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Boiled Alive: Prison Economy

16 November 2024   19:25 Diperbarui: 16 November 2024   19:55 273
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figure 1. UNODC Long term relationship between crime and unemployment
figure 1. UNODC Long term relationship between crime and unemployment

Figure 1 displays a long-term correlation between Canada's unemployment rates and robberies based on annual data from 1962 to 2009. The annual data show that longer-term increases in unemployment are linked to higher rates of robbery. It fluctuates seasonally, while crimes peak during holidays and financial crises. 

The idea of a natural-born killer does not exist. The majority of criminals have underlying mental health conditions (substance abuse or depression), which may result in school shootings, serial killings, or cannibalism. These traumas can be passed down from family dysfunction, or community violence. Growing up in an abusive environment can have a profound impact on a child's development, increasing their risk of influence in criminal behavior--- The question is, who is truly responsible: the villain or the society that creates them?

The Villain

Previously talking about the Ramen economy---wouldn't it be funny to know that they produce their ramen with their bare hands? 

Private prisons, which are for-profit, often exploit inmates by underpaying them for labor. This practice not only violates workers' rights but raises questions about the allocation of taxpayer funds. As US taxpayers spend billions annually on prisons, in reality, private prisons profit from cheap inmate labor (Princeton, 2023) Where does our tax money go then? 

Johnny Perez, a US ex-prisoner called it the "Slavery loophole". There is no way out (literally) of forced labor--- because there will be consequences if refused. In the US there are roughly 8 hundred thousand prisoners exploited for free labor (Guardian, 2022). It's no doubt that the government acknowledges the potential of this natural skilled labor--- but this may be the malicious intent of why the judicial system keeps prisoners in longer jail time, is it for a zero cost labor?

Boiling 100 celsius!

Punishment system is a barbaric relic of a bygone era. Even from the beginning of time, the witch trials in Massachusetts burn women, which not only degrade human dignity but also fail to address the underlying reasons for criminal behavior. 

It's paradoxical that a government can overlook the rights of prisoners (they're your citizens too). In 2023, Louisiana built an extreme heat air-conditioner, by arguing that "prisons shouldn't be comfortable". With 16 prisoners' heat-related deaths from dehydration, and 30% rise in suicide attempts. Additionally, 2,231 prisoners attempt to escape in the US (Statista, 2024). How sadistic and inhumane---So why is Luoisiana behaving the same like murderers? (lailluminator, 2024). 

Consequently, imprisonment does not deter 'recidivism' (refers to an ex-prisoner relapsing into criminal behavior) (Vera, 2023). UNODC suggests that harsh prison conditions can traumatize individuals, increasing their likelihood of recidivism or being socially isolated after release. Therefore, if public safety is the primary goal, imprisonment is not the answer. Additionally, larger punishments with lengthy sentences are not effective in making prisoners feel remorse or retiring to crime (UNODC, 2010). 

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