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Ilmu Sosbud

Pentingnya Peran Generasi Muda dalam Pelestarian Kearifan Budaya Lokal di Zaman Digital

8 Desember 2024   16:00 Diperbarui: 8 Desember 2024   16:05 93
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

traditional practices that exist, and the role of traditional practices in the local communities of

Kapung, Tanggung Harjo, and Grobogan. The research in this article uses the research methods of

literature review, observation and archival analysis. Literature study means the activity of searching

and collecting data/sources of information, knowledge, and facts based on written media, such as

books, scientific articles, news, magazines, or journals that have relevance or connection to the

research being conducted. According to the customs of the people of Kapung Village, Nyadran is an

annual tradition that includes slametan, prayer requests, a means of strengthening friendship, and

respect for ancestors. Furthermore, although Nyadran was first known to the general public as a local

tradition, in the following years Nyadran experienced an acculturation process with Islamic law and

education. In the Nyadran tradition, reconciliation between religion and culture is achieved through

dialogue and confirmation. Third, in terms of finance, the values included in traditional wisdom

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