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Kanopi FEBUI Mohon Tunggu... Jurnalis - Himpunan Mahasiswa Ilmu Ekonomi FEB UI

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An Economic Riddle: Who has Money but One Kidney

10 November 2023   19:00 Diperbarui: 10 November 2023   19:07 819
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(Consumer and Producer Surplus in the Market Equilibrium, source: principles of economics, Gregory Mankiw)

The harsh truth is today, humans can't always expect altruism. Whether an incentive is motivated by money or pure philanthropy, as long as it resorts to the provision of kidney supplies for medication---personal motives are not the economy's biggest concern. 

Despite the obvious advantages of such an exchange, legalizing the kidney market should sustain mutual benefits. If legalizing the kidney market were to happen, enforcing policies that consider both economic and moral dimensions can be instrumental in establishing sustained parameters.

Without further ado, Who has Money but One Kidney---should be you.


Diulas oleh: Mahira Alula| Ilmu Ekonomi 2023| Trainee Divisi Kajian Kanopi FEB UI 2023/2024


"Mengenal Transplantasi Ginjal." Direktorat Jenderal Pelayanan Kesehatan, Accessed 5 Nov. 2023. 

Srivastava, Roli. "Indian Kidney Traders Smuggle Donors to Egypt to Beat Strict Donation Rules." Reuters, Thomson Reuters, 11 Sept. 2017, 

"Indonesians Are Buying and Selling Human Kidneys on Facebook." VICE, 12 Oct. 2018, 

"Here's Why It Is Illegal to Sell Your Kidney." Rocket Health Africa, Accessed 5 Nov. 2023. 

"Who Gets on a Kidney Waitlist? We're in the Dark on a Crucial Step toward Transplant." Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, 28 Apr. 2023, 

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