A Teacher's Legacy
By: Leni Marlina
Yesterday, you ran joyfully in the schoolyard,
Now you stride confidently in the tireless world of work.
Listen, beloved students of mine,
And to the children and grandchildren I always cherish.
Time flies, swiftly changing,
Months and years never cease.
Let not our devotion freeze,
As life progresses, ceaselessly racing.
Humans are flawed,
Enveloped in sin along the road.
Yet, don't be trapped in shadows of mistakes,
Transform, uphold goodness for goodness' sake.
If not us intending to change,
Who else guides the steps?
If not us initiating effort,
How can perfection of the soul be kept?
Time waits for none,
Determine intentions, start a new day.
In devotion, let's evolve,
Hoping for Divine forgiveness, sins dissolve.
Always remember this message, even if your teacher's body is gone,
Remember your teacher in prayers, in every step you take in this world.
We don't know our remaining time,
When death comes, there's no sign.
Don't waste the chance to improve oneself,
For death may arrive while still in sin.
For my curious students,
Children and grandchildren growing in my affection.
Innovate, be of benefit to others,
Through prayer and work, spread inspiration in the world.
Remember me in every step,
With an unbroken spirit.
I give this message, a precious legacy,
So you live in goodness, an enduring light.