But why Israel still safe in this time. That because some International rights organizations or some countries always provides at oneself side only for Israel.
At another side, historical debt that must be paid by Indonesian to Palestine. At the early independency of Indonesian and at that same time Palestine was starting colonized by Israel after held Balfour Declaration under England regulation. But at that time Palestine had already taught us what meaning of brotherhood (ukhuwah) of. Great Mufti Palestine, Anin Al-Husni at September 6th 1944 gave support for acknowledgment of Indonesian independency later. This made positive effect because Al-Ahraw Daily popular newspaper in Egypt leaded news about Indonesian independency. Those two countries, Palestine and Egypt are the first supporting Indonesian Independency.
But beside these factors, there is main factor make Indonesian must be at the first line guard Palestine. This factor is because they and we are Muslim.
"The believers are nothing else that brother (in Islamic religion)... (Q.S. Al-hujurat: 10)
So Islamic nationalism cause to collapse partition of geographic, race, nation and many borders. If a Muslim, never mind who and where they are, get cruel unwisely, so another Muslim must help them.
"Parable between The believers in love and affection like a body. If a part fell sick, so another part will fell same sickness..." (HR. Bukrari and Muslim).
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