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Jonathan Bachtiar
Jonathan Bachtiar Mohon Tunggu... Freelancer - seorang pecinta kuliner dari berbagai belahan dunia

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The Reason Behind a Hole in Donuts

20 November 2020   20:39 Diperbarui: 20 November 2020   20:43 49
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If food were people, donuts and coffee were probably close friends. The two are almost always side by side in snack box jakarta. However, unlike coffee that many people discuss, donuts are very rare to talk about. Maybe, you don't even know why the center of the donut has a hole.

Yep, in fact, this hole is the hallmark and distinguishes it from bread or other snacks. Actually, what is the reason for the hole in the middle of this donut, huh?

Apparently, the purpose of this hole is not a characteristic, you know, but so that the donuts can cook evenly when fried.

The origin of the cake is still being debated between the Dutch and America, even the UK, this has long been known to the European and American communities. That said, donuts were first made in the early 18th century. Since then, many bakeries have been selling it.

The first time it is made, the egg mixture in the donut mixture makes this sweet cake difficult to cook until it reaches the center. If it's fried longer, the middle part is more ripe, but the edges will burn.

From here, came the idea to perforate the donut right in the middle. Since then, they have no longer bothered with the center of the donut being undercooked or the edges burning. The fried bread is cooked perfectly!

Multiple Origins

It is not clear who first made the donut with a hole in the middle. However, a source said, the ring-shaped donut maker was a sailor named Hanson Gregory in 1847. He made donuts on a ship when he was 16 years old.

At that time, his fellow sailors were not satisfied with the donuts because the edges of the donuts were dry and crunchy, but the center was still soft and oily.

Gregory then thought of making a hole in the middle so that the donuts were cooked evenly. Another version, he deliberately made a hole in the center of the donut in order to save the limited material on the ship.

Then, slightly off the mark from Gregory's story, there is another version of the hole in the middle of a donut bun. This is related to bread which was also popular in the 18th century, namely bagels.

You need to know, bakers usually place bagels with holes on a kind of pole or stick on a cart to make it more compact. Well, every donut is then also given a hole so that they can be placed in the same way.

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