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Ilmu Sosbud

MBKM-MD UM held Nutrition Education Corner Pojok Edukasi Gizi (POKAZI) in Elementary School of Petungsewu Village

6 Desember 2022   00:15 Diperbarui: 6 Desember 2022   01:00 315
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Schools can be an aspect that greatly influences children's health through their educational programs. The meaning of the educational aspect here is not only academic education that has been contained in the curriculum, but education outside of these aspects is also very necessary. As in the process of fostering and improving the nutrition and health of school-age children, it is necessary to carry out education programs related to nutrition. Nutrition education will greatly influence the health of children in their growth phase.


Nutrition education given to elementary school age children is expected to create long- term memory. Where long-term memory is a type of memory that tends to be permanent and unlimited. Based on these facts and realities, the MBKM-MD Community Team at State University of Malang was determined to hold a Nutrition Education Corner (POKAZI: Pojok Edukasi Gizi) at elementary schools in Petungsewu Village. This step was taken in an effort to instill and increase the knowledge of elementary school-age students regarding nutrition which at the same time can become a means of literacy for the entire school academic community.

The concept taken in the establishment of the Nutrition Education Corner is a concept with a means of meaning of implementing nutritional knowledge through playing while learning. Before the process of procuring the Nutrition Education Corner (POKAZI: POjok Edukasi Gizi) for each school, a licensing and coordination process was carried out, which was then followed by an introduction and socilization regarding the Nutrition Education Corner (POKAZI: Pojok Edukasi Gizi) to the entire academic community at each school. The activity was considered interesting, useful, and received other good responses. 

The concept taken in the establishment of the Nutrition Education Corner is a concept with a means of implementing nutritional knowledge through playing while learning. Before the process of procuring the Nutrition Education Corner (POKAZI: Pojok Edukasi Gizi) for each school, a licensing and coordination process was carried out, which was then followed by an introduction and socialization regarding the Nutrition Education Corner (POKAZI: Pojok Edukasi Gizi) to the entire academic community at each school. The activity was considered interesting, useful, and received other good responses.




The Nutrition Education Corner was at 2 (two) elementary schools in Petungsewu Village, recently located in One Elementary School of Petungsewu and Two Elementary School of Petungsewu. Where is the Nutrition Education Corner (POKAZI: Pojok Edukasi Gizi) located in one corner of the room in each school.


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