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Woman of Conference




"The First and Only Indonesian in VIP Meet and Greet Hailee Steinfeld in Toronto Voicenotes Tour 2018"

17 Juli 2018   03:20 Diperbarui: 17 Juli 2018   04:40 1142
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Hailee Steinfeld is a legend. Since watching her incredible role as Mattie Ross in True Grit (2011) movie, I have been knowing that she is such a special figure in Hollywood industry. She was just 14 years old when she was nominated for Best Supporting Actress in Academy Award. Then life continues easily for her.

She had roles also in several movies, naming 10.000 Saints, Romeo&Juliet, Term Life, Barely Lethal, The Homesman, The Keeping Room, 3 Days To Kill, Begin Again, Ender's Game, Edge of Seventeen, and began more famous and popular in Asia, especially in my country Indonesia, since Pitch Perfect 2. At this movie also we could see her for the very first time of her quality in singing.

I adore Hailee Steinfeld since her epic role as Mattie Ross in True Grit movie in 2011 but I am officially her fans since 2017 while I hear her songs; Love Myself, Starving, Most Girls, and Let Me Go. Then I watched Pitch Perfect 3 and I unconditionally love her. She has a nice pop voice, beautiful charisma, and also nice personality. She is never in trouble, problematic, or dramatic life like other famous persons.

In December 2017, I started to save my money to buy ticket concert of Charlie Puth's Voicenotes Tour because Hailee Steinfeld is scheduled as special opening performance. I chose Canada besides other Voicenotes Tour cities because for Indonesians are quite hard to get American Visa. Besides, I can speak French, so I think it is easier for me to go to Canada. I didn't have credit card, so that I use my bestfriend's credit card, Fitria Kurniawati Susilo. Thanks God I afford to buy VIP Meet&Greet ticket also.

In February 2018 while I was speaker in Multidisciplinary Conference of IJAS Conference in University of Malta, I got noticed from Instagram that Hailee Steinfeld would come to NET Indonesia Choice Awards 5.0 in 29 April 2018 in Sentul Convention Centre. OMG, Sentul is the place where I am daily going to my office (Indonesia Defense University).

I am so happy then I started to find Hailee fanbase in Indonesia, but I feel I am not mingled with Hailee fans because they are just knowing Hailee in music and they had handled me like a child. Based on my experience with Mariana Renata fanbase, all people are treated equally because all fans have the same human rights to meet their idol. No matter how age, professions, or experience they have. I can not find this professionalism in previous Hailee fanbase, so I made my own fanbase of Hailee Steinfeld Indonesia and everybody loves it.

In 29 April 2018 I got tickets of NET ICA 5 from my two bestfriends, Lusi Triana and Artha PPA. They love me and I love them. Well in 29 April 2018 finally I saw Hailee live performance for the very first time. I was on right side of her, not so far, but not so close, coz I was in sitting ticket, not standing ticket in the fanpit. I was so happy. I was wondering in my heart that this July I must to see Hailee in person, no matter how.

In May and June 2018 was my time for saving money for flights and visa. I got help from my bestfriend again, Fitria Kurniawati Susilo for credit card things. I love her so much. We have been bestfriends since 2009 in Miangas Island community development project of University Indonesia students. 

I also want to thank my bestfriend in office, Lifany Husnul Kurnia and all colleagues in office (Indonesia Defense University) who always support me. In Toronto Canada I am not just going to meet Haiz, but also to have International Conference of Cognitive Semiotics in Ryerson University, Toronto. Remember I am also #WomanOf Conference. I travel around the world to be speaker in International Conference.

I prepared my gifts for Haiz, consisting of Batik clothes, Batik bracelet, Batik pensil case, and also 2 (two) tshirt of my official merch with text "Woman Of Conference". I gave her the red and yellow one. Also I wrote an academic paper about "The Existence of Haiz Fanbase in Indonesia: Academic Perspective". I hope she wants to be my Co-Author. I also sent a Toronto postcard where I written that "Dear Hailee, if someday I become Indonesian president, I will invite you, your family, and management". I hope she already received all the gifts and read all of this.

In 9 July 2018, I was going to Toronto Canada for Conference and Haiz!!

In 11 July 2018 really in the morning I was walking from my Hotel to Toronto City Hall to make VLOG to explain how happy I am in Toronto, also to launch my official merch T shirt with the texts of "Woman of Conference" and "Never Academically Correct". Then I was going to The Cabinet Salon to prepare my hair. OMG I wanted to feel beautiful when I meet Haiz. Luckily I was handled by a professional hairstylist named Cheri. She is so beautiful and she made my hair in braid. I really feel beautiful at that moment and I was ready to meet my idol, HAIZ.

