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Khairunnisa Bella Dina
Khairunnisa Bella Dina Mohon Tunggu... Lainnya - Legal Counsel

A former legal counsel at Indonesia private company who is passionate to build sustainability and has finished her bachelor’s study in Law with specialization in Environmental Law at University of Indonesia.




The Dynamics of Indonesia's Lobster Seeds Export Policy

14 Mei 2024   14:22 Diperbarui: 14 Mei 2024   14:39 247
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Indonesia's policy of export of lobster seeds has undergone several changes in the past decade. This started with an amendment of Regulation of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia (“PermenKP”) No. 56 of 2016 which initially prohibited the release of lobster seeds from Indonesian territory, was amended by PermenKP No. 12 of 2020 which wide opened the door to the export of lobster seeds, then the government annulled it again with the PermenKP No. 17 of 2021. Currently, Sakti Wahyu Trenggono as a Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries has legalized back to bring out lobster seeds from Indonesian territory for the purposes of cultivation, education, research, development, study, implementation and/or piloting through a PermenKP No. 7 of 2024 (“PermenKP 7/2024”).

Presently, Minister Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, in his interview, stated that the policy in PermenKP 7/2024 aims to stop export smuggling, develop Indonesian lobster cultivation, and increase the country's foreign exchange. This is in line with the considerations stated in the regulations, specifically to maintain the sustainable availability of fisheries resources, increase the welfare of fishermen, business actors and the community, accelerate the transfer of cultivation technology, develop investment, optimize non-tax state revenues, increase state foreign exchange, and develop lobster cultivation. (Panulirus spp.), crabs (Scylla spp.), and sea crabs (Portunus spp.)[1].

The lobster seed export policy in PermenKP 7/2024 covered by lobster seed cultivation activities that can be carried out outside Indonesian territory. Along with the provision that cultivation outside the territory of Indonesia must be carried out by investors who cultivate lobster seeds in Indonesia[2]. Apart from that, there must be cooperation between the investor's government, which is marked by an agreement and a request for a quota of lobster seeds from the Indonesian government[3]. Foreign investors must also collaborate with public service agencies in the field of cultural fisheries. Foreign investors must form a limited liability company with Indonesian legal entity[4].

If seen from the current policy direction, lobster seeds can be caught and brought out from Indonesian territory for cultivation purposes with the condition that investors must first carry out cultivation in Indonesia. The government also has set a quota for catching lobster seeds from each Fisheries Management Areas of the Republic of Indonesia ("WPPNRI"). Comparing the lobster seeds catching quotas that have been in issued since 2020 until now, the following data is obtained below :

Table 1. Quota Data of Catching Lobster Seeds (Puerulus) in the Fisheries Management Areas of the Republic of Indonesia (2020, 2021, 2024)
Table 1. Quota Data of Catching Lobster Seeds (Puerulus) in the Fisheries Management Areas of the Republic of Indonesia (2020, 2021, 2024)

Looking at Table 1 above, the period 2020 to 2024 shows a very significant increase in the catching quota for lobster seeds in each WPPNRI. Then, referring to data on Potential Estimates, Number of Allowable Catches, and Levels of Fish Resource Utilization in the Fisheries Management Areas of the Republic of Indonesia from 2017 to the present, the following data is obtained below :

Table 2. Data on Indonesian Fisheries Management Areas and Lobster Utilization Rates (2017, 2022)
Table 2. Data on Indonesian Fisheries Management Areas and Lobster Utilization Rates (2017, 2022)

When the lobster utilization rate is more than 1 (E>1), it indicates that lobster fishing is overexploited and fishing activities must be reduced[10]. In the 2017 utilization rates value, there are 5 regions that have been classified as overexploited, such as WPPNRI 571, 712, 713, 714, 715. Then, compared to 2020, this has increased to 7 regions, such as WPPNRI 571, 572, 573, 711, 713, 714, 715. Thus, in 2020 compared to 2017, there are 3 new regions that are in the overexploited category, specifically WPPNRI 572, 573 and 711.

Furthermore, when Table 2 shows an increasing trend in the use of lobster seeds, especially areas that are classified as over-exploited, then Table 1 should show a decreasing trend in lobster seed quotas. Because of those WPPNRI which are classified as overexploited, fishing activities must be reduced, however in Table 1 the government is still increasing the arrest quota. Therefore, if exploitation of lobster seeds and young is carried out on a large scale, it can pressure the adult lobster population to grow, develop and reproduce faster than normal conditions.

Referring to the concept of sustainable development in the framework of international maritime law, UNCLOS, states that fisheries management should promote the maintenance of the quality, diversity and availability of fishery resources in sufficient quantities for present and future generations in the context of food security, poverty alleviation and sustainable development[11]. This is in line with the concept of sustainable development in the concept of the Indonesian Fisheries Law where protection and management must be based on sustainable development carried out in a planned manner and capable of increasing the prosperity and well-being of the people by prioritizing the preservation of environmental functions for the present and future[12]. Currently, reviewing from the direction of policy regarding lobster seeds, it is still very contradictory to maintaining sustainability itself. The Indonesian government should make a policy that is in line with the concept of sustainable development to maintain the preservation and sustainability of lobsters in the Indonesian sea. Thus, in the present and future, we have many challenges on how to increase lobster cultivation in Indonesia without sacrificing our lobster resources.

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