Mohon tunggu...
Lina Yuliani
Lina Yuliani Mohon Tunggu... Universitas Jambi

Kalau kamu bukan anak raja dan engkau bukan anak ulama besar. Maka jadilah penulis -Imam Al-Ghazali-




Contoh Imaginative Short Story

21 Februari 2021   21:17 Diperbarui: 21 Februari 2021   21:34 1056
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Cerpen. Sumber ilustrasi: Unsplash

A few days later, the sunflower seeds can be harvested. Clara rushes to take and then sell it in the city. She walked alone by bringing the results of her harvest. Clara was very excited even though the distance from the city was very far from her residence. Clara was determined to be replaced as a medicine for her sick mother.

Unexpectedly, the sunflowers seeds earns quite a lot of money. Clara bought medicine for her mother and the rest was handed over for savings. Although it looks small, the daughter's business is able to help her mother with the hard work that she has been doing all this time. Until finally Clara and her mother continued to live by farming and looking for firewood.


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