About mutual assistance, installation of pipeline and reservoir, team set up plan with all residents so the activitis not disrupt people who are returning to work. So that residents can planned pipeline, but still can work to fulfill their everyday lives. In cases utilization of resources from various parties, such as water springs, our team facilitate meetings involving several Sub Villagger. Inter-village meetings will facilitate a dialogue that gives solutions. So that the utilization springs not be a problem in the future.
To find data of residents whom not received any relief, often debate with some people. Someone angry because has not get any aid. Problems arise in the recovery phase is a conflict of interests, needs and priorities. There is a certain conflict of interest, especially village authorities of local government in recovery process, make a long debate. They said that aid must through the goverment or village official. In fact, residents said that aid through the villages official do not come to beneficiaries. This condition causes the target time and the data is often changed. In other hand activities planned match with program planning. This situations open tolerance negotiations with interests of residents. The execution involving people always delays, as they taking care of their livestock or land. Team has been formally approached with local government or village official, coordination meeting at Villagge Hall, also personal communication with residents to provide that the aid based on assessment survey which also involve officials of local village. Volunteer in the field keep communication with village officials, residents and our team. If there is a change, always coordinated. For example, tin roof cuts in Pare and in Sub Village Pait, continued pipeline only from reservoir to a certain point in the village. In Sub Villagge Ngramban, it raises leader from residents, as Mr. Sukani push pipeline construction must be resolved, so that residents began to recover immediately.
The fundamental change in the emergency and recovery phases were changing needs. From the needs of food to shelter to other requirements such as housing and economic sustainability. In fact, fulfillment of these needs from emergency phase to recovery has not been completed by the goverment. This condition rise wide gap of the need. One side the food are completed, at the other side needs of house, jobs and overall have not yet been normal. This changing causes priority changed every time. Its difficult for residents involve in program activities have been planned. If program forced participation of residents, the implementation program will slow and not match with duration that has been planned.
In Pare, residents in disaster prone areas feel anxious because there is local wisdoms, that within 35 days after the eruption (Selapanan), there is usually a flood of lava. So that, these issues disrupted the activities of people in distribution and installation materials, because people need to evacuate to the safe location. Our team tried to rhythm of residents activities and keep communication as planned before.

Finally, as happens in various of disasters, including the eruption of Kelud in February 2014, the disaster can be predicted. But the government less anticipating. The government is still stuttering and not ready to anticipate the impact of disasters. Bureaucratic constraints, not involving residents, handling with certain priority, cause apathy of residents. Some examples: refuge area in an unsafe location, with no logistics, the lack of warning sign or evacuation routes and implementation of programs without discussion with residents. Residents have made exceptional acts according to their ability. But the government should do with the best ability, as mandated by Disaster Management Law No. 24 / 2007. Action needs is how to prevent avoidable casualties. Therefore the government needs to plan society in disaster prone areas, such as: assessment of disaster risks, mapping of vulnerable areas, early warning tools, preparation of reserve fund, insurance, prepare human resources and other resources.
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