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An analysis of Writing Composition Of The Second Year Students Of Smpk st Yoseph Kupang In The School year 2009/2010

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This study is entitled “AN ANALYSIS OF WRITING COMPOSITION OF THE THIRD YEAR STUDENTS OF SMPK ST. YOSEPH KUPANG IN THE SCHOOL YEAR 2009-2010.” It aims at answering the following questions (1) Are the Third Year Students of SMPK St. Yoseph Kupang in the school year 2009-2010 able to write a composition? (2) What is the level of their ability?

This study was conducted at the Third Year Students of SMPK St. Yoseph Kupang in the school year 2009-2010. In collecting the data, the writer gave some topics chosen by the students to be constructed in writing a composition. The method used in this study was Descriptive Method.

The standard of measurement used to evaluate the students’ ability level was the one proposed by John Anderson ranging from: 0-5: bad; 6-10: below average; 11-15: average; 16-20: good; 21-25: very good; 26-30: excellent.

The result of the study shows that: (1) the Third Year Students of SMPK St. Yoseph Kupang in the school year 2009-2010 are able to write a composition. (2) The students’ level of ability is Good (16.8).

Based on the result of the study, the writer suggests: (1). The teacher needs to consider the students’ English grammar, vocabulary and fluency (style and ease of communication) because this study proves that the students committed many mistakes on those aspects. (2). The students are required to enrich their grammar, vocabulary; particularly the use of appropriate tenses, regular and irregular verbs, the use of auxiliary verbs, and the use of full verbs in the sentences.



Approved by

Advisor IAdvisor II

Drs. Thomas Ola Dosinaeng, MADrs. Aleksius Madar, M. Ed

Acknowledged by

The Head of English Study Program

Of UNWIRA Kupang

Drs. Aleksius Madar, M. Ed

This Thesis Was Presented On Monday, 24th August, 2009

The examination board:






Drs. Thomas Ola Dosinaeng, MA



Drs. Aleksius Madar, M.Ed



Dra. Floribertha Lake, SIP, MA

Examiner I


Drs. Clemens Ataburan, M.Hum

Examiner II


Drs. Thomas Ola Dosinaeng, MA

Examiner III

Acknowledge by,

Dean of FKIP UNWIRAHead of English Study Program

Drs. Blasius Radja, M.PsiDrs. Aleksius Madar, M.Ed


The writer is really happy that this writing could be finished. Anyhow, the writer believes that without any guidance and blessing from Lord the Almighty God, this thesis will not be finished. Therefore, the writer would like to praise and thank Him for all His goodness that has been brought to her. The writer also would like to express her sincerest thanks to the following people:

1.Drs. Blasius Radja, M.Psi; the Dean of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences Faculty and Drs. Aleksius Madar, M.Ed; the Head of English Study Program who helped the writer with all administrative affairs so this study could be conducted.

2.Both her advisors; Drs. Thomas Ola Dosinaeng, MA her first advisor and Drs. Aleksius Madar, M.Ed her second advisor, who have spent lots of time for guiding and recommending necessary corrections toward the improvement of this pieces of writing. Without their advice and encouragement, the writer believes that she would not have accomplished this scientific writing.

3.Both her panelists, Dra. Floribertha Lake, SIP, MA and Drs. Clemens Ataburan, M.Hum for their suggestions and corrections for the improvement of this writing in the proposal seminar and thesis examination.

4.All the lecturers of Widya Mandira Catholic University especially the lecturers of English Department, for their time in providing the writer with knowledge, experiences, and skills during her study at Widya Mandira Catholic University and also for Mrs. Meliana Tauk as the Administrative Staff of English Education Study Program.

5.The third year students of SMPK St. Yoseph Kupang for their willingness to become the subject of this study and their kindness during the period of data collection.

6.Her belovedfather Darius Lemat, her beloved mother Adriana Rade Rohy, her beloved brother Nyong, her beloved sisters Novy and Nova, her beloved cousins Dus, Dian, Dami and Astin. Thank you so much for all your love, pray, support, advice, and companionship in happy and difficult times.

7.Her beloved boyfriend Primus. Thank you so much for all your love, prayer, support, advice, and companionship in happy and difficult times.

8.Her beloved grandparents Ali Antonius and Apolonia Jemat for all their supports for the writer in finishing this writing.

9.All her beloved friends in ninth semester, Ima, Wita, Erny, Jennet, Evo, Odjie, Asrin, Sada, Melky, Roy, Sr. Densi, Sr. Sebas, Sr. Ellis, Sr. Femy, Salma, Novrin, Sonya, and also her old friend Reany Anita who helped her in finishing this task both morally and materially.

10.All her beloved sisters in St. Arnoldus Yansen dormitory, especially for Kak Ella, Cacay, Anny, Tincy, Merry, Dessy, Sylla, Helen, Wati, Cika, Tevy, Netty, and Yenny for all their support, care, and prayer for the writer in finishing this writing.

The writer believes and realizes that their helps and advices cannot be counted, may the Almighty God bless them all.

Kupang, August 2009

The Writer


APPROVAL SHEET................................................................................................. ii

BOARD OF EXAMINATION.......................................................................... ....... iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT................................................................................. ....... iv

ABSCTRACT............................................................................................................. vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................... vii

LIST OF TABLES..................................................................................................... x

MOTTO....................................................................................................................... xi

DEDICATION PAGE............................................................................................... xii

CHAPTER IINTRODUCTION..................................................................... 1

1.1Background of the Study............................................................ 1

1.2Statement of Problems................................................................. 4

1.3Objectives of the Study............................................................... 4

1.4Significances of Study................................................................. 5

1.4.1 For the English Teacher...................................................... 5

1.4.2 For the Writer..................................................................... 5

1.5 Scope and Limitation................................................................... 5

1.6Definition of Terms..................................................................... 5

1.6.1 Writing................................................................................ 6

1.6.2 Composition................................................................ ....... 6

1.6.3 Paragraph............................................................................ 6

1.6.4 SMPK St. Yoseph.............................................................. 6

CHAPTERII REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE............................ 7

2.1Definition of Writing................................................................... 7

2.2 Writing Composition................................................................... 9

2.2.1 Writing Process................................................................... 10

2.2.2. Developing Paragraph........................................................ 11

2.2.3 Kinds of Writing................................................................. 13

2.3 Testing Writing............................................................................ 13

2.3.1 Setting the Task.................................................................. 13

2.3.2 Obtaining Samples that Properly Represent

Each Candidate’s Ability................................................ 14

Setting Task which can be Reliably Scored............................................................ 15

2.3.4.Score of Writing.............................................................. 15

CHAPTERIII METHODOLOGY.................................................................... 20

3.1 Research Design.......................................................................... 20

3.2Subject of the Study.................................................................... 20

3.3Instrument.................................................................................... 21

3.4Scoring......................................................................................... 21

3.5Procedures................................................................................... 23

3.5.1. Data Gathering.................................................................. 23

3.5.2. Data Analysis..................................................................... 23


4.1 Data Analysis............................................................................... 25

4.1.1. Grammar.......................................................................... 26

4.1.2 Vocabulary....................................................................... 27

4.1.3 Mechanics........................................................................ 28

4.1.4 Fluency and Form............................................................ 29

4.2 Discussions.................................................................................. 39

CHAPTER V CONCLUSSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS............................. 71

5.1 Conclusions.................................................................................. 71

5.2 Suggestions.................................................................................. 71

BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................................................................... ....... 72



Table 4.2.a The Students’ Writing Scores................................................................ 66

Table 4.2.b The Distribution of the Students’ Scores on Grammar........................... 67

Table 4.2.c The Distribution of the Students’ Scores on Vocabulary........................ 68

Table 4.2.d The Distribution of the Students’ Scores on Mechanics......................... 68

Table 4.2.e The Distribution of the Students’ Scores on Fluency.............................. 69

Table 4.2.f The Distribution of the Students’ Scores

on Form (Organization)........................................................................... 69

Table 4.2.g The Distribution of the Students’ Scores on Students’ Ability

Level in Writing Composition................................................................. 70





1.1Background of the Study

Language is a means of communication. By using language, people can communicate each other. Language has the central role in the development of the student intelligence, social, and emotion. It is also as the suitable aid in learning all subjects. Using a language is not simply as we thought because there is a set of rules that must be followed, which is called grammar. Actually, grammar is used to mean the structure of a language. It is the essential parts of the use of language process, both in spoken and written.

