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Irwandi Zakaria
Irwandi Zakaria Mohon Tunggu... Freelancer - Suka nulis dan jadi volunteer di IGI Kabupaten Pidie.





Island in Upper Boat (Part 5)

28 Desember 2012   16:49 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   18:53 76
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Novel. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Fotografierende

And they entered the operating room, the nurse did not give permission for the youth. However machete back playing, a room beside broken glass. Two nurses shed tears, and all were allowed into the room. And they do a standard dress paired medical operations. The young man who never went to high pengguruan was also accompany the doctor until the completion of the operation.

But how surprised the doctor, he asked whether the child had eaten cotton fabric? The boy and the boy's father looked at each other. "Oh, it never pack!" Replied the father.

"So where the fabric is" asked the doctor.

The young men face to face with each other and with a flash them to the doctor. The young men with machetes redirect to the doctor's shoulder. "Explain where it came from real cotton," they shouted.

The father, holding them, "please do not be like that, the deck," the father calm the situation.

The doctor took a deep breath. He again took the cotton had with scissors. Long he stared at the scissors and cotton-covered dirt is solid black. Eyes bulging youth saw bloody cotton. "What is it? asked one of them to the doctor. "You must be afraid to explain the cause," the other boy said.

The doctor sat back, trembling and pale, the pembatunya that after surgery all tied by the berparang youths. Between yes and the doctor began to explain, if the cotton was probably left over from previous operations. Anger exploded youth, they cancel all existing surgical tools in the operating room. The father was ordered out with his son. With their continued struck blindly whatever is in the operating room doctors. Nurses, doctors shouted out, but hit a hard object in front of them can simply stop it all.

Once satisfied with the anger, the youth came out slow and locked from outside the operating room with the messy conditions and the AC is not turned off. Outside they walked slowly, as if he did not happen. Parang put back into the jacket respectively. They brought the child does not pass back room quietly. At the end of the road waiting a labi-labi that had been ordered the father. They returned to his home in the village of Dayah Kerumang.

It was night, the young men who knew him certainly in danger of getting ready. They climbed back labi-labi car earlier. After taking their modest clothing and money heading out to sea long-haul as well, about 25 kilometers from their homes. They headed home an acquaintance at the beach end, after talking for a while, they seem quite familiar, they are moving towards a small boat parked at the edge of the small TPI. They moved towards Malaya, where they will stay for a while although not sure what works.

The father did not euthanize her at home that night, with the help of a neighbor asked him to bring his wife and children to another village. He knew there would be a police officer who came to investigate this kasu. Furor happened the next day, the front page of local newspapers a few pictures posted, two doctors were killed, and several nurses were locked in the operating room with a messy room. Police made the police line in that room. Se antero province condemned depraved behavior, until the governor and the regional police make a special press conference for the problem.

I, again pushing pionku between pounding sea on the ship's aging. walls began to wrinkle a good hiding place for the germs.

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