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Kertas Putih Kastrat (KPK) Mohon Tunggu... Dokter - Departemen Kajian dan Aksi Strategis BEM IKM FKUI 2022

Kumpulan intisari berita aktual // Ditulis oleh Departemen Kajian dan Aksi Strategis BEM IKM FKUI 2022 // Narahubung: Jansen (ID line: jansenjayadi)




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30 Juni 2018   09:44 Diperbarui: 30 Juni 2018   09:55 659
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Fernando G. The major events that eld up to the Kim-Trump summit in Singapore [Internet]. New South Wales:; 2018 [cited 2018 Jun 18]. Available from: 

Jones Anna, et al. Trump lauds Kim and will end war games [Internet]. BBC: Singapore; 2018 Jun 13 [cited 2018 Jun 18]. Available from: 

North Korea-United States relations [Internet]. Wikipedia; 2018 Jun 17 [cited 2018 Jun 18]. 

North Korea-United States summit [Internet]. Wikipedia; 2018 Jun 18 [cited 2018 Jun 18]. 

Borger J. A historic handshake ... but what did the Trump-Kim summit really achieve? [Internet]. Washington: The Guardian; 2018 Jun 16 [cited 2018 Jun 18]. 

The Trump-Kim summit statement: read the full text [Internet]. New York: New York Times; 2018 Jun 12 [cited 2018 Jun 18].

Trump's promises to Kim Jong-un leave U.S. and allies scrambling [Internet]. New York: New York Times; 2018 Jun 15 [cited 2018 Jun 18]. 

Koestanto BD. Membuka babak baru AS dan Korut. Kompas. 2018 Jun 13: hal 1,8,15

Birdieni B. Menyiapkan pertemuan dua seteru. Jakarta: Gatra; 2018.

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