English is a means of communication both in spoken and written expressions. Communication is understanding and expressing information, thinking, feeling and developing the science, technology and culture. Those who are involved in international affairs should learn this language. Through English, we can extend our friendship with other people from other nations. For this purpose, English plays an important role, however, in order to communicate well; we have to master the basic element of English, they are main skills which consist of listening, speaking, reading and writing; and sub skills which consist of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

As one of the four skills, writing has traditionally occupied a place in most English language syllabus in the classroom. Teaching writing is one of the techniques to help students to learn English. When we write unlike we talk, we are engaged in an activity, which is usually as the same time both private and public. It is private because the act of composition is by its nature solitary but it is publicin that most writing is intended for an audience, often one of which is extremely difficult to define. The act of writing differs from that of talking in that is less spontaneous and more permanent, and the resources, which are available for communication, are fewer because we cannot interact with the listeners and adapt as we go along. For this reason, the conventions of writing tend to be less flexible than those of conversation and the language, which is used, tends to be standardized (Broughton et al., 1980:116).

A great deal of writing that occurs in the foreign language classroom is not primarily concerned so much with developing writing skill as with reinforcing the teaching of particular structures. This very often consists of copying down sentences in order to establish pattern, which has just been orally presented. While such an activity may have a general teaching purpose, it is distinctive in intention from work, which is aimed at teaching students to write English effectively.

A good writing composition has to enable the reader to understand the writer’s intention to communicate, besides a good composition, also embraces the following elements; such as grammar, vocabulary, mechanics, fluency and the organization (form). A composition consists of some paragraphs. A paragraph consists of some sentences. Every sentence in paragraph should make the reader feel that the unit has been effectively, coherently, and grammatically developed.

The written language can be significantly more precise. Written words can be chosen with greater deliberation and thought, and a written argument can be extraordinarily sophisticated, intricate and length. These attributes of writing are possible because both the writer and the reader control the pace of involvement. The writer can write and rewrite a great length; a span of time, which is in some cases, can be measured in years. Similarly, the reader can read quickly or slowly or even stop to think about what she or he just read. More important, the reader always has the options of re-reading even if that option is not exercised, it is mere possibility have an effect upon a reader understanding of a text.

To be consistent, the writer needs some controls that will be a guide toward choices and away from bad ones. If the writer knows what she or he wants to do in a piece of writing and know how to do it, this sense of purpose acts as a guide line along the path marked out of pre writing. Improving our writing skills is crucial to us as a person and as a professional. To improve our writing, we must know two things: what effective writing looks like, and how to plan a writing task and carry out a writing task. Whereas, paragraph is a basic unit in writing composition. Full attention in arranging a good paragraph will bring the students to write a longer composition. Based on the writer’s experience during her teaching practice, she found that the students are still difficult in make a composition. There are some mistakes that are usually made by the students, especially related to the grammar. For example:

1.I didn’t know what it is.

2.He not plays anymore.

The mistakes in the sentences above are related to the arrangement of negative transformations. Actually, it should be:

1.I didn’t know what it was

2.He doesn’t play anymore.

In this study, the writer will focus her attention on the analysis (discussion) of writing on grammar use, vocabulary, mechanics, fluency, and form (organization).

Based on the explanation above, the writer would like to make a study under the title: “AN ANALYSIS OF WRITING COMPOSITION OF THE THIRD YEAR STUDENTS OF SMPK ST. YOSEPH KUPANG IN THE SCHOOL YEAR 2009/2010”.

1.2Statement of Problems

Based on the background, the writer formulates the problems of the study are as follows:

1.2.1Are the Third Year Students of SMPK St. Yoseph Kupang able to make a good composition?

1.2.2What is the level of their ability?

1.3Objectives of the Study

Based on the questions in the statement of problems, the objectives of the study are as follows:

1.3.1To know whether the Third Year Students of SMPK St. Yoseph Kupang are able to make a good composition or not.

1.3.2To know the level of their ability in making a good composition.

1.4Significances of the Study

This study is expected to be useful for the following people:

1.4.1For the English Teacher

Through the result of the study, the teacher will know the ability of the students in writing, also to know the aspects of writing, which are still difficult for the students.

1.4.2For the Writer

The writer can improve her knowledge of the materials learned during her study, also to help her to know more how to write a composition effectively.

1.5Scope and Limitation

This study was conducted at the third year students of SMPK St. Yoseph Kupang especially in class IX B. There are five aspects in composition: grammar, vocabulary, mechanics, fluency, and form (organization). In this study, the writer will describe all the aspects of composition as written above.

1.6Definition of Terms

In this part, the writer would like to explain about some terms that are used in this study.


It is the act of forming and characters on paper, or the other materials, for recording the ideas, which characters and words express, or of communicating them to others by visible signs. (Taken from http:///


It is the practice of writing which deals with the text longer than a single sentence, such as paragraphs, essays and reports (Richards, 1985:53). In this sense, composition means, a short writing produced by the students that should be reasonable and understandable.


A paragraph is a basic unit of organization in writing in which a group of related sentences develops one main idea (Oshima and Hogue; 1991:100). In this sense, the writer means a group of sentences, which belongs together.

1.6.4SMPK St. Yoseph

It is one of the private Junior High Schools in Kupang city.



Writing is the act of forming and characters on paper, or the other materials, for recording the ideas, which characters and words express, or of communicating them to others by visible signs. In this chapter, the writer presents about the definition of writing, writing composition, which covers writing process, develop paragraph, and kinds of writing and testing writing.

2.1Definition of Writing

Writing is the representation of language in a textual medium using a set of signals or symbols (known as writing system).

There are some definitions of writing that can be discussed here. Writing can be defined by a series of contrast (Nunan, 2003: 88):

1.Writing is both physical and a mental act. At the most basic level, writing is the physical act of committing words or ideas to some media, whether it is hieroglyphics linked on to parchment or an email message type into a computer. On the other hand, writing is the mental work of inventing ideas, thinking how to express them, and organizing them into statements and paragraphs that will be clear to a reader.

2.Its purpose is both express an impress. Writers typically serve to masters; themselves, and their own desires ideas or feeling, and readers called the audience, who need to have idea expressed in certain ways. Writers must then choose the best form for their writing – a shopping list, notes from a meeting, a scholarly article, a novel, or poetry is only a few of the choices. Each of these types of writing has a different level of complexity depending on its purposes.

3.It is both process and product of writer’s imagines, organizes, drafts, edits, reads, and rereads. This process of writing is often cyclical and sometimes disorderly. Ultimately, what the audience sees, whether it is an instructor or a wider audience is a product – an essay, letter, and story or research report.

Writing was used to show that students had mastered a particular grammatical rule, rather than had a good idea about the subject matter. In fact, correct spelling, grammar, and overall organization were the most important evidence of second language proficiency. A students’ ability to form and write a composition correctly was seen as evidence of a students’ ability to write, and of the student’s overall English ability. Writing instruction began to include the entire process of writing – invention, drafting, feedback, and revision – and not just the product (Nunan, 2003: 89).

In order to be able to comprehensively understand writing development, there should be a clear understanding of what writing as a language skill is. This is crucial, for writing involves developing cognitive processes that are determined not only by the writing individuals but also by the crucial community where the writer(s) and the reader(s) interact.

A writer’s main concern in writing is usually to ensure that the reader(s) would be able to have a perfect understanding of the message(s) or information the writer has conveyed in his or her writing. To achieve this, has to be good and/or correct, that is, its components such as grammar, vocabulary and mechanics must be in accordance with the standards of the written discourse, and its content must be well structured, well organized, original, and relevant to the intended audience. In other words, a good piece of writing is a piece of composition which contains original idea(s) using perfect grammar, suitable words, and perfect mechanics, and its contents’ is perfectly worded, well structured, nicely organized (coherent and cohesive) for a relevant audience. There is no meaning ambiguity; a reader would understand it as its writer would.

Good writing is usually the product of good writer. Rivers (1987:195) defines a good writer as “one who can express his thoughts clearly, with a minimum of mistakes. Or in other words, a good writer is able to encode his thoughts in to orthographic symbols, then, which can be decoded by a reader who will be in possession of the writer’s thoughts and meaning”. It is not often easy, however, to be a good writer as one has to try his/her best thought various and countless efforts to compose within the requirements needed for the creation of a piece of writing to be called good.

2.2Writing Composition

Writing is an important element in our life. We write notes to our friends, letter of inquiry an application to business and schools, and list of items to remember. As a student, we spend a part of most days with writing. We communicate many of our thoughts in written form, in paper, reports, creative compositions, and answer to essay questions (McMillan, 1986:2).

