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11 Things Making People Disrespect to You

18 September 2021   13:51 Diperbarui: 18 September 2021   14:10 168
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11 Things Making People Disrespect to You

"The greatest manifestation of love is respect," we often realize. Respect is something that everyone yearns for. Everyone desires respect because it makes them feel good and gives them the impression that they are valuable to others.

"To obtain respect, we must first give respect," our elders may have told us at some point. Have you ever considered what our forefathers meant when they said this? It simply means that if we treat others with respect, we will be treated with respect in return.

And you'd agree that people misunderstand you sometimes, despite your good intentions, and you lose your relevance and RESPECT in their eyes.

There are a few habits that we don't realize have an impact on how people perceive the entire video to learn about the things you should avoid. So, without further ado, let's have a look at some of the typical deeds that cause us to lose respect, whether consciously or unknowingly:

  1. Self-Advertising:

Advertising is something that most people despise. We get annoyed and click the "skip ad" button when we're watching a fun video on YouTube and an ad pops up. Similarly, one should never publicize one's successes in a discussion or at a gathering unless specifically asked to do so, but unfortunately, many do not miss any opportunities to do so.

Even if they are questioned, they should be modest and mention it in a general manner rather than bragging about it, let others around them start looking for the "skip ad" button.

  1. Talking about the negative:

When people are having a conversation, they frequently talk only about bad events, such as crimes or natural disasters. Everyone needs inspiration to develop their talents in today's cutthroat, competitive world, so they continue to look for people with a good and successful mindset.

People are more prone to be lonely and melancholy nowadays since everyone is so busy with their lives that no one has time to share and care. So, if someone finds someone trustworthy with whom to discuss their inner sentiments, one should strive to listen to them and, if feasible, suggest applicable solutions.

But, in general, people do not listen to others with patience and, in the middle, only start talking about all the negative things. As a result, they become the greatest demotivators, dampening others' spirits, worsening their situation, restricting them from dealing with their problem, and, above all, becoming a barrier to achieving their objectives. In the current situation, the majority crowd's negative attitude breeds contempt for themselves.

  1. Comparing others to oneself or to loved ones:

You could have come across persons who consider themselves and their loved ones to be the most superior human beings. They place little value on other attributes and are always attempting to demotivate individuals.

When they observe someone being praised for something, they begin comparing them to themselves or a loved one in an attempt to disgust that person by convincing him or her that he or she has done nothing special that should be celebrated by everybody.

  1. Not respecting the feelings of others:

When one individual shares his or her sentiments with another, it shows that they trust and respect one another. The majority of individuals do not value or care about other people's feelings and emotions.

In this scenario, the one expressing the emotion may believe that he or she misunderstood the person to whom he or she was giving their hearts, and that the person they trusted and respected is unworthy of their respect and trust.

  1. Putting the burden of decision-making on others:

If someone is addressing their difficulties with us, we should pay attention to them and, if we have a good solution for them, we should share it. This is what a decent guy would do, yet most individuals try to compel others to follow their recommendations.

This is due to our egocentric nature. When we find that our answer is not accepted or that the person we have counseled on an issue is not following our advice, we feel irritated with them rather than analyzing why they have not followed our advice.

  1. Being untrustworthy and lacking in integrity:

Liars are not tolerated by anyone. People nowadays frequently prefer to exaggerate, show-off, swank, and enhance. If we lie to someone during a conversation, and they figure out we're lying, it's natural for them to believe everything we've said is a lie. Even if only one untruth is told during the entire conversation, the listeners will assume that everything mentioned is a lie. As a result, never lie.

  1. Excessively optimistic-

"Don't promise when you're happy," smart person once advised. So, consider twice before making a commitment and make sure you keep it. Some people have a bad habit of making promises they don't intend to keep. They are never able to keep their commitments, whether it is appearing on time or completing an assignment.

  1. Lack of sensitivity

It goes a long way to be kind in your actions. With humility, even the most hardened hearts can be won. Consider this: Do you exhibit generosity to others who are less fortunate? Do you show love to all animals, even stray ones? Be aware of how you react in different situations. People are constantly watching and judging. Your respect will be shattered if you make one mistake.

There was a recent incident involving a pregnant elephant that received a lot of attention. Some males in Kerala, India's southernmost state, fed a pregnant elephant firecrackers stuffed inside a banana. It was awful to learn that both the baby and the pregnant mother had died. People who lack humanity do not deserve all! No matter how respectable they appear in society, they do not deserve all!

  1. You frequently interrupt others-

Surprisingly, if you constantly interrupt others, you stand a good possibility of losing respect as well. Maintain a healthy balance in your discourse. Listening contributes to the development of trust and respect.

  1. Imposing your viewpoint on others-

Everyone has their own point of view. It is an unrealistic assumption to expect them to accept solely your point of view. Negating other people's opinions all of the time and insisting on making your own decisions is the only way to make others angry, annoyed, or distant from you.

  1. Personal gain in relationship

Relationships are built on mutual considerations and connections, whether they are professional or personal. You lose respect when you seek selfish benefit in relationships. Any good partnership requires mutual trust and admiration. People who are always out for personal gain are considered greedy and unworthy of respect.

Many of life's partnerships are based on mutual respect and trust. Respect is something that has to be gained by our conduct. We must first respect ourselves and others in order for others to respect us. Although respect is crucial, we must not lose our self-respect because we may encounter people who are not deserving of our respect at different periods in our lives.

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