Mohon tunggu...
Zee Alvionita
Zee Alvionita Mohon Tunggu... lainnya -

“Zee”:\r\n\r\nis currently studying at the English Department, Satya Wacana Christian University.\r\n\r\nLikes acting, reading, writing, singing, playing piano, listening to music, watching movies, and studying people’s behaviors.\r\n\r\nBelieves that: “if you can do better than this, why not?”,\r\n\r\n“a woman must be tough”,\r\n\r\n“independence is not everything, but it is EXTREMELY important”\r\n\r\n"I am proud of being different."\r\n\r\n:)




Words of Apology

24 September 2011   22:32 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   01:39 34
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I Love Thee
I love somebody else
And aside from her,
I want no one else

I’m sorry,
It had to be this way
But I just couldn’t let my love to her

In the midst of the beauty
Of the 2002 play
Thee looked at me happily
When I say:
“Treasuring thee
I may”

But now everything has been locked
When all lines of blood
Has been blocked
With clot

And although for her it’s not
Her blood
Is my blood
I’ve tied it with a solid knot

I’m just sorry that
In here with us
Thee just can not

Jan 24, 2011
Cindy "Zee" Alvionita

Original post:

Mohon tunggu...

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