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"Living in Newcastle", NSW Australia

6 Juli 2019   10:53 Diperbarui: 6 Juli 2019   11:17 14
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*Tulisan ini dari hasil corat coret belajar kelompok [Sprint Writing]

It is my decision to pursue my higher degree in Australia. It is a dream. I believe it has good education system. Its qualified educational institutions are there. Therefore, I enrolled at the University of Newcastle (UON). it sounds an interesting place to live and a good choice to study.

There are several considerations of choosing University of Newcastle. Firstly, I perceive the city is safer. I did not find significant criminal data although there were several racial intimidation toward international students but not significant compared to other destinations. Indeed, I being secured is very important.

Secondly, UON is lied in the city which is quite closed to the Sydney city. It is pretty much easy to access train or car to visit the city everyday in the morning and back home in the evening. The train itself serves 24 hours. It only costs very cheap. By then, it is very easy to escape from boring to lively and crowded city. If in Newcastle, pretty much trees but Sydney offers lots entertainment and places to see. 

Shortly, security and comfort feeling are two things to aware of choosing Newcastle. As protection is the priority on campus or in daily life, life enjoyment is pretty much served and matched in Newcastle. If we want to escape of monotonous life, Sydney is very closed.

Life experience in Newcastle is going to be a meaningful and remembered.   

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