People have their reasons and perspective on believing in their beliefs. The world we are born with is a world of great variety. Tolerance really needs to be developed. All differences would not have been a problem if it had not been made an issue by people.
Never create conflicts in the name of differences. Love your religion or belief without the need to force others to love your faith. If people believe and have an awareness of the importance of living with tolerance, life will be more peaceful. Be wise and respectful to others.
Sitrait, Arbi M., et al. “Posisi dan Reposisi Kepercayaan Lokal di Indonesia.” Kuriositas: Media Komunikasi Sosial dan Keagamaan, vol. 1, 2015, pp. 25-37,
“Mengenal 7 Kepercayaan di Indonesia yang Ada Sejak Ratusan Tahun Lalu.” Kumparan, 18 Dec. 2019,
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