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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Heat Wave Not Only Contributes The Impact to The Health But Also to The Economy, How Come?

30 Juli 2023   22:44 Diperbarui: 30 Juli 2023   22:51 198
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Ilmu Alam dan Teknologi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Anthony

April-Nightmare temperature in Asia

The detriment of the heat wave is avoidable things to people around the world. These issues are being together matter for people: society, doctors, scientists, government, and others. When people are faced bad weather it means that the earth is not fine and it will devastate people's life due to the earth is the place where people live. People can live normally in the normal temperature which is not higher than 37C. But lately, in April the temperature in many countries particularly in Asia have risen up to 40 C and occur successively, this is called the heat wave. For mentioned, here are the data of the temperature of the Asia countries in April:

  • Bangladesh was up to 40 C (104 F) in 15 April
  • India was up to 40.4 C (104.7 F) in 18 April
  • Pakistan was up to 40 C (104 F) in 23 April
  • Sri Lanka was about 39--40 C (102--104 F) in 17 April
  • Cambodia was up to 41.6 C (106.9 F)
  • Laos was  up to 42.9 C (109.2 F) in 19 April
  • Malaysia was up to 38.4 C (101.1 F) in 25 April
  • Myanmar was up to 43 C (109 F) in 25 April, but in 7 May was about 46 C (115 F)
  • Philippines was up to 37 C (99 F), but in 12 May reached 50 C (122 F)
  • Singapore was up to 36.1 C (97.0 F) in 14 April
  • Thailand was up 45.4 C (113.7 F) in 15 April
  • Vietnam was up to 41.4 C (106.5 F)
  • China was up to 42.4 C (108.3 F) in 18 April

The heat wave caused mortality and hospitalization for people. In case such as in India was (13) death, Malaysia was (2) death, Thailand was (2) death, while (50-60) are hospitalized people in India, Malaysia was (5) hospitalized, Philippines (2) hospitalized, and Vietnam (2) hospitalized. As we can see the number of the temperature and mortality are highly adverse. These all of the impacts are from the heat wave.

On the other hand, Indonesia BMKG (Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency) claimed that Indonesia no needs to worry about this phenomenon because Indonesia did not experience the heat wave because the temperature in Indonesia was not up to 40C yet. In April Indonesia only reached 37.2 C. This number is not the criteria of the heat wave.

"Indonesia is not experiencing the heat wave, it's only hot spells." Erma Yulihastin (Indonesia Research Scientist of the National Research and Innovation Agency). Hot spells, the hot air phenomenon that the temperature reaches up to 28 C for more than five days successively. Albeit, Indonesia was not experiencing the heat wave it still did not give comfort for Indonesian, many people still grumble about the hot air.

What happen when the heat wave has crashed?

The extreme heat wave caused many problems in the country which was experiencing that. A lot of people must be hospitalized and not a few ended by the death. This also caused the hospital or health care service to be hectic. The heat wave caused damaged roads and also impact people who are working as a farmer, street vendors, drivers, cleaners, street merchants, and construction workers since their occupations demand them to work outdoor where they must stand a long day under the sun directly. If they afford to not work for several days they are unable to continue their live. They must toil to live with their family because it is not possible to evade the heat wave. The things they can do are only keep hydrated, use a hat or umbrella, stay healthy, start and finish the work earlier, and keep be up to date with the information.

The heat wave also contributed to the impact for school. Many schools were closed. The students must learn from home again like when COVID-19 pandemic came.

The scientist, government, the health agency also were hectic to face for helping people to face, adapt, and survive this heat wave disaster. They educate people on how to keep hydrated, keep the healthy and also the way to cope if something bad happens because of heat wave.

The studies found the heat wave contributed to economy.

Many studies conducted research about the heat wave including what the impact can cause of. A study by (Hanif, 2015) conducted a study entitled Socio-Economic Impacts of Heat Wave in Sind. The study claimed that the heat wave occurred long years ago. In Karachi, Pakistan, the heat wave reached 47.8 C in May 9 1938, and 47 C in June 18 1979. Following, this year in April Pakistan reached 40 C. It means that Pakistan as a part of South Asia country was experiencing the heat wave with the terrifying temperature occurred. This study also claimed that the heat wave gave many impacts; diminish labor productivity, increase mortality and morbidity, increase energy, electricity, and water, loss of crops, and decrease tourism preference. It can be summarized, that the impact of the heat wave not only contributes to the health sector but also to the economy. In case, the increase of consuming electricity can take a lot of the pocket. The decrease in tourism preference will impact the country's economic sector. The hospitality fee is also can dig more money. The loss of crops and productivity can cause the laid off.

Another study by (Xia & and friends, 2018) entitle Assessment of the economic impacts of heat waves: A case study of Nanjing, China. The study mentioned that the heat wave that happened in 2013 years ago gave many impacts to many sectors particularly for economy sector.

The economic sector can be impacted by heat through the loss of working days and productivity. Workers in Nanjing lost 8 hours a day and 250 days in 2013. In fact, manufacturing that worked indoor had lost 12% of working hours for 2 weeks.  Meanwhile, outdoor worker lost 6 hours daily. These losses were driving them in to the decrease of the economy because if they had lost the working hours they instantly would lose productivity. The data shows Nanjing lost about 27.49 billion Yuan in 2013, mainly from the manufacturing sector was about 63.1% or 17.34% billion Yuan. Following the service sector lost 14.3%, for construction 10.7 %, for agriculture 7.6 %, energy supply 3.3 %, and for mining 0.9%.

According to the impact found, it can still affect to people's life up to now particularly in economy sector. It can be concluded that the heat wave is a high detriment disaster. The heat wave not only can impact the health sector but also to the economy sector.

Through these found can be hoped to us to be ready and realize the impact of the heat wave, and also it is hoped it can be the motivation to gain a lot of endeavors to cope the heat wave with the innovation one.

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