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How's The Effect of Biden's Win Towards Jakarta Composite Index

23 Desember 2020   10:59 Diperbarui: 23 Desember 2020   11:06 68
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Rayhan Fadhila Ahsan (IESP 2018) & Kemal Pasha (IESP 2018)

After the nail-biting presidential election in the US, finally Joe Biden from Democrats as a competitor of the president incumbent Donald J. Trump from Republicans has won the presidential elect. With 290 electoral votes in states made he complied the minimum requirements of 270 electoral votes, continuing with his little victory in Pennsylvania.

A history of presidency of the United States that will never be forgotten for the local citizens and the world as a witness that can project the brighter future in International trade and ending the non-stop trade war with China. Nevertheless, the impact of the capital market around the world, especially Indonesia, has seen positive sentiment from one of the biggest political events in the world.

We have seen the United State presidential election been a spotlight in the world. This happened because the US is the superior nation in the world and the biggest economy as well. The US can easily interfere in political and economical situations in any sector and commodity, especially in military and oil prices.

Even more, the US has the veto at the United Nations amongst the other five countries which can confirm or deny the resolutions made by other countries participating in the general assembly.

The United States is also one of the biggest importer countries in the world so every country who wants to enroll for international trade, especially the goods going to the US must obey several policies including tariff and quota.

This policy can be either easy or hard for the exporter agents according to the president of US personal favor or political favor. In the hindsight, Donald J Trump as the 45th president of the US, has been conducting a protectionism policy for China which is notably as one of the biggest nations to export goods in the world.

In Indonesia cases when Donald Trump is leading the country there have been several key person who have a tight bond with the US president itself, says Hary Tanoe (the chairman of MNC group), and Setya Novanto (the former Indonesia chairman of parliament).

This relationship may only benefit the specific companies, not to the people of Indonesia. Donald Trump serves the Republican party in the United States, while Joe Biden serves Democratic party. These two different parties have their own interest in terms of international trade policy, military budgeting, immigration restriction, domestic taxes policy, and etc.

Joe Biden as the 46th president-elect of the United States has its own interest and the world relies on his movement to bring more decency to the White House. 

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