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Reason Why Someone is Afraid of Cats

15 April 2023   21:44 Diperbarui: 15 April 2023   21:48 306
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One of the most tame animals kept at home is a cat. This animal is one of the animals that often behaves adorable and is quite indulgent to humans. But, did you know that are people who can feel very scared when they see or are close to a cat ?

An excessive fear of cats is know as ailurophobia, usually when someone has this phobia they will feel uncomfortable or show certain reactions. 

One of the causes of ailurophobia is thought to be someone having a bad experince with a cat. For example, traumatized ever seratched or bitten by a cat. Apart from that, ailurophobia can also becaused by heredity or geneties, for example are afraid of cats will grow up having ailurophobia.

This type of phobia usually appears from childhood so it will be quite difficult for these people to came to terms with their phobia. However, it is still possible for people with ailurophobia to experience this phobia even is they have not bad a traumatic experience with cats. 

So, are you also afraid of cats?

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