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Jeanita Seilia Maudina
Jeanita Seilia Maudina Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa S1 Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang

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FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 as International Communications on Forums International Economy and Geopolitical Strategy

25 Desember 2022   09:15 Diperbarui: 25 Desember 2022   09:21 780
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1. Media rights

According to Investopedia, FIFA earned more than $4.6 billion from the 2018 World Cup. Of this amount, 49% (about USD 3.13 billion) came from television rights. FIFA sells licensing rights to television companies and broadcasters, allowing them to broadcast football matches and related events in certain territories. Because soccer is so popular around the world, competition among broadcasters for licensing rights can be intense.

2. Marketing Authorization

The second largest source of income for FIFA is the sale of marketing rights, which amounted to USD 1.66 billion in the four-year period leading up to the 2022 World Cup. 'cycle time. which involved high-profile corruption scandals and implicated many of FIFA's top officials.

3. Copyright

FIFA released USD 600 million in licensing fees for the 2015-2018 cycle. This amount is 114% higher than the previous cycle. These revenues come from the sale of brand license agreements, royalty payments and other similar sources.

4. Fees and ticket sales

The last major part of FIFA's financial system is that of hospitality and accommodation rights, as well as ticket sales. In particular, the income from the ticket rights is held 100% by the direct aid of FIFA.

From 2015 to 2018, FIFA reported receiving $712 million from hospitality rights and ticket sales. More than 10 million tickets have been requested for the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia. This is the source of FIFA wealth that football fans must know. Despite their revenue exceeding $6.4 billion during the 2015-2018 period, FIFA recorded expenses of $5.36 billion during this period. In addition to program performance, these expenses are used for development and academic services, administration and management, and world football governance which includes legal fees, information technology and construction. (, 2022)

Several controversies have marred the holding of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. Starting with allegations of corruption in Qatar's elections as a supporter of human rights abuses. In fact, former FIFA president Sepp Blatter admitted that he made a mistake in making Qatar the host of the World Cup. Becoming an international class event organizer is the dream of almost every country in the world. At least participating as a participant is to induce euphoria in itself. The selection of Qatar as the host of the World Cup was made at the FIFA executive committee meeting in 2010. During the meeting, the FIFA executive committee named Russia as the host of the 2018 World Cup and Qatar as the host of the 2022 World Cup.

Different strategies to get the world cup are good, comfortable and luxurious. Qatar continues to work on the development of the country and the construction of football stadiums. One of them is the stadium in the town of Lusail, north of Doha. Before the stadium, the city of Lusail was a sleepy and empty town.

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