b. “Na-palu-ka i Ina” and wà –ma –na –ya -i
3sN-hit-PRF ART mother NEG report –MOD-3sG-3sD-ASP
Normally, adverbs appear directly adjacent to the verb, interfering between the verb and the clitic cluster, see the position of mema ‘immediately’ in (33). With wà, however, the adverb must appear to the right of the clitic, as in (34):
33) Ngandi mema –na –nggai
Take immediately -3sG -2sD
‘He brought it to you (pl.)’ immediately’
34) ‘U’ wà –na mema –nggai
yes report -3sG immediately -2pD
‘He agreed with you (pl.) immediately’
Other evidence comes from speech errors. Strikingly speaking, sentence (30) is ungrammatical because it contains two genitive markers.
35) “Ndia ná” wà –na –ma –du –na –nya-ka nú
NEG.EMP DEI report -3sG –MOD-MOD -3sG-3sD-PRF DEI
‘”No way!”, he said to me’
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