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Ilmu Sosbud

The Influence of Instagram Political Literacy

27 September 2023   20:00 Diperbarui: 27 September 2023   20:07 221
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instagram: @puspenpol

Political informations that are  offered by these content creators are  various, such as various terms related  to political science, concepts in  political science, study cases on  everyday problems and relating it to  political science, etc. These content  creators boosted readers' political  literacy because they educated  readers with beneficial political  informations valuable for  understanding their environment's  situation. The increase in political  literacy is also hoped to further  increase political participation for  citizens. With a society filled with  educated and politically literated  citizens, a nation can reach high  political participation from its  citizens. Instagram as one of the most  used social media plays a big factor in  the process. 

In order to face the future,  political literacy is much needed  especially in social media where false  political informations are spread  everywhere and needed re verification. Social media,  particularly Instagram is one of the  most used platforms by millennials.  This puts them as a target of  provocative and false political  informations (Lailiyah, 2018). In  order to be an educated citizen, people  must be critical about the  informations they gained. This can be  reached by developing critical  thinking.  

Critical Thinking itself is an  objective, self-regulatory assessment that results in interpretation, analysis,  evaluation, and inference, as well as  an explanation of the evidence,  conceptual, methodological, criteria,  or conceptual considerations that  underlie the judgment (Facione,  1990). Reflective and reasonable  thinking that focuses on deciding  what to believe or do (Ennis, 1985). 

Another way that can be done  to increase political literacy properly  in using Instagram social media is to  use it as positively as possible,  meaning by avoiding a directive of  forms or things that lead to unhealthy,  anarchic or dark political information,  so that filtering and choosing about  who , and what things you want to  look for greatly affect political  literacy, and make a person able to  improve his political literacy in a  good and healthy way. 


In an era of technology that  lives with a democratic society, the  rise of social media is rapid which  made political informations became  massively accessible (Bennett, 2012).  Instagram as a social media platform  offers politics as one of the hottest  topics to be discussed through content  creators based on political fields.  These content creators provided a  series of pictures, mainly presentated  in the form of infographics or posters  containing political informations.  Political informations that are offered  by these content creators are various.  These content creators boosted  readers' political literacy because 

they educated readers with beneficial  political informations valuable for  understanding their environment's  situation. The increase in political  literacy is also hoped to further  increase political participation for  citizens. With a society filled with  educated and politically literated  citizens, a nation can reach high  political participation from its  citizens. Instagram as one of the most  used social media plays a big factor in  the process. 

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