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Kurnia Trisno Yudhonegoro
Kurnia Trisno Yudhonegoro Mohon Tunggu... Administrasi - Agricultural,Economic consultant and military enthusiast

Agricultural,Economic consultant and military enthusiast




The Future of Indonesia & Australia Relation: A Suggestion (Part 1)

3 September 2014   18:11 Diperbarui: 18 Juni 2015   01:44 21
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As human trafficking would certainly keep on happening, the best way is to cooperate with Indonesian NGO and local authorities. It is clear that the main zones of departure are either southern portion of java, or the island chains of NTB. What Australia needs to do is to focusing on local leaders of fisherman (Ketua Kelompok Nelayan), since in Indonesia, the saying goes "there is no secret in Indonesia, only public secret", which means that all activities, including the movement of a boat carrying a dozen or more of foreigner, would surely come under the leader's radar. For a crossing that magnitude, the ship needs to be rather large, and the skipper well experienced to dare such a feat. Therefore, Australia should get in contact with an NGO, and start giving some bounty for the information. It would be much cheaper in sealing off the immigrants in Indonesia compared with moving them to Nauru or other "temporary settlements"

With the current rapid modernization and more professional Indonesian army, Australia needs to reaffirm their commitments by expanding the quota allocated for Indonesian armed forces officers at the ADFA (Australian Defence forces Academy). This will helps in cultivating a special bond between future leaders in the Armed Forces.

(The first of Three Publication about Future Roles of Australia in Indonesia)

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