2.2.1Writing Process

Writing is a process. The writing process is the means by which we discover what we want to say and how we can best say it. Because the writing process is a reflection of our natural thinking process, using the writing process will enable us to call up ideas, we otherwise might not have and express. The writing process follow three major stages; prewriting, writing, and revising.

Ackley et al. (in McMillan English 9th, 1986: 45) state that: “prewriting is an activity in which we mine our imagination in order to come away with the rough gems we will later shape and polish into a finished piece of writing.” Prewriting requires concentrating on one subject in other to gather ideas about that subject. On the other hand, Mifflin (1984:270) argues that, “Prewriting is the planning and preparation that we do before we write. If we do a thorough a job of prewriting, writing the first draft will not be difficult. During the prewriting stage, we determine what we will write about, what our purpose is, and for whom we are writing”.

Writing or writing a first draft. The word draft is related to the word draw. That is exactly what we are doing when we write a first draft. The first draft is also called discovery draft because by taking ideas out of the realm of our imagination and transforming them into written words, we discover whether our ideas have the same meaning and power once they are put on paper.

Revising means questioning our discovery draft to make sure it has fulfilled our purpose in writing. Part of the art of revising is being able to read our work as if we had never seen it before.

2.2.2Developing Paragraph

A paragraph is the systematic development of an idea. In the following paragraph, each sentence is a step that develops the main idea (Mifflin, 1984:294). An effective topical paragraph must have four requirements; it must discuss one topic only, that is have “unity” of subject matter; it must say its reader needs to know about the topic; it must adopt in order to follow; and it must hold together. The main idea of a well-written paragraph is usually expressed in one sentence. Then the idea is develop sentence by sentence, detail by detail. The final sentence of a paragraph often states a conclusion or summarizes the sentences that precede it.

Unity in a paragraph is internal consistency. It requires consistent development of the idea that our paragraph intends to explain. The paragraph as a hole should focus on that idea. Each sentence must show a clear connection to topic idea. Anything that does not advance the purpose of the paragraph destroys its unity. Concerning the unity in a paragraph, Ackley et all in McMillan English 9th, said that “a unified paragraph in which all the sentences belong together and develop one main idea.” According to Mifflin (1984:297), “a paragraph has unity when each sentence in it clearly contributes to the unit by saying something about the topic. To write a unified paragraph, we must know when to conclude a detail and when to omit it.”

Completeness in an effective paragraph is relative. How much explanation an idea requires depends on how much our reader needs. This the decision the writer must make out of knowledge of the subject and of the audience.

Order or movement – is the sequences of the sentences within a paragraph. Order in a paragraph is like organization in an essay. Because paragraph is smaller in scope, it may be simpler to consider order as – direction of movement. A well-constructive paragraph moves in some consistent direction usually in one of the following: from general to particular, from particular to general, from the whole topic to its parts, from question to answer, or from effect to cause.

Coherence, means sticking together. A paragraph is coherent when the sentences are woven together or flow into each other. The reader then moves easily from one sentences to the next and reads the paragraph as an integrated unit; not a collection of separated sentences (Ackley et al. in McMillan English 9th). While, Houghton Mifflin said that: “coherence is the clear and orderly presentation of ideas. We make a paragraph by arranging the supporting details logically and by making clear the connection between them”.

2.2.3Kinds of Writing

There are many different kinds of writing that we use everyday. Most of the writing we do falls into four basic categories – description, narration, exposition, and persuasion. Whenever we describe the characteristics of a person, place or thing, we are using description. If we tell our friends about the fun we had on a trip to the mountains, we are narrating or telling story. We would also use narration to write a short story, based on either fact or fiction or a combination of the two. Exposition involves writing to inform or explain. Exposition writing presents information, explaining using facts, ideas, or examples. Persuasive writing involves getting readers to agree with our friends. We may recall a time when we wanted to do something, but our parents refused to let us. As a result, we tried to persuade them to change their minds.

2.3Testing Writing

Writing testing is the best way to test people’s writing ability. This is not an unreasonable assumption. Even professional testing institutions are unable to construct indirect tests, which measure writing ability accurately.

2.3.1Setting the Task

Hughes (1989) suggests that before we are going to test writing, we should pay attention to the three parts below:

a)Set writing tasks that are properly representative of the population of task that we should expect the students to be able to perform.

b)The task should be eliciting samples of writing which truly represent the students’ ability.

c)It is essential that the samples of writing can and will be scored reliably.

2.3.2Obtaining Samples that Properly Represent Each Candidate’s Ability

The second point is obtaining samples that properly represent candidate’s ability as follows:

a)Set as many tasks as is feasible

We should begin by recognizing that form of point of view validity; the ideal test would be one, which required candidates to perform all the relevant potential writing tasks. The total scored obtained on that test would be our best estimate of candidate’s ability. That total score would be the sum of the scores on each of the different tasks.

b)Test only writing ability, and nothing else

This assumes that we do not want to test other things. In language testing we are not normally interested in knowing whether students are creative, imaginative, or even intelligent, have wide general knowledge or have good reasons for the opinions they happen to hold.

c)Restrict candidates

There are so many significantly different ways of developing a response to the stimulus. Writing task should be well defined: candidates should know just what it required of them, and they should not be allowed to go too far astray.

2.3.3Setting Tasks which can be Reliably Scored

In fact, a number of the suggestions made to obtain performance that is representative will also facilitate reliable scoring. There are four types of this:

a)Set as many tasks as possible

The more scores that scorers provide for each candidate, the more reliable should be the total score.

b)Restrict candidates

The greater the restrictions imposed on the candidates, the more directly comparable will be the performances of different candidates.

c)Give no choice of tasks

Making the candidates perform all tasks also make comparisons between candidates easier.

d)Ensure long enough samples

The samples of writing which are elicited have to be long enough for judgments to be made reliably. This is particularly important where diagnostic information is sought.

2.3.4Score of Writing

a)Holistic Scoring

Holistic scoring involves the assignment of a single score to a piece of writing on the basis of an overall impression of it. This kind of scoring has the advantage of being very rapid. Experienced scorer can judge a one-page piece of writing in just a couple of minutes or even less (scorers of the new TOEFL Test of Written English will apparently have just one and a half minutes for each scoring of a composition). This means that is possible for each piece of work to be scored than once, which is fortune, since it is also necessary.

b)Analytic Method of Scoring

Method of scoring which requires a separate score for each number of aspects of task are said to be analytic. The following scale, devised by JohnAnderson, is based on an oral ability scale found in Harris (1968). There are five components of writing such as grammar, vocabulary, mechanics, fluency and form.


6:Few (if any) noticeable errors of grammar or word order.

5:Some errors of grammar of word order which do not, however, interfere with comprehension.

4:Errors of grammar and word order fairly frequent, occasionally rereading necessary for full comprehension.

3:Errors of grammar and word order frequent; efforts of interpretation sometimes required on reader’s part.

2:Errors of grammar and word order very frequent; reader often has to rely on own interpretation.

1:Errors of grammar or word order as severe as to make comprehension virtually impossible.


6:Use of vocabulary and idiom rarely (if at all) distinguishable from that of educated native writer.

5:Occasionally uses inappropriate terms or relies on circumlocutions; expression of ideas hardly impaired.

4:Uses wrong or inappropriate word fairly frequently; expression of ideas may be limited because of inadequate vocabulary.

3:Limited vocabulary and frequent errors clearly hinder expression of ideas.

2:Vocabulary so limited and so frequently misused that reader must often rely on own interpretation.

1:Vocabulary limitations so extreme as to make comprehension virtually impossible.


6:Few (if any) noticeable lapses in punctuation or spelling.

5:Occasional lapses in punctuation or spelling which do not, however, interfere with comprehension.

4:Error in punctuation or spelling fairly frequent; occasional rereading necessary for full comprehension.

3:Frequent errors in spelling or punctuation; lead sometimes to obscurity.

2:Error in spelling or punctuation so frequent that reader must often rely on own interpretation.

1:Error in spelling or punctuation so severe as to make comprehension virtually impossible.


6:Choice of structures and vocabulary consistently appropriate; like that of educated native writer.

5:Occasional lack of consistency in choice of structures and vocabulary which doesn’t, however, impair overall ease of communication.

4:“Patchy” with some structures or vocabulary items noticeably inappropriate to general style.

3: Structures and vocabulary items sometimes not only inappropriate but also misused; little sense of ease of communication:

2:Communication often impaired by completely inappropriate or misused structures or vocabulary items.

