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Mikayla ChristyWidjaya
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Ilmu Sosbud

A Call for Change: Using Compassion to Combat Sexual Assault in Indonesia

1 November 2023   20:13 Diperbarui: 1 November 2023   20:15 91
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Sexual assault is a serious issue that impacts individuals everywhere, especially in Indonesia. This essay will look at the prevalence of sexual assault in Indonesia, discuss the social and cultural factors that lead to this problem, and look into how biblically based principles of empathy and compassion may be very useful in addressing this kind of scenario.

Similar to several other countries, sexual assault is a prevalent issue in Indonesia. Accurate statistics are hard to come by due to underreporting caused by the stigma and terror attached to this crime. It's important to acknowledge the suffering that many victims experience and to work toward making the environment safer for everyone.

The wide variety of cultures and practices in Indonesia creates its own set of challenges. Perhaps some cultural characteristics unintentionally contribute to the higher rate of sexual assaults. Sexual assault can happen in environments where men are considered superior, where there is a gender gap, and where traditional values that reinforce masculine dominance are common. It's crucial to keep in mind that these cultural components emphasize the necessity of exercising cultural awareness when addressing the problem, not that they excuse the actions.

Initiatives to stop sexual assault can use the moral precepts found in the Bible as a guide. For many, it serves as a source of moral guidance. Biblical empathy and compassion are essential virtues. Luke 6:36 states, "Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful." This lesson encourages people to show empathy and compassion for those who have gone through a difficult time, especially those who have undergone sexual assault.

The Bible highlights the importance of empathy in the Book of Galatians (6:2), where it states, "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ." By placing ourselves in their shoes, we may gain a deeper understanding of the struggles faced by trauma survivors and provide them with care and support.

We could be inspired by these biblical teachings to avoid sexual assault in Indonesia and carry out the following measures:

1. Increase awareness: Teach people about the risks of sexual assault, the reporting procedures, and the consequences that follow.

2. Encourage survivors: Offer a safe, welcoming space where survivors feel comfortable sharing their stories and asking for assistance. 

3. Legal reforms: Advocate for changes to the legislation that will increase the severity of sexual assault and ensure that those who commit it face penalties. 

4. Promote gender equality: Try to dispel the prevalent gender preconceptions that contribute to the prevalence of sexual assault. 

5. Encourage empathy and compassion: Encourage empathy and compassion as tenets of Indonesian society, motivating people to confront sexual assault and support survivors. 

In conclusion, sexual assault is a significant issue in Indonesia that necessitates a comprehensive plan of action. We can create a society that is more supportive of survivors and reduce the tolerance for such awful actions by putting biblically inspired compassion and empathy concepts into practice. We are that. To stop sexual assault and create a more just and secure Indonesia, we must all contribute in some small way.

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