Mohon tunggu...
Mauidotul Hasanah
Mauidotul Hasanah Mohon Tunggu... Lainnya - Sastra Inggris'17, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Be yourself




Short Drama | Together

21 Mei 2020   19:03 Diperbarui: 21 Mei 2020   18:56 373
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Indyati:  I don't think the film is fun.

Reine: I think like that.

Anne: No matter the film is not good, the most important thing is we watch together and enjoying our time today.

Reine: That is true.

Indyati: Now we continue, we take a photo box for new memories.

Reine: Sorry. I think, I would go home first and could not join the next agenda.

Anne: why?

Indyati: today we want to let go of our longing that we haven't gathered for a long time.

Reine: I have another important agenda.

Anne: What?

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Mohon tunggu...

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