1:A “hutch-patch” of half-learned misused structures and vocabulary items rendering communication almost impossible.


6:Highly organized; clear progression ideas well linked like educated native writer.

5:Material well organized; links could occasionally be clearer but communication not impaired.

4:Some lack of organization; rereading required for clarification of ideas.

3:Little or not attempt at connectivity, thought reader can deduce some organization.

2: Individual ideas may be clear, but very difficult to deduce connection between them.

1: Lack of organization so severe that communication is seriously impaired.

There are a number of advantages to analytic scoring. Firstly, it disposes of the problem of uneven development of sub skills in individuals. Secondly, scorers are compelled to consider aspects of performance, which they might otherwise ignore. Thirdly, the very fact that the scorer has to give a number of scores will tend to make the scoring more reliable.



In this chapter, the writer presents about the research design, subject of the study, scoring and the procedure that covers data gathering and data analysis.

3.1Research Design

In conducting this study, the writer used Descriptive Method. Descriptive Method is a broad range of activities in describing systematically a situation or area of interest factually and accurately. This study describes the mistakes committed in writing a composition and the students’ ability in writing a composition.

In this study, the writer intends to analyze the compositions made by the Third Year Students of SMPK St. Yoseph Kupang.

3.2Subject of the Study

This study was conducted at the Third Year Students of SMPK St. Yoseph Kupang in the school year 2009-2010, especially in class IX B. There were 30 students in IX B; however, the writer took 20 randomly of them to become the sample of the study. The writer prepared 30 pieces of papers, 20 of them written with “Yes” and those who got the papers with “Yes” written on it were taken as the sample.


In gaining the data, the writer gave the students some topics and asking them to choose one of the topics and developed it in some paragraphs as a writing composition, at least in three paragraphs. The time allocation for the students to do the writing was 80 minutes.

The topics that the writer gave to the students were:

1)My unforgettable experience.

2)My favorite singer.

3)My best friend.

4)Your (Students’) own topic.


There are five components of writing such as grammar, vocabulary, mechanics, fluency and form. The scoring system that writer followed are:(Anderson in Hughes, 1989: 91-93; which has been presented in Chapter II).

SCORE: Gram. ____+Voc.:____+ Mech.:____+Fluency: ____+Form: ____= ____

This scale was devised by John Anderson. Before giving score to the use of grammar, vocabulary, mechanics, fluency, and form, the writer analyzed the mistakes committed by the students in their writing composition.

The total score they obtained indicate their success and failure. The degree in quality was observed through the scores range from the highest level “Excellent” to the lowest one “Bad”. The levels are as follows:


b)5:Very Good



e)2:Below Average


In this study, the writer also used the figures between these scales to show the average. For example, to explain the average score of the students’ in the aspects of grammar, vocabulary, mechanics, fluency, and form the writer used the figures between the scales as presented above, as follows:

a)26 - 30:Excellent

b)21 - 25:Very Good

c)16 - 20:Good

d)11 - 15:Average

e)6 - 10:Below Average

f)0 - 5:Bad

In addition, the writer would say that a students is said to be able in writing if he/she got score 11 or up. Below 11, one is said to be unable.

To know the individual and the class ability in writing composition, the writer used the following formula:

Individual : S.G + S.V+ S.M+ S.Fl + S.Fr

Students’ Ability for Each Aspect:Total Score

Total Number of Students

Students’ Ability as a Class:Total Score (G., V., M., Fl., Fr.)

Total Number of Students


The following are the procedures that the writer used to gather the data and analysis the data.

3.5.1Data Gathering

After getting permission from the Head of the English Study Program of Widya Mandira Catholic University and the Headmaster of SMPK St. Yoseph Kupang, the writer entered to the field or class to administer the test by asking the students to write a composition.

3.5.2Data Analysis

There were some steps that the writer used in analyzing the data, are as follows:

1)Collecting the students’ work sheet.

2)Numbering the students’ work sheet.

3)Correcting the students’ composition.

4)Analyzing students’ composition based on the writing aspects (grammar, vocabulary, mechanics, fluency, and form).

5)Scoring the students’ composition.

6)Calculating the students’ score.

7)Report the result.



In this chapter, the writer will analyze and discuss about the mistakes made by the students in their writing composition. There are five aspects in analyzing the mistakes on students’ composition; they are grammar, vocabulary, mechanics, fluency, and form (organization).

4.1Data Analysis

This study has been carried out and it has revealed some types of mistakes committed by the Third Year Students of SMPK St. Yoseph Kupang in their writing composition. In this report, the researcher analyzed the collected data by using the Analytical Method of Scoring proposed by John Anderson, as presented in Arthur Hughes (1989: 91-93).

During the writer collecting the data, most of the students made the composition in Indonesian first and then they translate it into English. In addition, the writer found that most of all the students made some mistakes on grammar, vocabulary, mechanics, fluency, and form (organization) aspects in their writing.

In this part, the writer presents the data regarding the types of mistakes committed by each student in their writing and the writer just take only one example for each aspect.



Student 1: One day, I and my family go to Camplong. (Paragraph 1, line 1)

Student 2:I very happy because experience first climb airplane. (Paragraph 2, line 2)

Student 3 :One day, I’m going to my teacher house to studyingEnglish. (Paragraph 2, line 1)

Student 4:Character Ona is easy angry. (Paragraph 2, line 3).

Student 5 :Agnes always much delight by much person. (Paragraph 1 line 1)

Student 6 :We with since class two SMP. (Paragraph 1, line 2)

Student 7 : I like she. (Paragraph 1, line 3)

Student 8 :My and family go to Yogyakarta. (Paragraph 1, line 1)

Student 9 :Since little he begin carrier. (Paragraph 1, line 2)

Student 10 :So, loving your friends just you love yourself. (Paragraph 3, line 1)

Student 11 : He youngest from 3 brother. (Paragraph 2, line 2).

Student 12 : I am have favorite singer. (Paragraph 1, line 1)

Student 13 : I like Gita Gutawa because she moment sing voice very good. (Paragraph 1 line 2)

Student 14 : My best friend name Eka and Vira. (Paragraph 3, line 2)

Student 15 : Vidi, your the best. (Paragraph 3, line 4)

Student 16 : On day Saturday I and friend go to supermarket. (Paragraph 1, line)

Student 17 : But every Saturday we are came to Rudy home. (Paragraph 1, line 3).

Student 18 :My parents go to hospital for to see condition my sister. (Paragraph 2, line 3).

Student 19 : We hav my hobby dhat same. (Paragraph 2, line 1)

Student 20 : Last Sunday I, and my friends go to Lasiana beach. (Paragraph 1, line 1)



Student 1: From experience it. (Paragraph 3, line 1)

Student 2:On day Sunday … (Paragraph 1, line 1)

Student 3 : Because I like studying English my mother import me … (Paragraph 1, line 2)

Student 4:I very happy friends whit them. (Paragraph 3, line 3)

Student 5 :Agnes is a person singer soloist. (Paragraph 1, line 2)

Student 6 :I have two person best friend. (Paragraph 1, line 1)

Student 7 : I have hope they success, and familiar in the world … (Paragraph 3, line 1)

Student 8 :My mother to cook chiken, vagetable, dried fish and a hight-shade. (Paragraph 3, line 1)

Student 9 :After makealbum second and third he operation face. (Paragraph 2, line 1)

Student 10 :I don’t ever to feel loneliness because I have ... (Paragraph 2, line 1)

Student 11 : Otherwais like play surtfing, … (Paragraph 2, line 5)

Student 12 : She also not arrgance. (Paragraph 2, line 4)

Student 13 : She always give a smile the which like that sweet. (Paragraph 1, line 1)

Student 14 : My prossess three best friend, … (Paragraph 1, line 1)

Student 15 : Performance is very interested for the audiens. (Paragraph 2, line 6)

Student 16 : And may friend happy finished… (Paragraph 1, line 2)

Student 17 : We often playing football together my friends. (Paragraph 2, line 1)

Student 18 : We shock to hear inform that. (Paragraph 1, line 1)

Student 19 : Whan day … (Paragraph 3, line 1)

Student 20 : After we playing until content we go change clotehs pass we ready eat. (Paragraph 2, line 2)


Student 1: my sister and my brother, direct to…… (Paragraph 2, line 5).

Student 2:…..for boarding pass, After that……(Paragraph 2, line 6).

Student 3 : “….with thigh wound, after that… (Paragraph 3, line 1).

Student 4:they, have characteristics … (Paragraph 2, line 2).

