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Malinda Sembiring
Malinda Sembiring Mohon Tunggu... Dosen - Nothing is impossible because anything is possible if you believe

PhD Student in Sustainability Accounting at The University of Auckland| Lecturer| Ig/twitter @mssembiring_




Time to Act, Time to Global Cooling

14 Juli 2013   05:54 Diperbarui: 19 September 2018   16:16 164
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This is a short writing about my speech when I joined speech competition where I got the third winner. Well, it’s not too late to tell you this. Just read and share it.

As we know Global Warming is really a big problem we have to solve today, because it has the potential to change our lives and our planet's environment forever. This would affect the whole mankind. There are huge social, political, and economic issues that will rise if we don't do something to stop the skyrocketing rise of the temperatures.

There is a debate about who is (or are) to blame for this dangerous phenomena. What are the causes of global warming? Are the industry carbon dioxide emissions? Are other gases, maybe made by animals or produced in another natural way? Is it the whole mankind itself, with its own way of using and abusing the Earth?  It is useless to look for someone to blame. Instead, we need to act. Everybody should do something. Therefore let’s work, It’s time to act, it’s time to global cooling.

We are addicted to fossil fuels. It is the burning of these fuels – coal, oil, gasoline and natural gas and the greenhouse gases they produce – that is the primary cause of global warming. Carbon dioxide is produced by power plants, cars, manufacturing, and power residential and commercial buildings. Here is the key: Carbon dioxide doesn’t dissipate. It stays in the atmosphere for five decades or more – causing the Earth’s temperature to rise. Otherwise, global cooling means turning what we do in creating global warming.

The Earth has warmed 1 degree in the past century, and we are now seeing the dramatic effects: Oceans are rising, coral reefs are dying, species are disappearing, glaciers are melting. We learn from last year that Greenland is now losing 20% masses than it receives from new snowfall each year. And it will shrink further as the planet warms. Extreme weather have emerged – heat waves, droughts, hurricanes, floods – and they are occurring with greater frequency and greater intensity. In 2003, heat waves caused 20,000 deaths in Europe and 1,500 deaths in India. Hurricanes has happened with double power since the 1970’s and things will only get worse as earth’s temperature rises. The question is, how much will the increase be? If nothing is done and the Earth warms 1 to 6 degrees celcius, the face of our planet will change forever. The Greenland and Western Antarctic ice sheets would melt completely. These two ice sheets currently hold 20 percent of the Earth’s fresh water. Sea levels could rise by 20 feet. Additionally, hurricanes, tornadoes and other severe weather would become more volatile than ever. Malaria would spread. Knowing the effect of global warming, how can we as individuals do our part to help the planet saved and create global cooling? The answer is simpler than we may think. We don’t have to go miles away from home to protest, or spend masses of money. Something we have to do : Firstly, plant a tree. This could be easier than it sounds. Trees, when fully grown, will help keep the planet cooler. We need the trees to cool our planet and start to create global cooling. Something is as simple as walking instead of driving the car and it will help to reduce pollution. As well as stopping pollution, we are giving ourselves exercise, something important for our bodies. So the next time we get into car or motorbike, think - do I have to make this journey by vehicle or can I walk?

If possible, buy fruit and vegetables from local suppliers. Try to avoid imported goods. The more foreign food that we import the more pollution from aeroplanes and boats it will create. Keeping to the speed limit can also help the environment. More you speed more petrol you are going to use, making the pollution higher.

Secondly, reduce, reuse and recycle. Only buy what you need. Don’t stock the cupboards with things you may or may not use. Reuse whatever you can, like containers and paper, and recycle what you cannot reuse. It’s really simple, right?

Finally turning off unused sources of power such as television, lamp, radio and air conditioner. Although we need to cool the earth, air conditioner can not help us to do it.

That’s all my explanation about “Time To Act, Time To Global Cooling”. If everybody stuck to these rules, we would be doing a great thing by protecting the earth. So please take into consideration what I have explained, and try to do our part. After all, it will be our next generation that will feel the effects. Let’s Make Global Cooling and Stop Global Warming. Thank you for your attention, good morning!

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