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Ilmu Sosbud

Analysis of Behavioral Factors and Purchase Decisions in Business Markets

15 Januari 2023   21:39 Diperbarui: 15 Januari 2023   21:52 242
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The business market is a very large market where the business market suggests more money and property than customers. The business market can sometimes be compared to the consumer market. Both impact people who need to buy things to survive. But the business market can be different just like the consumer market. The concepts of units of purchase, types of options, and cycles of options included are where the main differences can be found between the two. The business market consists of all the organizations that buy goods and services and then use them to produce other goods and services to sell, rent, or give to others. Horticultural, fishing and forestry services are the main industries that make up the business market, along with mining, manufacturing, construction, transportation, correspondence, public foundations, banks, money and protection, manufacturing, and various administrative services. Offering business buyers involves more financial and in-kind commitments than offering business buyers. 

In the business market there will be competition with many producers offering the goods they produce to buyers. Competition in the business world has recently been getting tougher, global promotions are trying to compete with other companies, namely their competitors. 

With competition in the corporate market, every organization will find a way to create interaction in the development of merchandise and the nature of the workforce to attract consumer desires. The business market as a whole is a trade union that accepts the labor and products that organizations use in the creation of the various workforces and the products they sell, supply or obtain at various meetings, for example. Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery, Planning, Development, Transportation, Transportation Hub, Public Services, Banking, Finance, Protection, Naming and Administration. For example, a business exchange that includes goods manufactured by Goodyear tires for sale. 

To supply Goodyear with the materials they need to manufacture tires, various dealers sell rubber, steel, tools, and other products to Goodyear. The retailer receives the tires from Goodyear at that time, which then makes them available to 3 customers. In addition, Goodyear provides manufacturers with authorized tires, such as tires for new cars and replacement tires, for use by businesses that operate their own fleets of trucks, cargo and other types of general purpose vehicles. equipment, and other products to Goodyear. The retailer receives the tires from Goodyear at that time, which then makes them available to customers. 

In addition, Goodyear provides manufacturers with authorized tires, such as tires for new cars and replacement tires, for use by businesses that operate their own fleets of trucks, cargo and other types of general purpose vehicles. equipment, and other products to Goodyear. The retailer receives the tires from Goodyear at that time, which then makes them available to customers. In addition, Goodyear provides manufacturers with authorized tires, such as tires for new cars and replacement tires, for use by businesses that operate their own fleets of trucks, cargo and other types of general purpose vehicles. Definition of Business Market.

Definition of Business Market

In general, we know that the market is a medium of exchange between buyers who want goods or services and traders who provide them. According to(Kotler & Amstrong, 2011)Businesses typically deal with far fewer but much larger buyers than consumers do. The business market consists of all the associations that secure labor and products that are used to create different labor and products that are sold, rented or given away to others.

Competition in the business world is increasingly rife at this time, Global Marketing makes organizations try to compete with organizations that are different from their competitors. With competition in the business market, every organization makes strides in recognition of the creation cycle in the development of value for labor and products and can attract the interest and desire of buyers. Every company will find ways to engage in creative interaction in product development and workforce lineups to attract premium customers and make them want to have them as a result of market competition.

Consumer Behavior

It is important for manufacturers to understand how consumers feel about and like the products or brands they can buy. Manufacturers assess how well the goods they offer to customers satisfy their needs and wants due to increased competition, shifts in consumer preferences, and advances in technology. by being aware of consumer behavior, minimizing uncertainty in marketing initiatives, and predicting the impact of marketing choices.

According to Engel, Blackwell and Miniard, in (Utami et al., 2021) consumer behavior is defined as " actions that are directly related to purchasing, using, and discarding goods and services, as well as the decision-making processes that go before and after these actions.". The popularity of a product can be inferred from consumer behavior. To develop goods and services that guarantee the highest levels of satisfaction, marketers must understand consumer behavior.