Student 5 :by much person. And one of the me, (paragraph 1, line 2).

Student 6 :I am, very happy (paragraph 2, line 1).

Student 7 : “…..they success, and familiar… (paragraph 3, line 1).

Student 9 :…just Michael Jackson since little….(paragraph 1, line 1).

Student 10 :I have any friends, we are… (paragraph 1, line 1).

Student 11 : he is, very handsome (paragraph 1, line 1).

Student 12 : I am very like with voice she.” I’m very like she” (paragraph 1, line 3).

Student 13 : I like Gita Gutawa because.she… (paragraph 1 line 2).

Student 14 : Finally I, with my best friend… (paragraph 3, line 1).

Student 15 : My favorite singer, is Vidi Alviano. (paragraph 1, line 1).

Student 16 : On Sunday I, and friend… (paragraph 2, line 1).

Student 17 : They are, Rudy and Brury (paragraph 1, line 2).

Student 18 : I just pray; for my sister (paragraph 2, line 4).

Student 19 : We usually, watching film, or watching festival band (paragraph 2, line 2).

Student 20 : last Sunday I, and my friends… (paragraph 2, line 2).

4.1.4Fluency and Form (Organization)

Student 1

One day, I and my family go to Camplong. We went to Camplong for visit my grandmother and my grandfather. We went to Camplong by car. Inside car, I see the lecturer that nice. I sleeping inside because I very browsy, whereas my sister and my brother busy singing.

Several time ago, my sister wake up me and say “we can arrive”, I get up with startled. Reality, air in Camplong very fresh because very many trees in here. We got off and to raise equipment that we bring. After, my sister to similar to swim in swimming pool Camplong. With heart that happy, I follow they. Until there in swimming pool, my sister and my brother, direct to swimming whereas I only silent because I can’t swim. But, I shameful, brave for swimming. I thought,, swimming pool in Camplong not shallow but the pond very deep. And I sink. I shout “tolong, tolong !” and my uncle help me. All of my family to laugh me and I only shy.

From experience it, I very scare for swim and I decide to back home and my family agree. Tomorrow day, I and my family back to home. Today is unforgettable experience.

Student 2

On day Sunday, June 21st 2009, I joint my mother will leave to Surabaya use lion airplane. In the morning, I and mother stand by to Eltari airport.

I and mother only bring a ransel that fill dress for how day during in Surabaya. I very happy because experience first climb airplane. I, mother, and father, leave from house time 04.30 A.M because check in in Lion airplane time 05.00 A.M. we leave house use taxi. For arrive in airport we direct take care of ransel for boarding pass, after take of ransel I and mother goodbye on father and sister.

After say goodbye we to check in room and wait room. After from check in room we in order to wait room. Arrive there is that calling that passenger Lion airplane. I and mother direct to airplane and we fly to Surabaya.

Student 3

I like studying English very much. Because I like studying English, my mother import me to lesson English with my English teacher lesson. I’m very happy.

One day, I’m going into my English teacher house to studying English. My English teacher take care of a dog. I very scream with the dog.

The dog looked me and then the dog running move with me, the dog bite my thigh. It is very sick. My English teacher carry me into hospital and after arrived in hospital doctor cure my wound. Finally, I’m back to home with thigh wound, after that I’m very afraid with dog.

Student 4

I have four best friends. They are Ona, Lita, Tika, and Alvis. They live and school in Sumba. I know them when I enter school in Sumba. I very happy friends whit them.

They always there are in the pleased or sad. They always please my heart. They, have characteristic who differ. Character Ona is easy angry, character Lita is quarrel some, character Tika is silent and simple, and character Alfis is funny and always make us laugh.

But, we often misundestaning. But, enemy us not go on long. Because, we be friends. Though now I already be separate with them, but we communication fluent, though only pass telephone. So story about my best friends.

Student 5

My favorite singer is Agnes Monica. Agnes always much delight by much person. And one of the me. I like Agnes very much since from class III SD. Agnes is a person singer soloist.

I like very much Agnes from style sing and strong. Agnes always give sensational at the time while concert. Agnes given sensational as from style sing and strong.

I like very much one of the song is TAK ADA LOGIKA. She is sing very good and performance.

Student 6

I have two person best friend. The name are Putri and Vira. We with since class two SMP. Interior thefriendship, we importance consider do together from individual importance.

I am, very happy have the friends as Putri and Vira. They can understand all my characteristic and usage the old.

We another understand will characteristic each. Putrid is person the coarse and deceitful but she is good to me and another people, while Vira is person the spoiled and fussy but she is have adult characteristic.

With the attitude another understand, the friendship will go on with good without presence dissencion.

Student 7

My favorite singer are Rosa in Indonesian and Jones brother in America. I like she because in performance, amazing, start from choreographer make up, shirt and beautiful voice. I like everyday she singing “PUDAR, TERLANJUR CINTA Feat. Pasha and Ladies”. But I dislike she divorce with her husband.

Then I like Jones brother because his personal handsome, choreographer, shirt, and beautiful voice. I like everyday singing “This Real, This is me”. No way, performance they disappointed. Plus title film” Camp Rock” full amazing.

Finally, I have hope the success, and familiar in the world as Michael Jackson hehehe …

Don’t forget buy CD and VCD ya my friends …

Student 8

My and family go to Yokyakarta. My and family to go for a walk shrine Prambanan. There figure many historic, we photo with figure. My and family very happy got to go for a walk to Yogyakarta. To go back from there, we go to play garden there, we play car races and races motor.

To go back from there, we go to water boom for to swim and to play there. My play to footbal, cycle race, and anothers. Moment there to miss my trace my family. My to weep to seek my family and baliq my to meet with my family. Traveller deep my to see many delman.

To come to house, my mother to cook chicken, vegetable, dried fish, and a hight-shade. Tomorrow morning we to go back to Kupang. My and family very happy can holiday to Yokyakarta.

Student 9

I very like singer from Hollywood just Michael Jackson. Since little he begin carrier Since he united in Jackson five begin make album second and third for follow dancer from all kinds state.

After make album second and third he operation face. Until make more beautiful at the very moment. He to perform concert in Los Angeles. After concert in Los Angeles he………..

Student 10

I have any friends, we are so pretty and clever. We usually go home together.

I don’t ever to feel loneliness because I have friend that ever to console if me sad. My best don’t ever to leave me because that friend is sunshine. I proud to own friend just Tessa but sometimes she quarrelsome and angry but justify she very kind but sometimes stingy.

So, loving your friend just you love yourself. But for me love and friendship always together.

Student 11

My favorite singer is Aaron Carter. He is very handsome. A song that I’m very like is “I’m with you”. He to become a singer along 15 years old. He to begin know with a song “I’m not Ok”. A song thought by Nick Carter. Nick Carter is Aaron Carter brother. Nick Carter is a singer.

He name full is John Aaron Carter, but to send for Aaron. He outward in California, 19th April 1989. He youngest from 3 brother. He very like play surfing, he also to pass time with holiday in beach.

Student 12

I’m have favorite singer. She is Agnes Monica. I’m very happy because she because, smart, and I’m very like with her voice. “I’m very like she”. I’m for she is prefect. She is very confidence in song. She also always polite in prayer.

Agnes Monica have two brother. In practice she possess body with good, she regular in performance she also to divide time, she also not arrgance.

Student 13

My favorite singer is Gita Gutawa. I like with Gita Gutawa because she moment in singvoice very good.

And I like with melogi because melogi very good and I like to hear when she singing. She sing moment she always give a smile the which like that sweet.

She beautiful and sweet.

Student 14

I have three best friends. They are very care for me. But someone betray to me. She is cannot keep a secret, it is hard to forgive that mistake.

The two my friend always comfort to me. Just they always care with me. Me lucky best friend with they.

Finally I, with my best friend always together forever. My best friend name Eka and Elvira. My best friend Eka is humorist. My best friend Elvira is finicky.

Student 15

My favorite’s singer, is Vidi Alviano. Vidi to know with song “Nuansa Bening”. Since that Vidi is know because of many people. Vidi is someone student with smart and except smart Vidi also handsome.

Some moon with pass Vidi go out come out song with two with small plowshare. Status paisy I am xtremely popular idol Vidi. Because voice with melodious and handsome. Vidi in popular idol because many people his include woman. Performance is very interested for the audience.

Except voice with good, Vidi also in know friendly, polite and good. I am also often his song at student so that to be spirit.

Vidi, you’re the best.

