Upacara Detik-Detik Proklamasi HUT Kemerdekaan RI ke-78 di desa Gesang Kecamatan Tempeh Kabupaten Lumajang diikuti ratusan peserta upacara dari berbagai unsur, seperti pelajar beserta dewan guru dari sekolah tersebut, Warga Sekitar, Rt dan Rw yang ada di desa Gesang, Lembaga yang ada di desa Gesang, Anggota Satuan Linmas desa Gesang, Anggota PKK desa Gesang, dan Mahasiswa KKN UMJ.
Kata Kunci : Hut-RI,Gesang,Upacara,KKN UMJ.
Gesang Village is a village located in Tempeh District, Lumajang Regency. The location of this village is located 5 Km to the west of the Capital District of Tempeh and takes + 15 minutes. In everyday life, people still uphold a sense of brotherhood and maintain harmony among citizens. This is evidenced by the habit of community service, mutual cooperation in every activity, one of the real proofs can be seen in one of the activities which coincided with Indonesia's 78th Independence Day, namely by carrying out a flag ceremony as a form of love for the motherland and dedication of the Gesang village community. In commemorating the 78th Indonesian Independence Day, the ceremony of raising the red and white flag went well, not to forget the great contribution of the community and not forgetting the intervention of students of the Muhammadiyah University of Jember Community Service which was carried out for the first time by the Gesang Village community. the results of community service activities are divided into several stages. The initial activity from the village was carrying out routine exercises which were carried out every night after the evening prayer until the training was sufficient in the field of Gesang village, Tempeh sub-district, Lumajang district, where the training was carried out directly by BABINSA Koramil 0821/10 Tempeh Serda Eko Widodo. The Ceremony of the Seconds of the Proclamation of the 78th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia in Gesang village, Tempeh District, Lumajang Regency was attended by hundreds of ceremony participants from various elements, such as students and the teacher's board from the school, Neighborhood residents, RT and RW in Gesang village, Institutions that exist in Gesang village, Members of the Gesang Village Linmas Unit, Members of the Gesang Village PKK, and KKN UMJ.
Keyword : Hut-RI, Gesang, Ceremony, KKN UMJÂ
Desa Gesang merupakan desa yang terletak dikecamatan Tempeh, kabupaten lumajang. Letak desa ini terletak 5 Km disebelah barat Ibu Kota Kecamatan Tempeh dengan waktu tempuh + 15 menit. Jarak ke Ibu Kota Kabupaten Lumajang 15 Km dengan waktu tempuh + 30 menit. Jarak ke Ibu Kota Provinsi Jawa Timur + 150 Km.
Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, masyarakat masih menjunjung rasa persaudaraan dan menjaga kerukunan antar warga. Ini dibuktikan dengan kebiasaan kerja bakti, gotong royong dalam setiap kegiatan, salah satu bukti nyatanya bisa dilihat pada salah satu kegiatan yg bertepatan pada hari kemerdekaan indonesia ke-78, yaitu dengan dilaksanakannya upacara bendera sebagai bentuk  cinta tanah air dan dedikasi masyarakat desa gesang.
Dalam pelaksanaan memperingati hari kemerdekaan indonesia ke-78, upacara pengibaran bendera merah putih sukses berjalan dengan baik, tidak luput akan kontribusi besar masyarakat dan tak lupa akan campur tangan dari mahasiswa kkn universitas muhammadiyah jember yang untuk pertamakalinya dilakukan masyarakat desa gesang.