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Magello Rainer Fenis
Magello Rainer Fenis Mohon Tunggu... Student

Assistant Professor, National University, Philippines




Football as The Opium of The Masses: The Case of The Tragic Football Stampede Incident in Indonesia

7 Oktober 2022   15:18 Diperbarui: 17 November 2022   17:14 476
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Aside from the fact that Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world, this is a country that is mega-crazy over football. Back in 1938, Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) became the first Asian team to make the World Cup. From being a football colony to becoming a national culture, the widespread popularity of the sport in the country is unparalleled.

In a country where the gap between the rich and the poor is widening, you can expect that most of those fans in the bleachers are from the working class. In no way can you imagine team owners and VIPs not in the lounges. What happened last Saturday night is a manifestation of class struggle since the victims are from the margins of Indonesian society.

Fans also tend to cling to football and use it as their opium amid poor socio-economic conditions and their alienation. Even though fans find some temporary relief attending football matches of their favorite clubs, they cannot escape the reality of the growing antagonism between social classes, may it be in the factories, construction sites, streets or even in the Kanjuruhan Stadium in Malang which holds 42,429 screaming fans cheering for their home team.

My sincere and heartfelt condolences to everyone affected by this unacceptable tragedy. But with utmost condemnation to the state and its uniformed pawns. Sympathy won't do much unless justice is served.

For others, it is just men kicking a ball. But for some, football is getting through life.

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