a common goal.
Back to the topic above, the organization's flatness supports the organization to move dynamically, triggering productivity and building performance. Some of the benefits that can be drawn from this horizontal organizational structure, among others:
1. Â Â Empowering Employees
In this horizontal structure, Employees have more freedom and autonomy, driving their organizational impact. The span of control over work units shows that chaos is by no means out of control. Employees have more accountability.
The horizontal organizational structure must move dynamically on the foundation of the Organizational Culture. This Organizational Culture is built through the accountability of the Employees themselves. Thus, the organizational structure will motivate employees to be organized and able to work cross-functionally. Another assumption that must be fulfilled is that the culture created is not forced by the organization. Employees are more responsible for each other, keep each other together, and teach each other (learning organization).
2. Â Â Cultivating Critical Thinking
When an organization adopts a formal leadership structure with sole ownership of strategy and then forces lower-level employees to implement a top-down vision, employees do what they are told. They are not free to question anything or consider how they can improve the organization's plans.
However, when Employees do not always have someone to lead, tell them what to do, and how to do it, they have to think for themselves and become critical thinkers. As it is said, "When you do not know the next step, you have to think critically and always be on your feet."
3. Â Â Increase Employee Focus
It might sound a little weird. How can clutter help employees focus on work? This is where the "organized" side of "organized chaos." When employees set goals and results to be achieved at the beginning of work, the work targets must have clear measurement standards. It is necessary to have a self-appraisal with variables, assessment indicators, and an unbiased (subjective) assessment instrument.
The principle is that Employees should always have an end goal in mind. However, they also have the freedom to get there in their way. So, employees must set the expected results, support each other, and learn together with each other, give and receive continuous feedback.
4. Â Â Trigger Engagement
When Employees are allowed to participate in the decision-making process, they will draw on their strengths and skills and create an exciting environment. In a pyramid organizational structure or top-down organization, decision-making is at the top of the hierarchy. However, in a horizontal organizational structure, all Employees are welcome to question decisions to understand better and even reframe them if they make sense. When every employee can ask questions and explore answers, there will be many experiments running simultaneously, so work is no longer a burden, let alone tiring. Employees are always trying to find new ways to do things better.
 5.   Provide Learning Opportunities to Always Develop.
When the organizational culture grows and develops, it will encourage employees to leave their comfort zone. Employees will always have an appreciation for whatever they produce. Employees are not afraid to suffer if their careers stagnate. Employees have their dreams because they can continue to learn and develop.
The organization will continue to receive continuous improvement, and that is not possible if the Employees do not I never tried anything new. New employees can criticize decisions thanks to the created Organizational Culture; through the power of collective thinking and diverse perspectives, the organization will produce better results.
The five benefits of the horizontal organizational structure above seem so ideal. It seems as if this structure is the only one that is the best in this millennial era. However, we need to look at and pay attention to the foundation for developing with this flat-type Organizational Structure is neither simple nor easy. Management as a whole must have some understanding, among others:
- The understanding of humans as creatures that continue to develop continues to learn and want progress for themselves.
- Understanding of Vision, Mission, and Goals, as well as the organization's basic philosophy as a basis for attitude and behavior.
- Understanding of Organizational Culture, since it was built until the creation of organizational character/character.
- Understanding Leadership, Organizational Behavior, and Organizational Processes (Organization, Communication, Performance Evaluation, and Career & Socialization) are applied without interests that undermine the Organizational Process itself.
In the end, I, as an observer and at the same time as an employee in an organization that has a horizontal structure, try to conclude that the main reason for using a horizontal type of Organizational Structure is not because of its effectiveness and efficiency factors, but because the Organizational Culture is mature, and allows the type of Organizational Structure, horizontally standing upright on it. If not, then what happens is a struggle of interests, conspiracies, gossip, rumors, social jealousy, and bringing each other down. Wallahu A'lamu Bishshawwab.
Bekasi, June 26, 2021.
Reference  :
 Caggins, R. 2005. "Toward community versus chaos when studying the concept of professional cohesiveness." Community-Chaos: Proceedings of the Eleventh Scientific Meeting of the A. K. Rice Institute.
Drucker, P. F. 2000. Managing in a time of great change. Truman Talley Books/Plume New York.
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