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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

It Was Global Warming. Now, It's Global Boiling

1 Desember 2023   18:36 Diperbarui: 1 Desember 2023   18:37 181
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What is global warming?

Global warming is a term used when the earth is heating up due to climate change. Some of the causes may be natural, but the human species have some part in climate change.

The Cause of Global Warming

Due to global warming, ocean levels are rising. As we know, oceans - or any body of water - absorb the sun's heat. Animals who's habitat is in colder temperatures and surroundings, slowly lose their own homes and safe places as the ocean warms and gradually melts the ice. If this keeps going on, polar bears, penguins, and more creatures may go extinct. On top of that, diseases and viruses preserved in the ice begin to unleash and may attack surrounding organisms which can be very deadly to our human species. Greenhouse emissions also rise up to the earth's atmosphere and trap the sun's heat, causing immense heat throughout worldwide countries.


Factories mass produce items and products using raw materials which wear out the products from nature. But it's not just that, the gas and smoke pollute the sky. This smoke also comes from all types of vehicles (except for electric ones), wildfires, and many more reasons.

This is why Jakarta has mass pollution and New York's trending city skyline was a yellow-orange hue. 

Well.. How do we stop exhausting the earth?

Us humans need to be cautious of spending resources, because it causes harm to our wonderful Earth. 

  • First, we can start by throwing trash in the trash can or places people have made to put trash. Throwing trash in random spots is called littering, which is illegal in some parts around the world. But not all trash will end up recycled. There are two ways where the trash will go, companies will collect trash and hopefully recycle them.  Or, they will pile them up in a specific place, and they will end up in the oceans. Now, if they end up in the sea, it will cause problems to humans AND the sea creatures. Some creatures - mainly sea turtles - will accidentally think that plastic or waste thrown in the sea are food or prey and they will digest the harmful chemicals and micro plastics. If this keeps going, the death rates of sea turtles will skyrocket in big numbers and they will eventually be extinct.
  • Second, we can reduce pollution by using public transportations instead of personal ones. Such examples are buses or trains. This can help reduce pollution because you can reach your point but other people can reach their own destination. So it's basically a win-win situation. Same concept for subways or trains too.  Or the alternatives for public transportation can also be riding bikes. It's also exercise for us which is good for our body.

Wait.. we're drowning?
Some countries and cities are drowning! Yes! This may be weird to hear but it is actually true. A small country in the central pacific ocean called "Kiribati" is sinking due to the rising ocean levels. Kiribati is predicted to sink by the year 2100. Jakarta is also expected to sink by the year 2050.

It's devastating to hear that this is the current state of our earth. We don't have much time left. We need to make use of the time we have. We need to start a change and take better care of our earth. 

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