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Ilmu Sosbud

The Influence of Instagram Political Literacy

27 September 2023   20:00 Diperbarui: 27 September 2023   20:07 221
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collection technique that is carried out  by conducting a review of books,  literature, records, and various reports  that are related to the problem to be  solved or researched (Nazir, 2003).  

A literature review is a piece  of academic writing demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the  academic literature on a specific topic  placed in context. A literature review  also includes a critical evaluation of  the material, this is why it is called a  literature review rather than a  literature report. It is a process of  reviewing the literature, as well as a  form of writing (Rudestam and  Newton, 1992). 

When conducting and writing  a literature review, the thing to do is  usually analyze and summarize the  results of the research and the results  of previous theories, identify the  nature of the problem and the claims  challenged and highlight any gaps  that may exist in the research to date.  In larger pieces of writing, such as  dissertations or projects, a literature  review is usually one of the first tasks  undertaken after deciding on a topic. 

Research Results and Analysis 

In an era of technology that  lives with a democratic society, the  rise of social media is rapid which  made political informations became  massively accessible (Bennett, 2012).  Millennials are always attached to  informations when it comes to  political literacy because  informations are well-attached to the  activity (Bakthiyar, 2018). Instagram 

as a social media platform offers politics as one of the hottest topics to  be discussed through content creators based on political fields. These  accounts usually gave users a series of  pictures that contains political  informations. Political informations  can be defined as the knowledge of  politics such as how political systems  work, the science of political debates  and everyday politics, and the science  of political actors and their  ideological differences (Gronlund,  Smith and Mcmenemy, 2017). These  political informations are mainly  presentated in the form of posters,  mindmaps, and infographics. 

People nowadays love contents that are packaged in a  simple, comfortable form to read and  enjoy. With the growth of photo  editing and design, instagram turned  into the perfect platform for users to  enjoy these well-packaged contents  and absorb information in the fastest,  convenient way. Instagram accounts  related to the political field are  competing to be the most popular  account through posting a series of  pictures contained with political  information and package it with a  simple, clean, and creative design.  Instagram accounts such as  @Pinterpolitik and @Puspenpol are  the example of accounts that offered  creative political information  contents. 

This convenience that these  accounts offered further boosted  citizen's political literacy. They can 

gain quick, convenient, reliable  political informations by reading  posters or infographics made by the  content creators. @Puspenpol for  example, offered the readers with  posts about political knowledges,  @Pinterpolitik also offered the users  with infographics about political  news and updates. These content  creators made it easy for users to learn  and discover political informations  from scratch until they become  politically literated.

instagram: @puspenpol
instagram: @puspenpol

Instagram: @Pinterpolitik
Instagram: @Pinterpolitik

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