Dalam konteks ISSA, Good Practice didefinisikan sebagai sebuah pengalaman, aktivitas, pengukuran, proses, program, proyek, atau teknologi yang diimplementasikan oleh organisasi jaminan sosial dengan tujuan perbaikan kapasitas administratif dan operasional, dan/atau efisiensi dan efektivitas  pelaksanaan program.
Berikut ini 9 Penghargaan ISSA untuk BPJS Kesehatan :
Certificates of Merit With Spesial Mention :
1. Â Â Implementation of integrated risk management in line with ISSA Guidelines to manage the National Health Social Security programme.
2. Â Â Involving the society to care about social health care through Kader JKN Programme.
3. Â Â Mobile JKN : A one-stop solution for social security health services at people's fingertips.
Certificates of Merit :
1. Â Â Commitmend-based capitation as Indonesia's model for performance-based payment system for primary care providers: Resolving the challenges of implementing the KBK Scheme in Indonesia's National Health Social Security Program.
2. Â Â Customer Service Time Index and Customer Voice Integrated System CSTI-SUPEL
3. Â Â DEFRADA (Deteksi Potensi Fraud dengan Analisa Data Klaim) The Development of a fraud detection tool in hospital service.