Student 16

On day Saturday, I and friend go to supermarket. The at I happy, and my friend happy finished, then I and friend go to photo copy. Finished photo copy I and my best friend go to Gramedia, finished that we go my house.

And on day Sunday I, and my best friend go to church the same. I and my best friend very happy. The finished I and my best friend return home go to house the finished. I nad my best friend go to market for buy eat.

Student 17

I have two best friends. They are friend in my class. They are Brury and Powel. We are friend stool. We are often worked homework together, in Brury’s home. But every Saturday, we are came to Powel’s home. He is mother always say “Brury, playing play station now.”

We often playing football my friends. In class we are often story. If Powel not worked a homework, we are helping. They are my best friends to clas I until this moment.

Student 18

That day is Day sad. My sister accident at the moment she go to friend home at Tarus by motorcycle. She collide a car.

We before not know about that accident because not inform about she. We shock to hear inform that. My parents go to hospital for to see condition my sister. The condition very critical. I just pray; for my sister.

But God take my sister soul. We very sad. She die in age young.

Student 19

My name is Nia. My best friend is Amal. She is fine,smarts, and dillijent. She is beautiful and supple. I happy because of your best friend. We happy because we usually finished time together.

We have hobby that same. We loved to my band favorite of J-Rocks. We usually watching film, or watching festival band. We school in the same school. We as twin peope.

Whan day in holiday moment we thought to camping in wild. Near with home. We very happy. We usually leave go to school same.

Student 20

Last Sunday, I and my friends go to Lasiana beach. Trip from home to Lasiana beach very long. Until there, we straight go playing in beach. There are that playing voliball, football, and bathe’s water sea.

After playing until content we go change clotehs pass we ready eat. Finished eat we straight go to home. At the moment that I very very happy.


Student 1

Student 1 produced 17 sentences, which consists of 200 words. Her writing was organized into three paragraphs. Student 1 made mistakes in all aspects.

1. Grammar


Incorrect: One day, I and my family go to Camplong.

Correct:One day, my family and I went to Camplong.

The researcher gives score 4 because the use of tense and the word order are not appropriate.

2. Vocabulary


Incorrect: From experience it.

Correct:From that experience.

The researcher gives score 4 because the writer uses the wrong form of relative pronoun.



Incorrect:.. my sister and my brother, direct to …

Correct:.. my sister and my brother direct to …

The researcher gives score 4 because error in punctuation. The writer puts a comma that it isn’t really need in the middle of the sentence.


For this aspect, the researcher gives score 3 because the wrong use of structure and vocabulary that can make the readers feel difficult to understand the writing.

5.Form (Organization)

For this aspect, the researcher gives score 5 because the material is well organized although there are many grammatical errors and the word choice are not appropriate.

Student 2

Student 2 produced 10 sentences, which consist of 143 words. Her writing was organized into three paragraphs. Student 2 makes mistakes in all aspects.



Incorrect:I very happy because experience first climb airplane.

Correct: I was very happy because it was the first time I took the plane.

The researcher gives score 4 because the use of tenses and the word order are not appropriate.



Incorrect: On day Sunday …

Correct: On Sunday …

The researcher gives score 3 because the writer’s vocabulary is so limited. She wrote a word “day” where the word “Sunday” has already explained the day itself.



Incorrect:.. for boarding pass, After that …

Correct:.. for boarding pass. After that …

The researcher gives score 4 because the wrong use of punctuation; actually it should be full stop not a comma.


For this aspect, the researcher gives score 4 because some sentences are patchy dealing with the inconsistency of applying correct tenses that distorts the readers’ understanding.

5.Form (Organization)

For this aspect, the researcher gives score 5 because generally the material is well organized although there are many mistakes in grammar, vocabulary, and word order.

Student 3

Student 3 produced 11 sentences, which consist of 204 words. Her writing was organized into three paragraphs. Student 3 made mistakes in all aspects.



Incorrect:One day, I’m going to my teacher house to studyingEnglish.

Correct: One day, I was going to my teacher’s house to study.

The researcher gives score 3 because the writer made mistakes in grammar, especially in using “to be”, possessive form, and the preposition “to” followed by verb-ing.



Incorrect:import me…

Correct:suggest me…

The researcher gives score 3 because the writer uses the inappropriate of word choice.



Incorrect:.. with thigh wound, after that …

The correct form should be:

Correct:..with wound thigh. After that...

The researcher gives score 4 because the writer puts the wrong punctuation.


For this aspect, the researcher gives score 4 because some sentences are patchy dealing with the inconsistency of applying correct tenses that distorts the readers’ understanding.

5.Form (Organization)

For this aspect, the researcher gives score 5 because the organization of the writing is good enough even though there are many grammatical errors and the word order sometimes is not appropriate.

Student 4

Student 4 produced 15 sentences, which consist of 114 words. Her writing was organized into three paragraphs. Student 4 made mistakes in all aspects.



Incorrect: Character Ona is easy angry.

Correct: Ona’s character is easy to be angry.

The researcher gives score 5 because the writer uses the wrong form of possessive pronoun and there is no preposition in explaining someone’s character..



Incorrect:.. whit ..

Correct:.. with ..

The researcher gives score 2 because the writer’s vocabulary is so limited. She did not spell well the letters.



Incorrect:.. they, have characteristics …

Correct:.. they have characteristics …

The researcher gives score 4 because error in punctuation. The writer puts a comma that it isn’t really need in the middle of the sentence.


For this aspect, the researcher gives score 2 because the relationship between the sentences are disturbed by the use of inappropriate structures and vocabulary.

5.Form (Organization)

For this aspect, the researcher gives score 4 because there are some lack in organized the material and it is needed the full comprehension in rder to understand well the writing.

Student 5

Student 5 produced 9 sentences which consist of 80 words. Her writing was organized into three paragraphs. Student 5 made mistakes in all aspects.



Incorrect:Agnes always much delight by much person.

Correct:Agnes is liked by many people.

The researcher gives score 2 because there are some mistakes regarding someone’s situation and count-noncount nouns.



Incorrect: Agnes is a person singer soloist.

Correct:Agnes is a singer.

The researcher gives score 3 because the writer’s vocabulary is so limited. She wrote the words “person and soloist” which is actually no needed because the word “singer” itself has already explained someone’s identity.



Incorrect:.. by much person. And one of the me,

Correct:.. by many people and one of them is me.

The researcher gives score 3 because the writer puts the wrong punctuation which isn’t really need because it still one sentence.


For this aspect, the researcher gives score 3 because some sentences are patchy dealing with the inconsistency of applying the correct tenses and word choice that can make the readers feel difficult to understand the writing.

5.Form (Organization)

For this aspect, the researcher gives score 3 because the material is well organized even though there are some mistakes in grammar, vocabulary, and word order.

Student 6

Student 6 produced 9 sentences which consist of 100 words. Her writing was organized into three paragraphs. Student 6 made mistakes in all aspects.



Incorrect: We with since class two SMP.

Correct: We are friends since we were in Junior High School class two.

The researcher gives score 3 because the writer made some mistakes regarding tenses and word.



Incorrect: I have two person best friend.

Correct:I have two best friends.

The researcher gives score 3 because the writer made mistakes regarding word choice and plural nouns.



Incorrect:I am, very happy …

Correct: I am very happy …

The researcher gives score 4 because error in punctuation. The writer puts a comma that it isn’t really need in the middle of the sentence.


For this aspect, the researcher gives score 3 because sometimes the use of structure and vocabulary are not appropriate which can make the readers found difficult in understanding the writing.

5.Form (Organization)

For this aspect, the researcher gives score 3 because the organization is not well organized. It is difficult to understand the writing because there are many mistakes regarding structure, vocabulary, and word order.

Student 7

Student 7 produced 10 sentences, which consist of 99 words. Her writing was organized into three paragraphs. Student 7 made mistakes in all aspects.



Incorrect:I like she.

Correct:I like her.

The researcher gives score 3 because the writer uses the wring form of personal pronoun.



Incorrect:I have hope …

Correct:I hope …

The researcher gives score 3 because the writer’s vocabulary is so limited so it can disturb the expression of ideas.



Incorrect:.. they success, and familiar ...

Correct:.. they success and familiar ...

The researcher gives score 4 because error in punctuation. The writer puts a comma that it isn’t really need in the middle of the sentence.


The researcher gives score 3 because the use of structure and vocabulary sometimes not only inappropriate but also misused, so it can hinder the readers’ comprehension

5.Form (Organization)

The researcher gives score 4 because there are some lack in organizing the material, especially in grammar, vocabulary, and word order that can make the readers feel difficult in understanding the writing.

