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Should MOS (School Orientation) be Banned?

8 Agustus 2015   18:41 Diperbarui: 8 Agustus 2015   18:46 181
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A lot of educators argue that MOS (School Orientation) has many moral values which should be conducted in the school in order to introduce something to new students before starting studying. Although, its aim is good, there are critics from various elements who don’t want to accept it to be held. Thus, the way and procedural which is often not suitable with the vision. Here I would like to give my opinion in another side.

Obviously, as new students need to know all about their school where they will start to study. The school should give a little time to introduce them such as curriculum, places, cultures, that sort of thing. And as usual there is an agenda where all new students gather in one of place or in the hall in order to notice some announcements or hear motivation from school. As illustrate, the teacher gives a guidance to new students. Beside that the new students have to be able to adjust with new a place and condition. These more efficient and educative if it applied in the school.

In others hand, the MOS (School Orientation) program which conducted in Indonesia has many various ways. And many people admit that MOS is not essential to be held. They thought it is just an insult for new students. For example, the new students should wear an odd costume as if they were a clown. However, it has an intent from each costume as new students have to imitate famous figures in the world. And also treatment from the school which is not good enough when conducting MOS (School Orientation) like an initiation, screaming, mental torture. That why MOS in Indonesia seems a worse program.

The MOS (School Orientation) might be conducted in the school on condition an agenda should be appropriated with the purpose. Because it is helpful for new students who need to adapt. therefore, a good thing and a bad thing that depend on the school which is as an organizer.

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