Mohon tunggu...
Johan Japardi
Johan Japardi Mohon Tunggu... Penerjemah - Penerjemah, epikur, saintis, pemerhati bahasa, poliglot, pengelana, dsb.

Lulus S1 Farmasi FMIPA USU 1994, Apoteker USU 1995, sudah menerbitkan 3 buku terjemahan (semuanya via Gramedia): Power of Positive Doing, Road to a Happier Marriage, dan Mitos dan Legenda China.



Ilmu Sosbud

Life Satisfaction

26 April 2021   21:13 Diperbarui: 26 April 2021   21:51 174
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To not get caught up in the habit of buying on credit even once, I have a very good principle: "Never buy on credit, if you don't have enough money, review the items you want to buy, if you really need them, save up to enough money and then buy in cash. When an item is bought later, the price has usually gone down, as newer products have been launched. "

I give an example here:
From what "I wanted," after reviewing, I decided that "I needed" a sophisticated rice cooker. There was one and only one expensive brand with advantages in features that other rice cookers didn't have, namely,  thickest pot, and a fermentation function, so I could use it not only to cook rice, but also cakes, for example bika Ambon (an Indonesian traditional cake), my favorite. So I saved specifically for this purpose, and 6 months later I bought the rice cooker at a price that didn't go down, but there was a 10% discount, which means that out of the money I saved, I still had a little extra that I could use to buy other necessities. Until now I have used this rice cooker for more than 7 years.

Alah membeli menang memakai. (Lose in buying win in using).

Quality of life, and in turn, happiness of life, all depends on ourselves to make it happen.

The higher life satisfaction we get is not from trivial external materialistic things (which if shared will decrease), but from abstract things: knowledge and knowledge sharing (which the more we share  the more we get). Make "creating heaven on earth and helping all those who are in need of help" a principle of life.

May this be useful.

Jonggol, 26 April 2021

Johan Japardi

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