Mohon tunggu...
Jeanino Martin
Jeanino Martin Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Berbagi ide dan pemikiran

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As The Time Goes By

20 April 2021   15:22 Diperbarui: 20 April 2021   15:24 69
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If I could return to the past, I would.
Not because I regret for what had happened.
But it's because I want to experience again,
those joyful moments of raising you
from a little baby to a teenage girl.

If I could slow down the time, I would.
Not because I don't want you to grow up.
I just want to treasure every moment with you,
and to have more chances to show you
that you are loved.

But I don't have such power.
Every day, you are one day farther from me
as the time goes by.

I barely could keep up this race,
as I try to create new memories in my mind.
Helplessly, I see the time continues to run,
taking you away from me.

#Poems #Daughter #Mother And Daughter

Mohon tunggu...

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