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Leni Marlina _ FBS UNP Padang
Leni Marlina _ FBS UNP Padang Mohon Tunggu... Dosen - Universitas Negeri Padang

Dosen Tetap Departemen Bahasa Inggris FBS UNP




Plastic Blooms, Beauty's Doom

21 Mei 2024   19:15 Diperbarui: 3 Juli 2024   10:23 342
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Plastic Blooms, Beauty's Doom*

By Leni Marlina**

Plastic petals poised in perfection,

As lifeless guards, devoid of affection,

Whispers weave a tale of deception,

Captivating fools, a synthetic connection.

Shadows shift, a lonely charade,

Subtle whispers, truth evade,

Unseen, unwatered, their masquerade,

Plastic petals, falsehood cascade.

Stalwart stance, devoid of life's breath,

Radiant facade, masking a death,

Enduring essence, a hollow jest,

Plastic blooms, beauty detest.

Noticed not, a parody of bloom,

Nature's absence, their silent gloom,

Cleaned, crafted, in their plastic tomb,

Plastic blooms, beauty's doom.


*It was written firstly in Leni Marlina's private poem collection in 2011 in Padang, West Sumatra.

**She is a lecturer at Faculty of Languages and Art, Universitas Negeri Padang; the member of writer's association of Satu Pena, West Sumatra, Indonesia & Victoria Writers, Australia.


Explanation of My Poem:

"Plastic Blooms, Beauty's Doom" as an ironical elegance is my exploration into the complex relationship between beauty and artificiality. Through this poem, I aimed to challenge the conventional notions of what constitutes true beauty and authenticity.

The opening lines, with their imagery of plastic petals "poised in perfection" and "captivating hearts," set the stage for the irony that runs through the entire piece. I wanted to convey the superficial allure of these plastic blooms, how they mimic the beauty of nature yet lack the essence and life that make real flowers captivating.

As I continued to weave the verses, I delved deeper into the contradiction inherent in praising something so artificial as symbols of enduring beauty. Lines like "Radiant charm in resolute reign, / Enduring essence, no element feigned" were my way of highlighting the irony of celebrating something devoid of life as if it possessed genuine vitality.

Throughout the poem, I used subtle imagery and contrasts to underscore this irony. The references to "shadows shift" and "subtle whispers" hinted at the hidden truths and emptiness concealed by the plastic facade. Even the juxtaposition of being "noticed not" while being "notable and new" speaks to the paradox of attracting attention while lacking substance.

"Plastic Blooms, Beauty's Doom" is my invitation to readers to reflect on our modern obsession with surface appearances and manufactured perfection. It's a reminder that true beauty is rooted in authenticity and nature, not in artificial constructs.

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