Mohon tunggu...
Mauidotul Hasanah
Mauidotul Hasanah Mohon Tunggu... Lainnya - Sastra Inggris'17, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Be yourself




Short Drama | Together

21 Mei 2020   19:03 Diperbarui: 21 Mei 2020   18:56 373
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 (The sound of footsteps going to her room with a song sung)

Indyati: Door (While surprising Anne) you don't get bored in your room and do your work.

Anne: your habit yeah, surprise me when I'm serious (with an annoyed face).

Indyati: Endless you anyway, keep busy with the task

Anne: By the way, where's Reine? Did she not come here?

Indyati: I tried to chat Reine (looking for the name Reine in her contacts)

Anne: Okey

Indyati: (sorry I can't join. I'm helping my mother to make a cake). Reine can't join with us, cause she help her mother to make a cake.

Anne: well, even though I want to say; how about tomorrow we go to refreshing.

Indyati: Wow, that's a good idea. Let's go to sleep, so tomorrow won't be sleepy (rushing home).

Anne: okay, see you tomorrow and don't forget to tell Reine at 8 am in park (while closing her laptop and getting ready to sleep).

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Mohon tunggu...

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