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Emulate The Noble Characters of Rasulullah SAW from The Story of Uhud

30 Desember 2023   13:20 Diperbarui: 30 Desember 2023   13:31 147
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Mount Uhud (


The meaning: "Indeed, I was sent only to perfect moral righteousness." (HR. Al-Baihaqi).

If we see more deeply that hadith have a very important massage inside, that how important human to have a such as noble morals and characteristic then Rasulullah SAW were sent by Allah's permission for the whole human in this earth for them.

Rasulullah SAW is the last massanger who came to us for being a role model for the whole humans and for guiding us till the rest of this world, so are we as his ummat it's rightly to us to follow his path by practice and obey the sunnah, especially the morals and character of the Prophet who always depict peace and tranquility.

Rasululllah SAW is the only human who has a perfect glorious and precious character, so it's not suprising if he so loved by his friends even his enemies too. A whole of his life Rasulullah SAW never had any revenge and hatred to other peoples, especially if it hurts someone's heart. The Prophet had many commendable qualities that we must always emulate Rasulullah SAW, like having a huge patience, strong faith, great courage, loyal, responsibility, concern for others, humble and not arrogant, always watch his mouth so he doesn't hurt anyone, and there are many more qualities of the Apostle that we must have. By these whole characteristics that he has, Rasulullah SAW became the biggest role model for all of us which that means we have to emulate him.

There's a one of the famous story of Rasulullah SAW where we could take it as learning to emulate Rasulullah SAW. That story is the story of Rasulullah SAW's struggle in the Uhud War against Quraish infidels. This war happened in the third year of hijriyah or around 625 year of Masehi. This war was named by Uhud war because this war was happened on the mountain named Uhud that located in north of the city of Medina, which sadly it is won in the hand of Quraish infidels.

Mount Uhud (
Mount Uhud (

It is said that at that time the Prophet Muhammad SAW participated in fighting the Quraish infidels, Rasulullah SAW was injured and it cause his molars were broken and his lower lip was torn, Rasulullah SAW also suffered a wound on his forehead which made his forehead drip with blood. However, when he was injured, Rasulullah tried to catch the drops of his blood and wiped them on his chest so that not a single drop of Rasulullah SAW's blood fell on the ground, even under any circumstances.

After the war was over, a friend of Rasulullah asked Rasulullah SAW about what Rasulullah had done during the war, why in such circumstances Rasulullah even caught drops of his blood and then rubbed them on his chest. The Prophet answered gently, "I heard what you did not hear, the angel guarding the mountain said that if a drop of my blood touches the earth, then Allah will bring down punishment from heaven on those who fight me."

Hearing this answer, the friend asked again, "Why don't you pray for harm to God's enemies?" Rasulullah SAW answered again, "Indeed I was not sent to curse, but to preach and spread mercy to the worlds, Ya Allah the Lord of the universe, give them guidance because in fact they do not know"

That is the morals shown by Rasulullah SAW, even though he was injured by the enemy, Rasulullah SAW still showed his love and compassion for humans. Even in socializing, we don't have to hate and insult other groups of people who are different from us. The human values demonstrated by the Prophet are what we should set as an example in our state and society, especially we are as Indonesian citizens who have thousands of ethnic and cultural diversity where we must always maintain harmony and not hate or insult each other. In the holy of Qur,an surah Al-hujurat verse 13 it is stated;

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