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Saya adalah seorang mahasiswi tingkat tiga di UPN Veteran Jakarta, Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi. Saat ini saya sedang menempuh Ujian Semester Akhir (UAS), salah satu mata kuliah yang saya ikuti adalah English for Communication Studies. Tugas UAS yang diberikan oleh dosen pada mata kuliah tersebut ialah membuat sebuah artikel dalam Bahasa Inggris dan di unggah pada salah satu media online. Untuk itu saya membuat sebuah artikel di bawah ini




What They Say to Indonesia's Newest Superhero: Satria Dewa Gatotkaca at The Gala Premiere

7 Juni 2022   16:51 Diperbarui: 7 Juni 2022   17:14 819
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Satria Dewa Gatotkaca film directed by Hanung Bramantyo is a film in the action-adventure drama genre that raises Indonesian legends.

Reporting from Instagram @gatotkaca_official, this film was originally going to be released at the end of 2021, but due to quite a lot of preparations, this film has regressed its airing schedule to June 9, 2022.

Towards its release, the Gala Premiere was held at Epicentrum on June 6, 2022, and was attended by the cast, producers, several well-known artists, and lucky audiences.

Throwing a collaboration with proud Indonesian actors and actresses, this film stars Rizky Nazar, Yasmin Nepper, Omar Daniel, Aghniy Haque, Zsazsa Utari, and Jerome Kurnia, Axel Matthew Thomas and many more.

While attending this event, I was able to feel directly how the atmosphere of Epicentrum changed to be more dramatic with the decorations and back sounds that accompanied the casts.

Dok. pribadi Latifah.
Dok. pribadi Latifah.

The guests who attended also used batik dress codes that make the locality in the event even more pronounced.

Before the film started, Director Hanung Bramantyo explained, "This film was worked on when the pandemic was still acute, there was no antigen or PCR. It was originally in four locations, narrowed down to one location, and pursued again in one village."

After finished watching the film, they shared some reviews.

"It's really beyond expectations. The acting of the actors is amazing and makes you curious how that goes next."

"From the CGI.. wow I don't think that Indonesia can already be as sophisticated and detailed as this. It’s amazing!"

"The visuals are interesting and the effect of the film is very good, I’m not even bored at all watching two hours of this movie."

"In my opinion, the film really raises Indonesian culture, especially Javanese ethnicity. So it's becoming more and more aware that we're very rich in culture."

That's a brief review of the first few viewers who came to the Gala Premiere of Satria Dewa Gatotkaca

Are you even more curious about Satria Dewa Gatotkaca, roled by Rizky Nazar? Come to your nearest cinema right away from June 9th!

Source: Kompas TV, Instagram @gatotkaca_official

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