Student 8

Student 8 produced 12 sentences, which consist of 153 words. Her writing was organized into three paragraphs. Student 8 made mistakes in grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and form (organization) aspects.



Incorrect:My and family go to Yogyakarta.

Correct: My family and I went to Yogyakarta.

The researcher gives score 3 because there are some mistakes regarding tenses and word order.



Incorrect: My mother tocook chiken, vagetable, dried fish and a hight- shade.

Correct:My mother cooked chicken, vegetable, dried fish and sea food.

The researcher gives score 3 because the writer’s vocabulary is so limited.


For this aspect the researcher gives score 1 because all the sentences are inconsistency each other because of the wrong use of structure, vocabulary, and word order. It makes the readers feel difficult in understanding the writing.

4.Form (Organization)

For this aspect, the researcher gives score 2 because the individual ideas may be clear but difficult to deduce connection between them.

Student 9

Student 9 produced 8 sentences which consist of 75 words. His writing was organized into two paragraphs. Student 9 made mistakes in all aspects.



Incorrect:Since little he begin carrier.

Correct: He began his carrier when he was young.

The researcher gives score 4 because the wrong use of tenses and word order.



Incorrect:After makealbum second and third he operation face.

Correct:After makealbum the second and the third album he follow the operation to make his face more handsome.

The researcher gives score 3 because the writer ideas is so limited, so it can disturb the expression of idea.



Incorrect: .. just Michael Jackson since little …

Correct:.. just Michael Jackson. Since little …

The researcher gives score 5 because lapses in punctuation even though it is not interfere the comprehension.


For this aspect, the researcher gives score 3 because there are some lack of consistency in sentences particularly in grammar, vocabulary and word order.

5.Form (Organization)

For this aspect, the researcher gives score 5 because the material is well organized even though there are mistakes regarding grammar, vocabulary, and word order.

Student 10

Student 10 produced 7 sentences, which consist of 93 words. Her writing was organized into two paragraphs. Student 10 made mistakes in all aspects.



Incorrect:So, loving your friends just you love yourself.

Correct: So, love your friends like you love yourself.

The researcher gives score 5 because there is a mistake in word choice, but it isn’t interfere with comprehension .



Incorrect:.. don’t ever ..

Correct:.. never...

The researcher gives score 2 because the writer’s vocabulary is so limited.



Incorrect: I have any friends, we are...

Correct:I have many friends. We are

The researcher gives score 4 because the writer puts the wrong punctuation.


For this aspect, the researcher gives score 4 because some sentences are patchy dealing with the inconsistency of applying correct tenses that distorts the reader’s understanding.

5.Form (Organization)

For this aspect, the researcher gives score 4 because there are some lack in organizing the material and it is needed full comprehension in order to understand well the writing.

Student 11

Student 11 produced 14 sentences, which consist of 107 words. Her writing was organized into two paragraphs. Student 11 made mistakes in all aspects.



Incorrect:He youngest from 3 brother.

Correct: He is the youngest of three brothers.

The researcher gives score 3 because the writer made mistakes regarding the use of “to be” and the use of singular noun.



Incorrect: Otherwais like play surtfing, …

Correct: Otherwise like play surfing

The researcher gives score 3 because the writer’s vocabulary is so limited.



Incorrect: He is, very handsome.

Correct: He is very handsome.

The researcher gives score 4 because error in punctuation. The writer puts a comma that it isn’t really needed in the middle of the sentence.


For this aspect, the researcher gives score 4 because some sentences are patchy dealing with the inconsistency of applying correct tenses that distorts the reader’s understanding.

5.Form (Organization)

For this aspect, the researcher gives score 5 because the material is well organized even though there are many mistakes particularly in tenses, vocabulary and the word order.

Student 12

Student 12 produced 9 sentences which consist of 81 words. Her writing was organized into two paragraphs. Student 12 made mistakes in all aspects.



Incorrect:I am have favorite singer.

Correct: I have a favorite singer.

The researcher gives score 4 because the wrong use of “to be.” Actually, it isn’t needed in the sentence above.



Incorrect: She also not arrgane.

Correct: She also not arrogance.

The researcher gives score 3 the writer’s vocabulary is so limited, she made mistakes in explaining someone’s character.



Incorrect:I am very like with voice she. “I’m very like she”.

Correct:I really like her voice. I really like her.

The researcher gives score 3 because the wrong use of punctuation. She puts a quotation mark that it isn’t really needed.


For this aspect, the researcher gives score 5 because there are some lack of consistency between the sentences particularly in grammar, vocabulary, and word order.

5.Form (Organization)

For this aspect, the researcher gives score 5 because the material is well organized even though there are some mistakes regarding grammar, vocabulary, and word order.

Student 13

Student 13 produced 7 sentences which consist of 57 words. Her writing was organized into two paragraphs. Student 13 made mistakes in all aspects.



Incorrect: I like Gita Gutawa because she moment sing voice very good.

Correct: I like Gita Gutawa because she has a good voice.

The researcher gives score 3 because errors in expressing ideas regarding possessive form.



Incorrect: She always give a smile the which like that sweet.

Correct:She always gives a sweet smile.

The researcher gives score 5 because the word choice is not appropriate. The writer puts the word that isn’t really needed. .



Incorrect:I like Gita Gutawa because. She

Correct:I like Gita Gutawa because she

The researcher gives score 4 because the writer puts a full stop which it isn’t really needed in the middle of sentences.


For this aspect, the researcher gives score 3 because the wrong use of structure and vocabulary that can make the reader feel difficult in understanding the writing.

5.Form (Organization)

For this aspect, the researcher gives score 1 because the material is not well organized. The lack of organization is very poos so the communication is impaired.

Student 14

Student 14 produced 9 sentences which consist of 78 words. Her writing was organized into three paragraphs. Student 14 made mistakes in all aspects.



Incorrect: My best friend name Eka and Vira.

Correct:My best friends names are Eka and Vira.

The researcher gives score 4 because the writer didn’t put the singular form, possessive case, and to be.



Incorrect: My prossess three best friend …

Correct:I have three best friends …

The researcher gives score 3 because the writer’s vocabulary is so limited. The writer use the wrong form of possessive form and she didn’t show the plural form.



Incorrect:Finally I, with my best friend…

Correct:Finally, I with my best friend…

The researcher gives score 4 because wrong position of punctuation.


For this aspect, the researcher gives score 3 because the wrong use of structure and vocabulary, that can make the communication impaired.

5.Form (Organization)

For this aspect, the researcher gives score 2 because individual ideas may be clear but very difficult to deduce connection between them.

Student 15

Student 15 produced 14 sentences, which consist of 113 words. Her writing was organized into two paragraphs. Student 15 made mistakes in all aspects.



Incorrect:Vidi, your the best.

Correct:Vidi, you are the best.

The researcher gives score 3 because the writer used the possessive fom in explaining personal pronoun.



Incorrect: Performance is very interested for the audiens.

Correct: The performance is very interested for the audience.

The researcher gives score 2 because the writer’s vocabulary is so limited.



Incorrect:My favorite singer, is Vidi Alviano.

Correct: My favorite singer is Vidi Alviano.

The researcher gives score 3 because the wrong use of punctuation. She puts a comma that it isn’t really needed in the middle of sentence.


For this aspect, the researcher gives score 3 because the wrong use of structure and vocabulary that can make the readers fell difficult in understanding the writing.

5.Form (Organization)

For this aspect, the researcher gives score 5 because the material is well organized even though there are many mistakes in grammar, vocabulary and word choice.

Student 16

Student 16 produced 7 sentences which consist of 90 words. Her writing was organized into two paragraphs. Student 16 made mistakes in all aspects.



Incorrect: On day Saturday, I and friend go to supermarket.

Correct: On Saturday, my friend and I went to the supermarket.

The researcher gives score 4 because the use of tenses and word order are not appropriate.



Incorrect: .. may friend …

Correct:.. my friend …

The researcher gives score 3 because the writer’s is so limited, the word choice is not appropriate.



Incorrect:On Sunday I, and friend …

Correct: On Sunday, my friend and I

The researcher gives score 4 because the wrong position of punctuation.


For this aspect, the researcher gives score 1 because all the sentences are inconsistency related to the misused of structure and vocabulary.

5.Form (Organization)

For this aspect, the researcher gives score 1 because lack of organization so severe that communication is seriously impaired.

Student 17

Student 17 produced 11 sentences, which consist of 83 words. His writing was organized into three paragraphs. Student 17 made mistakes in all aspects.



