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Ilmu Sosbud

Public Education

3 Juni 2022   23:30 Diperbarui: 3 Juni 2022   23:35 1241
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Public education has different meanings today, depending on how the meaning of “public” is understood. The notion of public education during the bourgeois revolution was defined as education provided by the state or public organizations as opposed to education provided by private companies or individuals. In public authorities such as national public bodies public education is education provided by public authority entities. Regardless of the theory, the contradiction of public education is actually regulated by the state because there are class conflicts of interest, regional disparities, ethnic and cultural differences in the country, the relationship between the security of each individual's development and the realization of national interests is not harmonious. Since the 19th century, the public education system is a national education system of the type led by the established nation. In contemporary Japan, public education is an educational organization with a general nature based on Article 6 of the Basic Education Law, therefore private schools and other schools are also positioned as public education subject to public authority regulations. Here are some articles that discuss public education.

In the article entitled "Mechanisms of Public Education Influencing Waste Classification Willingness" the authors conducted a study on how public education affects citizens' willingness to classify household waste and analyzes the role of attitudes, subjective norms, perceptions of behavioral control, and conscious personality. The results obtained are that public education has a significant positive effect on the willingness of urban residents to classify household waste, and attitudes, subjective norms, and perceptions of behavioral control are strongly influenced by public education so that it affects the willingness of citizens to classify household waste.

In the article entitled “Optimal Intergenerational Transfers: Public Education and Pensions” the researchers focused on the most common forms of government intervention in the education market and government-funded public education provision. The results of his research are stating that the total expenditure on public education is superior to private education, this is because education is cheaper so it can increase the pool of resources in the economy in the next period, if the process continues then public education can move beyond the market level which is incomplete and completely will replace the private education market.

Next, the article entitled “Individual Preferences For Public Education Spending: Does Personal Income Matter” discusses individual preferences in spending funds on public education. The results stated by the authors are in accordance with data from the 2006 international social survey program which shows that when access to higher levels of education is restricted (low inclusiveness) and when the share of public spending on tertiary education is high, the poor are less likely to support education spending. public. This suggests that reforming the education system towards greater inclusivity could contribute to increasing political support for public investment in education from the relatively poor majority of the population.

The next article entitled “Public Education, Intergenerational Transfers, and Fertility” discusses the welfare effects of public education provision, intergenerational transfer and changes in demographic growth rates. The result of the research is that in financing education investment there is no credit market so that the government provides public education for young people, financed by a lump-sum tax on parents. Intergenerational transfers also affect individual savings and the dynamic path of the economy, the notion of welfare being used is the individual's utility with consumption expressed in terms of output per unit.

The last article entitled "Analysing The Importance of E-Government in Times Of Disruption: The Case Of Public Education in Rwanda During Covid-19 Lockdown" discusses how e-education can help in providing public education during the Covid-19 lockdown and the effects from the lockdown on Rwanda's public education. The results show that the lockdown imposed by the Government of Rwanda to curb the spread of Covid-19 has a negative impact on public education, because the country has not provided e-education services to children during the lockdown, the government has not been able to provide electronic services to students during the lockdown due to lack of ICT infrastructure, lack of investment, poverty and affordability of ICT tools, and lack of skills in ICT.

From the five articles, it can be concluded that public education can help residents to get education efficiently and does not need to spend excessive funds.

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Pendidikan publik memiliki arti yang berbeda-beda pada saat ini, tergantung kepada bagaimana arti “publik” itu dipahami. Pengertian pendidikan publik selama revolusi borjuis diartikan sebagai pendidikan yang disediakan oleh negara atau organisasi publik sebagai lawan dari pendidikan yang disediakan perusahaan swasta atau perorangan. Dalam otoritas publik seperti badan publik nasional pendidikan publik adalah pendidikan yang diberikan oleh entitas otoritas publik. Terlepas dari teorinya, kontadiksi pendidikan publik sebenarnya diatur oleh negara karena Terdapat konflik kepentingan kelas, disparitas wilayah, perbedaan etnis dan budaya di dalam negeri, hubungan antara keamanan perkembangan setiap individu dan perwujudan kepentingan nasional tidak harmonis. Sejak abad ke-19, sistem pendidikan publik merupakan sistem pendidikan nasonal dari jenis yang dipimpim oleh bangsa didirikan. Di Jepang kontemporer, pendidikan publik adalah organisasi pendidikan dengan sifat umum yang berdasar kepada pasal 6 Undang-Undang Pendidikan Dasar, maka dari itu sekolah swasta dan sekolah yang lainnya juga diposisikan sebagai pendidikan publik yang tunduk kepada peraturan otoritas publik. Berikut ada beberapa artikel yang membahas mengenai pendidikan publik.

Pada artikel yang berjudul “Mechanisms of Public Education Influencing Waste Classification Willingness” para penulis melakukan penelitian mengenai bagaimana pendidikan publik memberikan pengaruh terhadap kesediaan warga untuk mengklasifikasikan sampah rumah tangga dan menganalisis peran sikap, norma subjektif, persepsi pengendalian perilaku, dan kepribadian yang sadar. Hasil penelitian yang didapat yaitu pendidikan publik sangat berpengaruh positif secara signifikan terhadap kesediaan warga perkotaan untuk mengklasifikan sampah rumah tangga, dan sikap, norma subjektif, serta persepsi kontrol perilaku sangat dipengaruhi oleh pendidikan publik sehingga mempengaruhi kemauan warga untuk mengklasifikan sampah rumah tangga.

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