It was successfully inaugurated on December 5, 2022 by the Principal of each Elementary School. The inauguration of Nutrition Education Corner (POKAZI: Pojok Edukasi Gizi) was carried out by handing over a certificate as a symbolic sign.
Regarding the Nutrition Education Corner, this is a good thing, please pay attention to it and develop it. Thank you the team from State University of Malang, hopefully what is given at SDN 1 Petungsewu can be useful and beneficial and can be developed in the future," said Mr. Samsul, Principal of The One Elementary School of Petungsewu (5/12/22)
"Thank you to the team from State University of Malang. We hope that this Nutrition Education Corner can add to our knowledge and that of our students regarding nutrition which previously received little attention in rural areas and can be useful and beneficial in the future," said Mrs. Kurniasih, Principal of The Two Elementary School of Petungsewu (5/12/22)
"We also thank you for all of the school's academic community who have supported the establishment of this Nutrition Education Corner. This Nutrition Education Corner which was addressed to the entire academic community of the school so that we hope could be managed, maintained and utilized as well as possible," said Aqila Pakerti Nastiti and Selsa Tri Septiani, Student of the Department of Public Health, MBKM-MD Community Team at State University of Malang (5/12/22)
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