Incorrect: …but every Saturday we are came to Rudy home.

Correct: …but every Saturday we go to Rudy’s home.

The researcher gives score 4 because the wrong use of tenses and possessive form.



Incorrect: We often playing football together my friends.

Correct:We always playing football together with my friends.

The researcher gives score 2 because occasionally uses inappropriate terms or relies on circumlocutions; expression of ideas hardly impaired.



Incorrect:They are, Rudy and Brury.

Correct: They are Rudy and Brury.

The researcher gives score 3 because the wrong use of punctuation. She puts a comma that it isn’t really needed in the middle of sentence.


For this aspect, the researcher gives score 1 because all the sentences are inconsistency each other. There are many mistakes in grammar, vocabulary, and word order.

5.Form (Organization)

For this aspect, the researcher gives score 2 because the individual ideas may be clear but very difficult to deduce the connection between them.

Student 18

Student 18 produced sentences, which consist of 76 words. Her writing was organized into two paragraphs. Student 18 made mistakes in all aspects.



Incorrect: My parents go to hospital for to see condition my sister.

Correct:My parents went to the hospital to see my sister’s condition.

The researcher gives score 3 because the errors in grammar particularly with the tenses and possessive form.



Incorrect: We shock to hear inform that.

Correct: We shocked when heard that information.

Based on the errors above, the researcher gives score 3 because the writer’s vocabulary limited.



Incorrect:I just pray; for my sister.

Correct: I just pray for my sister.

The researcher gives score 4 because the wrong use of punctuation. The writer put a semi colon, which it isn’t really need in the middle of the sentence.


For this aspect, the researcher gives score 1 because all the sentences are inconsistency each other. There are many mistakes in grammar, vocabulary, and word order.

5.Form (Organization)

. For this aspect, the researcher gives score 2 because the individual ideas may be clear but very difficult to deduce the connection between them.

Student 19

Student 19 produced 15 sentences, which consist of 97 words. Her writing was organized into two paragraphs. Student 19 made mistakes in all aspects.



Incorrect: We hav my hobby that same.

Correct:We have the same hobby.

The researcher gives score 2 because the wrong use of tenses and word order.



Incorrect: Whan day …

Correct: One day …

Based on the errors above, the researcher gives score 3 because the writer’s vocabulary limited.



Incorrect: We usually, watching film, or watching festival band.

Correct:We usually watching film or watching band festival.

The researcher gives score 4 because the wrong use of punctuation. The writer put a semi colon, which it isn’t really need in the middle of the sentence.


For this aspect, the researcher gives score 1 because all the sentences are inconsistency each other. There are many mistakes in grammar, vocabulary, and word order.

5.Form (Organization)

. For this aspect, the researcher gives score 2 because the individual ideas may be clear but very difficult to deduce the connection between them.

Student 20

Student 20 produced 7 sentences which consist of 64 words. Her writing was organized into two paragraphs. Student 20 made mistakes in all aspects.



Incorrect:Last Sunday I and my friends go to Lasiana beach.

Correct: Last Sunday my friends and I went to Lasiana beach.

The researcher gives score 4 because the wrong use of tenses and word order.



Incorrect:After we playing until content we go change clotehs pass we ready eat.

Correct:After satisfied playing, we changed clothes to be ready to eat.

Based on the errors above, the researcher gives score 3 because the writer’s vocabulary is so limited.



Incorrect: Last Sunday I, and my friends …

Correct: Last Sunday, I and friends …

The researcher gives score 4 because the wrong position of punctuation (comma).


For this aspect, the researcher gives score 2 because the relationship between the sentences are disturbed by the use of inappropriate structures and vocabulary.

5.Form (Organization)

. For this aspect, the researcher gives score 2 because the individual ideas may be clear but very difficult to deduce the connection between them.

After discussing the data analysis, the writer would like to draw 7tablesto show the students writing scores.

Table 4.2.a The Students’ Writing Scores




Level of Ability















































































































































































Class Average Mark








Gr.=Scores of Grammar

Vb.=Scores of Vocabulary

Ms=Scores of Mechanics

Fl=Scores of Fluency

F/O=Scores of Form / Organization

The table above shows that the total score on Grammar is 69, Vocabulary is 62, Mechanics is 81, Fluency is 57 and Form (Organization) is 67. The class average scores for every aspect are as follows:

a.Grammar =69 = 3.45 (Average)




c.Mechanics = 81 =4.05(Good)


d.Fluency=57=2.85(Below Average)




While, the class average mark is obtained from accumulation of the five aspects of writing as drawn below:

(S.Gr= 3.45 + S.Vb= 3.1 + S.Ms= 4.05 + S.Fl= 2.85 + S.F/O= 3.35 = 16.8 (Good)

Table 4.2.b The Distribution of The Students’ Scores on Grammar

Range of Scores



Level of Ability








Very Good












Below Average








Table 4.2.b shows the various scores gotten by the students regarding grammar. There is no student (0%) gets the highest score 6 (Excellent). There are 2 students (10%) get score 5 (Very Good). There are 7 students (35%) get score 4 (Good). There are 9 students (45%) get score 3 (Average). There are 2 students (10%) get score 2 (Below Average) and there is no student (0%) gets score 1 (Bad).

Table 4.2.c The Distribution of The Students’ Scores on Vocabulary

Range of Scores



Level of Ability








Very Good












Below Average








Table 4.2.c shows the various scores gotten by the students regarding vocabulary. There is no student (0%) gets the highest score 6 (Excellent). There are 2 students (10%) gets score 5 (Very Good). There is 1 student (5%) get score 4 (Good). There are 14 students (70%) get score 3 (Average). There are 3 students (15%) get score 2 (Below Average). And there is no student (0%) gets score 1 (Bad).

Table 4.2.d The Distribution of The Students’ Scores on Mechanics

Range of Scores



Level of Ability








Very Good












Below Average








Table 4.2.d shows the various scores gotten by the students regarding mechanics. There is 1 student (5%) gets the highest score 6 (Excellent). There is 1 student (0%) gets score 5 (Very Good). There are 16 students (80%) get score 4 (Good). There are 2 students (10%) got score 3 (Average). There is no student (0%) got score 2 (Below Average) and score 1 (Bad).

Table 4.2.e The Distribution of The Students’ Scores on Fluency

Range of Scores



Level of Ability








Very Good












Below Average








Table 4.2.e shows the various scores gotten by the students regarding fluency. There is no student (0%) gets the highest score 6 (Excellent). There are 3 students (15%) get score 5 (Very Good). There are 3 students (15%) get score 4 (Good). There are 8 students (40%) get score 3 (Average). There is 1 students (5%) get score 2 (Below Average). And 5 students (25%) got score 1 (Bad).

Table 4.2.f The Distribution of The Students’ Scores on Form (Organization)

Range of Scores



Level of Ability








Very Good












Below Average








Table 4.2.f shows the various scores gotten by the students regarding form (organization). There is no student (0%) gets the highest score 6 (Excellent). There are 7 students (35%) get score 5 (Very Good). There are 3 students (15%) get score 4 (Good). There are 2 student (10%) gets score 3 (Average). There are 6 students (5%) get score 2 (Below Average). And there are 2 students (10%) gets score 1 (Bad).

Table 4.2.g The Distribution of The Students’ Scores on Students’ Ability Level in Writing Composition


Standard of Measurement



Level of Ability










Very Good















Below Average









Table 4.2.g shows the various scores gotten by the students regarding their ability level in writing composition. There is no student (0%) gets score 26-30 (Excellent) and gets scores 21-25 (Very Good). There are 15 students (75%) get scores 16-20 (Good). There are 5 students (25%) gets scores 11-15 (Average). There is no student (0%) gets score 6-10 (Below Average) and gets score 0-5 (Bad).



In this chapter, the writer explains about the conclusions and suggestions based on the result of the study.


After long analysis on students’ compositions, the writer comes out to write the following conclusions:

1.The Third Year Students of SMPK St. Yoseph Kupang are able to write composition.

2.The students’ level of ability is 16.8 (Good).


Although the result of the study shows that the students are able to write a composition with the level are good, the writer needs to propose the following suggestions:

1.The teacher needs to consider the students’ English grammar, vocabulary, and fluency because this study proves that the students committed many mistakes on those aspects.

2.The students are required to enrich their grammar, vocabulary; particularly the use of appropriate tenses, regular and irregular verbs, the use of auxiliary verbs, and the use of full verbs in the sentences.


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