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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

The Unhealthy Air Pollution in Jakarta, Indonesia - By Kiana William Ng

25 Mei 2023   15:00 Diperbarui: 25 Mei 2023   15:01 188
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Ilmu Alam dan Teknologi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Anthony

Pollution is a huge problem to the environment. There are many types of pollution that we might see or hear everyday, many of the pollutions can harm us too. Even though the world has a lot of pollutions, I'll be explaining about some common pollutions you might hear. The 4 common pollutions we all might know are water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, and sound pollution: 

Water pollution is produced when water sources are polluted by trash, toxic chemicals, and other things that can make water dirty and unsafe to use. This is usually caused by people disposing things in the wrong places. Water with very low and very high pH isn't safe to use. The perfect pH that is safe to use is between 6.5 - 7.5, anything lower or higher isn't good to use, if you did use the water that's lower or higher than the pH you're supposed to use, you might get sick. 

Soil pollution is produced when harmful chemicals are spread in the soil. This is usually caused when farmers want to make their plants grow better/ have better results, in order to do that, they'll use fertilizers/ put chemicals into the soil. This can cause other plants to die because it can't adjust to the chemicals people use. This can also cause sickness to people because of how toxic the soil is, it can cause irritation and ingestion problems. 

Sound pollution is produced when any unwanted or disturbing noises is affecting the health of people. The sounds usually came from machines, vibration, or people talking loudly. This can cause health problems because of how loud the sound is that we hear. It can cause high blood pressure, sleep disturbance, stress, and heart disease. 

Air pollution is produced when harmful substances are released into the air, making the air unclean. It's usually caused by smoke that comes out of vehicles and burning things. As the unclean air roams around and us breathing it on a daily basis, it can cause problems for our health. The health problems can include hard of breathing and lung cancer. It can also affect the habitats of animals and plants.

The pollution I'll be talking about is air pollution that is in Jakarta, Indonesia. In 2020, Indonesia was in 9th place for having unhealthy air quality/ being the most polluted country. It's surprising to know how Indonesia is in the top 10 counties to have bad air quality. Indonesia's government wants to take action to this problem which is great. Hopefully Indonesia will have a safe air quality in the future so we can live a safer and healthier lifestyle. Without a change towards air pollution, it'll get worse and worse over the years.

Air pollution is produced by many causes. Many of the causes are produced by people, which is horrible. Without anyone stopping people causing air pollution, the worse it'll get. The most common causes are forest fires, usage of motor vehicles, and burning garbage. Realize how these causes creates smoke, with the smoke roaming the air, it causes air pollution easily. Let's see what these causes can cause a or pollution:

Forest fires occurs in different ways. It can happen when temperature of the place gets too high. As the temperature gets higher, the more heat it'll produce, causing a fire. People starting fire near/ in forests can also cause forest fires. The fire people make can spread with dry plants catching on fire. When these causes happen near or in forests, the fire could spread all around the place, causing a forest fire. With the smoke from the forest fire, it'll be released into the air and causing air pollution. 

Usage of motor vehicles is one of the biggest causes of air pollution because of the amount of people using them. The smoke that came out of the vehicle is the cause. The smoke contains some pollutants that could harm the environment if used too much. The more motorized vehicles we use, the more polluted the place will be. It could cause serious harm to people; it can cause sickness like cancer and heart problems to people. 

Burning things like garbage is a very obvious reason why it can cause air pollution. If you burn trash, it creates smoke. The smoke might be toxic, depending what trash you burn, then smoke gets released into the air, creating air pollution. The smoke will spread everywhere if you burn things at an open place like your backyard or front yard. With all the unclean air roaming around and us breathing it everyday, it may cause sickness and difficulty of breathing especially people with asthma which may cause death.  

The impact of air pollution can cause sickness like hard of breathing, it's easy to get sick with air pollution especially for people who have asthma or having trouble breathing well. This happens because of how unhealthy the air quality is, making our lungs weaker. Many people in Jakarta complain about the air pollution making them sick/ hard to breathe, especially when it effects their kids, which I definitely can't blame. Even though people in Jakarta complain about the unhealthy air quality, the one who started it all was people, they're their own reason they're sick. 

Air pollution can also cause climate change. Climate change is a change of temperature patterns. Climate change is often mistaken how it's the same as weather, but its completely different, climate change is what people expect, while weather isn't what people expect because they change day by day. There are many effects of climate change but the most common one is heat that is so extreme that it could melt the layers of ice like in Antarctica and Greenland. The extreme heat is caused by the heat of smoke that is released into the air. The extreme heat could also start a forest fire, which is a cause of air pollution.

Air pollution can also cause global warming. Global warming is also caused by the effects of the greenhouse gas emitted by people. Global warming is the increasing of air temperatures near the surface of the earth. How air pollution causes global warming is because of the heat of the air that's produced by air pollution. With the amount of heat around the earth, icebergs will melt down and cause the sea level to rise and cause floods or tsunamis, which can cause dangers around the world. The current levels of the greenhouse gasses are carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. They have the ability to trap heat and cause global warming. 

There's a lot of great alternative solutions to save our environment from air pollution. With the many alternative solutions, we are taking action to saving our environment! Even though some of the solutions are hard to achieve, we can try to achieve the easy ones first. Some common and easy alternative solutions to stop or at least decrease air pollution is to use less motorized vehicles, avoid burning trash in an open place, and raise awareness about air pollution. 

Using less motorized vehicles will help decrease air pollution because of the smoke they produce. Instead of motorized vehicles, we could use bicycles or even electric cars. We could also use public transportation like the MRT or bus. We should use cars and motorcycles when we needed to go somewhere far like going to one city to another. Using vehicles that doesn't use fuel/ any substance that creates smoke will help a lot for the environment.

Instead of burning trash, we could use the 3-Rs which is "Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle." The 3-Rs means to minimize the amount of waste you use, use items more than once, and to put products to a new use instead of throwing/ burning them. The 3-Rs aren't hard to use at all, everyone can do it if they're willing to. By using the 3-Rs, it can help the environment a lot because less trash will make our it clean and safe!

Spreading awareness about air pollution could make people interested on how to save earth from pollutions. Spreading awareness is quite easy if you're willing to do it. You can start by posting in social media about it. Posting on social media is quite easy and a lot of people might see it since now days people uses social media, but of course spreading awareness out of social media is possible too like making a poster. With the awareness being spread, people might realize and take action to air pollution. 

A solution to solve the air pollution in Indonesia that I think is best is using less motorized vehicles and spreading awareness. Cars and motorcycles sure are a fast way to go from one place to another, but it isn't good for the environment. I suggest using public transportation or electric cars. Spreading awareness is a simple and easy way to tell people about the environmental problem the earth is facing currently. As we do things that doesn't hurt the environment/ create pollution, the earth will soon be a safe and healthy place to live in. 

Conclusion and Reflection:

Pollution hurts the environment a lot without most people realizing it. Even when some people complain about pollution destroying the earth slowly, sometimes people don't realize that they're the one causing it with all the different activities and habits people do. Without any change towards pollution, bad things might happen to us and the earth itself. With many of the solutions given by people around the world, the earth could be a safe and healthy place to live in. 

I think that we should do our best to stop pollution in order to live a safe and healthy lifestyle. I realized how dangerous pollution is to the environment and our health, if pollution is still around us in the future, our environment will surely be ruined and we'll be sick. I will learn more about pollution, it's effects, and how to stop it. I will also do my best to not do anything that may cause pollution!

Thank you for reading my essay! May God Bless You!

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