Mohon tunggu...
Kartika HandayaniPutri
Kartika HandayaniPutri Mohon Tunggu... collager

my hobby is reading a book, Im a girl with many dreams, and the most important thing .... I really like tomato.




This Is Me and My Words (Kartika Handayani Putri)

26 Agustus 2024   17:56 Diperbarui: 26 Agustus 2024   18:13 57
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 Knowing english is one of the most challenging activity.

A day I start to learn english is a day I choose for my future.

Ready to arrange my future plan steps by steps.

 To learn english deeper,I choose this department.

I hope allah always makes easy every steps I choose.

Knowledge which we want to get will be easy and come to you. if you wanna try .

And I think learning english isnot difficult.

Hello everybody

Am I your classmate?

Never afraid of me

Dont try to leave me alone 

Am I like a bad girl?

You are my friends arent, you?

Am I like your bad dream?

Now we can be friend

In every conditions

Please tell me about the truth

use your eyes to see me

Try and do your best

Run if you meet tiger

In  this time we need to choose the best choise.

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