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KKN MBKM Rejosari 2022
KKN MBKM Rejosari 2022 Mohon Tunggu... Universitas Negeri Malang

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Ilmu Sosbud

KKN MBKM MD UM 2022 Student Carry Out Repairs and Maintenance of The Curse Park in Rejosari Village, Bantur District

13 Desember 2022   10:55 Diperbarui: 13 Desember 2022   11:12 39
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Students at the State University of Malang (UM) carry out the Free Work Lecture on the Independent Learning Campus for the Development of Villages (KKN MBKM MD) in Rejosari Village, Bantur District, Malang Regency. This activity begins with observation before the activity is carried out (Tuesday, 11/10/2022). Then proceed with cleaning the area around the park the next day. (Wednesday, 12/10/2022).


Kutukan Park is a tourist attraction that has been developed by the village government as a tourist destination in Kutukan Hamlet, Rejosari Village. In an effort to develop a tourist attraction, repair and maintenance activities are carried out with the aim of beautifying the tourist object.


There were several activities carried out by UM KKN students with the Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis), including cleaning the park and painting the facilities in Curse Park. This activity was not only attended by UM KKN students, several Pokdarwis administrators also participated in this activity and this work program was completed in approximately 3 weeks.


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