According to (Tjiptono, 2003:59) The four main factors that influence consumer behavior provide clues and information about how manufacturers can reach and serve customers more effectively. these four aspects:

1. Social Variables

Social Variables include Culture, Sub Culture and Social Class: 

  • Culture is the most essential determinant of desire and behavior. Human behavior can be dictated by the way of life that surrounds it and its effects will forever change as a component of time. 
  • Subcultures Each culture has its simpler assembly, special ID and individual socialization, there are four types of subcultures, specifically public meeting, racial, strict and geological. 
  • Social class Social class is a rather homogeneous and suffering collection in a protracted enterprise and individuals at every level share similar qualities, interests, and behaviors

 2. Social influences Consumer habits

 Friendly factors like reference gatherings, family, financial security, and employment influence social factors as well.: 

  • Every group that directly affects a person's attitude or behavior is considered to be a member of that person's reference group.. 
  • Family is the primary reference group that most influences the decision to buy and use its products. 
  • Roles and Social Status include tasks that are anticipated to be completed by a person later in the role that will determine status.

3. Personal Factors 

The variables that create a person's choice to buy are also influenced by attributes of his character, including his age and life cycle stage, his occupation, his financial condition, his way of life, and his notion of self: 

  • Age and Life cycle Stage. Marketers often select groups based on life cycles as target markets. 
  • Work and Economic Environment is strongly influenced by one's work, circumstances and economic environment. 
  • Lifestyle describes the whole of a person interacting with his environment.

4. Psychological Factors

 Mental variables The decision to give someone also has five fundamental mental elements, in particular: inspiration, wisdom, learning, belief and perspective, such as character and self-idea. 

  • An individual's personal state of motivation encourages them to engage in specific behaviors in order to accomplish their goals. 
  • The process by which people choose, arrange, and interpret information inputs to form a meaningful picture of the outside world is known as perception.
  • A change in behavior brought on by experience is considered learning. Learning determines the majority of human behavior.
  • Picture of someone's thought about something that is believed.

According to (Utami et al., 2021:71) The nature of consumer actors has 3 characteristics: 

1. Dynamic Behavior of consumers.

Because individual consumers, consumer groups, and significant consumer associations constantly alter their thought, feeling, and behavior processes, it is said that consumer behavior is dynamic. The creation of a marketing strategy is difficult and challenging because of how dynamic the world is today. Strategies may work well in one situation but fall short in another. The reason being that in order to reach consumers, it must constantly make innovations. 

 2. Consumer Behavior Interaction 

Thoughts, feelings, human actions, and the environment all interact with consumer behavior. A company will be better able to meet customer needs and wants and deliver value to customers if it has a deeper understanding of how interactions affect customers. 

3. Exchange Consumer Behavior 

Human exchanges are a component of consumer behavior. Giving something to someone else results in receiving something in return.

Buying decision

A fundamental psychological process known as decision-making is crucial to understanding how consumers actually make purchases. The stimulus-response model is a good place to start when trying to understand consumer behavior. It is the responsibility of the marketer to comprehend what takes place in the consumer's mind between the onset of the external stimulus and the decision to make a purchase.

The consumer decision-making process doesn't end when a product is bought; rather, it goes on until the consumer uses it and has an experience with it. Future purchasing choices will be based on that experience.

Between the evaluation of alternatives and the purchase decision is initial purchase intention, which measures the customer's propensity to take a particular action on the product as a whole. 

Five Roles That Are Generally Involved In The Decision-Making Process Of Buying Goods/Services: 

  • 1. The person who first raises the idea of purchasing a good or service is the initiator. 
  • 2. Influencers: Individuals whose opinions or suggestions have the power to affect consumer purchases. 
  • 3. Decision making (decider): The person who determines the purchasing decision 
  • 4. Buyer (buyer): People who make real purchases. 
  • 5. People who use the products or services they have purchased are known as users

 According to the five stages that a buyer goes through before making a purchase, namely: 