In Budweiser Stage, I was with Charlie Puth VIP fans from Philippines, coz at that time only me as Haiz fans who came earlier than scheduled. We were supposed to check in at 5 PM. I was already there at 3 PM. LOL maybe I was too much. Then after all Charlie Puth VIP fans going inside, Haiz fans were in line in front of VIP Nation banner. I was in 6th first line and this made me lucky. I will tell you later.

So we were doing check in one by one. If I am not mistaken, it was about 40 people who had VIP tickets. Then we were going inside. We were waiting about 45 minutes outside before VIP Nation team announced that Haiz was already ready for VIP Meet&Greet. OMG.

After waiting outside, VIP Nation team made us going inside the left side of Budweiser Stage, it was such a studio or something, so that it was not big but feel private, because it was like a recording room in Radio. Then I saw the bald bodyguard of Haiz who is famous everywhere. I feel Haiz is getting closer to us. In this place also I made friend with Haiz fans from Filipino, Maria, and from Montreal, Dominique. They are beautiful and nice to me.

We are in a steady line. Then VIP Nation called the 3 girls together to going inside, because I think they are sisters. I could hear they are screaming, I could hear unique voice of Haiz, and I could hear they had discussion with Haiz. OMG, at that time I could not relax, I could not act natural, I forgot everything. Just that...The girls are going out and yelled to us, "SHE IS PERFECT".

I am just dying hearing this. I mean, I meet many beautiful artists, but this is Hailee and she is just the one and only one popstar who has Oscar nomination. That just WOW feeling.  Then VIP Nation call my Filipino friend Maria. 1 minute later they called my Montreal friend Dominique. After her it should be me! OMG!

This is my time!!!

I was walking inside the studio. Right in the right of me is Hailee Steinfeld. Standing like goddess and perfect like angel. She welcomed me first, she said "Hai", then I said "Hai" and directly I hug her. She reply my hug. SO SWEET!!! Then she said, "Okay look at the camera, are you ready?". I didn't answer her, I was just too shocked, sorry Haiz, but I realized that the photographer is Griffin Steinfeld, her brother!! So I was quite surprised.

Her eyes are looking at my tshirt "Woman of Conference" and directly I said, "I am from Jakarta". She replied, "Do you live there?". I said, "Yes.". Then she was asking again "What do you do here?". I replied "For conference". She said nothing, but her eyebrows lifting up and her eyes once more looking at my Tshirt. I didn't know what she was thinking of me, but then she said nicely "Jakarta is nice city. I love it." By replying her, I said also "Please come do concert again in Jakarta".

She said "I will, sure". Then I hug her coz I had feeling that my time was finished. She reply again my hug. DAMN SO SWEET I AM HUGGED BY HAILEE STEINFELD!!! There was seconds of silence, I was just muted like a weirdo, then she said softly to make me relax, "Okay thanks, have fun in the show". I didn't say goodbye to her, so stupid I am! I just walking outside the door with a very big smile.

I was meeting again my friends Maria and Dominique. I hug them so tight. We are so happy. We are just waiting our time for getting outside the studio room for about 15 minutes. I was focused on my mobilephone to give some news that I already hug Hailee to my family and bestfriends, then suddenly there was a man, hands behind his back and guided by bodyguards. I didn't see exactly coz I was on my phone, but Maria and Dominique told me that this man has been quitted from VIP place after harassing Hailee. I do not know exactly how, some fans said he touched private parts of her that made her so angry.

Because of this jerk, VIP Nation announced that "Since now, nobody could touch or hug Haiz". OMG I feel lucky to be in the first line. Maria and Dominique are also feel lucky, but at the same time we are so sad and angry. How come such a damn jerk didn't respected Haiz like that. He just ruined people dream to hug Haiz. I could imagine all the fans in line behind him, they must be feel angry. If I knew this, perhaps I would kill him for sure.

This is also lesson learned for artists, artists management, and VIP Nation hosts to scan carefully all identities of people who want to see Haiz. I mean, Haiz is hardworking in music, movies, and she treats her fans like her friends. She does not deserve to be acted like this. Nobody deserves! We have to be careful of such pervert fans. In my Hailee fanbase social media, I warned fans to respect Hailee and I am part of hashtag #RespectHailee. I hope she can recover from that harassment and still in good mood for Voicenotes Tour until September this year.

Based on the VIP Nation photos and observations during queueing in line, I am pretty sure I am the only one Indonesian in this VIP M&G Haiz. That means also that I am the very first Indonesian to meet Haiz in VIP M&G since Haiz welcomed M&G in 2017 Untouchable Tour. I am so happy for this. Thank you so much Ticketmaster and Viagogo where I bought Voicenotes Tour tickets.

Thank you so much VIP Nation for this private experience with Haiz. Thank you so much Haiz artist management, bodyguards, family who made this happen. Thank you so much Hailee Steinfeld. You can keep my promise. If I could be Indonesian President one day, I will invite you, your family, and management. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH HAILEE STEINFELD.

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