  • 1. Problem Introduction, When a buyer recognizes a need or a problem, the purchasing process starts. The buyer recognizes the distinction between the desired state and the actual state.
  • 2.  A lookup of information, An associated consumer might be looking for more details, but they might not. Consumers are more likely to purchase a satisfying product if their drive is strong and it is within their financial means. Depending on the product and the buyer, these information sources have different relative weights. The majority of product information that consumers receive comes from commercial sources under the control of marketers. Personal sources frequently have the greatest impact. Personal recommendations play a bigger role in influencing service purchases. Personal sources confirm or assess the product for the buyer instead of commercial sources, which typically inform the buyer.
  • 3. Alternative evaluation,  To begin with, we presumptively believe that each customer views the product as a collection of product attributes. Second, based on their unique needs and preferences, consumers place varying amounts of importance on various attributes. Thirdly, consumers might form a brand belief regarding how each brand rates on each attribute. Fourth, consumers' expectations for total product satisfaction will differ at various attribute levels. Fifth, consumers use various evaluation techniques to arrive at attitudes toward various brands. Depending on the consumer and the purchases they make, some consumers use more than one evaluation method. It depends on each individual and the particular buying situation how consumers assess alternative products to be purchased. Consumers occasionally apply logic and careful calculation. Sometimes the same consumer makes little to no evaluations and purchases something out of emotion or intuition. Customers occasionally decide what to buy on their own, and other times they consult friends, leads from potential customers, or salespeople.
  • 4. buying decision, The most preferred brand is typically what consumers choose to purchase, but there are two things that may intervene between their intention and actual choice. The first factor is other people's behavior, specifically their attitudes toward prices and the brands that customers will select. The second factor is the unexpected situation factor, the anticipated price, and the anticipated product benefits.
  • 5. Post-buyer behavior, When a consumer decides to take additional action after making a purchase based on satisfaction or dissatisfaction. The consumer will feel satisfied if the product exceeds expectations, satisfied if the product meets expectations, and dissatisfied if the product does not meet expectations. The greater the disconnect between expectations and results, the more dissatisfied consumers become. This demonstrates that the seller is being sincere about the performance of his offering in an effort to win the customer over.

Case Study From Previous Research  

Research on the Factors That Influence Consumers in Making Decisions to Purchase Instant Noodle Products for Students. Today's society requires products that are useful and readily available so they can be consumed due to increased activity, busyness, and changes in people's lifestyles. Instant noodles are a product that is easy to serve quickly. Noodles have undoubtedly risen to a significant position in household diets, not only in urban but also rural areas. Noodles can be served as a main dish or a side dish, making them a versatile meal. For example, people often eat rice with fried noodles or noodle soup as a side dish. This is possible because noodles are easy to prepare, practical to serve, and are suitable for the tastes of most people, both adults and children. In addition, this type of wheat based food has many variations, including fried, boiled, meatballs, dried and instant noodles. Besides noodles.

Consumers choose instant noodle products because the market continues to be heterogeneous in terms of brand, taste, price, packaging design, and ease of purchase. Study(Natadjaja, 2003:130)shows that factors such as first purchase, packaging style, cost, and taste suitability have a greater influence on consumer decisions regarding instant noodle products. Products made from instant noodles are known as fast food and are increasingly favored by the general public because of the simple way of serving them. Likewise, this product is a ready-to-eat food that is often consumed among students, the majority of whom do not live close to their parents. This is probably due to their low cost, ease of access and long shelf life. 

The following presents some relevant research results related to the analysis of factors that influence consumers in making instant noodle purchase decisions: 

  • 1. Factors Influencing Consumer Decisions in Buying Sedap Brand Instant Noodle Products (Case Study on Students of the Department of Business Administration UPN "Veteran" East Java). Research conducted by(Wendy, 2010)(, 2010). The conclusion of the study: the results of the analysis found that the dependent variable X1 product, X2 price, X3 promotion and X4 distribution simultaneously/together have a significant (significant) influence on the purchasing decision of the Sedaap brand instant noodle product and the variable X3 promotion has a dominant influence on purchasing decisions consumers of Sedap brand instant noodle products.
  • 2. Analysis of Factors Influencing Consumers in Making Purchase Decisions of Sedaap Brand Instant Noodle Products in the Village of Gelangan, Magelang City. Research conducted by(Sri Sasongko, 2013)(Student Scientific Journal of Sosio Tekno, Pandanaran University, ISSN 2337-7003, Vol. 7, April 2013 Edition). The research findings show that culture, society, individual, and psychology all play a role in the consumer's decision to buy instant noodles with the Sedaap brand. When buying Sedaap instant noodles, psychological factors predominate.
  • 3. Factors That Motivate Consumers in Purchasing Indomie in the Community of Sumbersari Village, Lowokwaru District, Kodya Malang. Research conducted by(Mahmudi, 2003)(MM Thesis UB Malang Brawijaya University, 2003). According to the study findings, the first thing that will convince customers to buy Indomie is product attributes such as price, taste, packaging and brand name. The second factor that will influence the purchase of Indomie is promotional information such as item bonuses, advertisers, and seller style.

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